It’s Hard To Be A Bad Cat

Chapter 6

Yes, Gu Yusheng was right.

A slick black cat lay on the statue, deliberately hanging down its tail and dangling it like a mess, so that four or five-year-olds surrounded by them were gathered together, flicking to the left, and moving to the left lively. Flick to the right and move to the right lively.

It is similar to the bad behavior of squatting next to the koi pond and deliberately waving your hand to put in feed, causing the fish to swim around in confusion.

Gu Yusheng's expression was a bit complicated. After raising his eyebrows and glanced at the black cat, he looked at the happy children below and wondered what expression to make.

Forget it, the grandparents who looked after the children didn't say anything, and he didn't know how to describe the black cat.

It turns out that this is the black cat that the dialect mentioned before, the black cat that sent the Kyushu community to the headlines.

Sure enough, a well-deserved reputation.

Huatang yawned lazily, and tilted her head to see a stranger. She noticed that the bag in her hand showed a few cartoon toys. She flung her tail with interest, and dropped a group of "Why cats? Disappointed children who don’t play with us ran away.

Stupid cubs, the cat is going to find out the identity of strangers!

Gu Yusheng carried a cold feeling like a mixture of sea water and steel. Even if he was standing there quietly while wearing a hoodie and earphones, he was still a dangerous person in the perception of a cat.

If Bai Hefei is used as a combat unit, the tall stranger in front of him is estimated to have a fighting capacity of 500 "pigeons."

Facing the object Huatang had to be wary of, she squatted not far in front of Gu Yusheng, showing her front paws and flicking the white glowing claw tips, giving Gu Yusheng a threatening expression of teeth.

This cat is quite alert.

Gu Yusheng took the initiative to step back two steps to show weakness to the black cat. He came from the smoke and the flames of war. He had a **** odor that was difficult to hide. Except for the comrades in arms, most animals were afraid of him. The spiritual one is more vigilant and defensive.

The black cat's reaction is very clever.

Getting closer, Huatang saw the community entry and exit card in Gu Yusheng's hand, looked at the other party back and left, after thinking about it, she caught up.

She wants to see where this guy lives and the cat needs to be monitored.

The evil cat does not allow anyone in her territory to challenge the crown of "the worst in the community".

Gu Yusheng also heard the movement behind him, but he didn't look back, and continued to wear the soundproof earphones, and opened the door to go home when he arrived in the "red tile room".

Huatang stepped on the cat box and jumped up, squatting openly outside the window to observe Gu Yusheng for a while, until the other party changed his clothes and started to find a mop to scrub the floor, looking bored, then she left.

You seem to be surrounded by black cats?

Gu Yusheng watched the black shadow disappearing outside the window, feeling a little helpless, and understood why his former cat slave comrades told him that people have no privacy in front of cats.

Although Gu Yusheng disturbed the nature of play, Huatang didn't care, anyway, the cat always had a lot of free time.

Stepping on small steps and returning to the place just now, Huatang wanted to see if he could continue the game of "cub fishing".

Huatang has never understood why human beings raise cubs, crying, making noises, needing care, and being easily injured. Until one day, Huatang unlocked the cub's multiple ways to play and suddenly realized.

The children in the community at this time are all kindergarten children who were just picked up by their grandparents. This may be related to the selection of households in Kyushu Community who care about animals. The children who were brought out to play also liked cats.

When Huatang lay down there, he could attract many children, and then the black cat put his tail down and watched the child stretch his hand hard and turn around with the tail, even if he was busy looking up and watching the tail fall down accidentally. Obediently got up and continued to chase the tail.

Even if you can't touch the tears of the aggrieved cat, the next time you see Huatang, these cubs will still run faster than anyone else. They are very playful.

When the black cat came back, there were still two or three children left. He poked his **** and took a plastic shovel to dig the sand. Seeing that the black cat came back, he immediately threw the shovel down and went to the statue under the statue to touch its tail. .

In the pavilion, a grandma wearing a Tang suit was happy, and told her grandson, "Slow down, don't fall, and don't pull hard, the cat will hurt!"

When the game "fishing for cubs" first started, there were grandparents who felt sorry for their grandchildren and granddaughters, chasing their tails foolishly for a whole afternoon, maybe they could only touch one or two.

I like cats, but I love my children, but I love them too!

However, after one of the grandfathers took the child home and wiped his hands and fed water to ask if he was tired, he was surprised to find that his granddaughter chased the black cat at just the right amount of activity.

I ate dinner by myself, and I didn't have to worry about sleeping anymore. I also met many children of the same age and formed deep friendships in the struggle of chasing tails.

The next day, he communicated with the grandparents of other children, and was surprised to find that the child went home. He might be tired, exhausted and picky and naughty. He could sleep well after eating well.

If you don’t play with cats, you immediately forget them. The grandparents began to encourage the children to chase their tails. Remember to teach them to think about other places. Don’t hurt the cat’s tail, otherwise the cat will ignore them next time.

This principle of operation is the same as taking a Husky out for a run for ten kilometers every day to avoid tearing down the house.

If the skin doesn't move, it's good.

What is called cooperation and win-win is that Huatang is having fun, grandparents are also relaxed, and the children have a moderate amount of exercise.

In the game of "fishing for cubs", there are no losers.

Young people in the Kyushu community feel that it is not common to see Huatang. In fact, it is because they and the cat's work and rest are inconsistent. Huatang's work and rest are closer to the elderly and children, so young people always stagger when the black cat appears.

In the homes of the residents of the community, there is no less incident of "I want to take pictures of cats and friends, but I found out that my parents and my daughters have seen Huatang, but my husband and I have never seen them".

Huatang had played enough, standing on the statue with the same reward, swiping their foreheads with the tip of their tail, which can be considered as a cat's aura.

The black cat's tail was soft and fluffy, and the children bounced happily on the spot. After seeing Huatang really left, he reluctantly went to the pavilion to find his parents.

"Grandma, Huatang and I are best friends."

"No, it's me."

The children quarreled, and the grandparents were cheerful peacemakers, and then each took away to buy the ingredients for dinner.

Not to mention, since Huatang was able to help them with their children, they had a lot of ease, and they had more enthusiasm to prepare dinner.

Huatang went to lie on the tree by the lake, and watched the "fish concubines" who can occasionally see for a while. The cat-watching country is also rich and vast today. She jumped off the tree contentedly and let the warm orange sun give her black skin. Shining light fragments were added to it.

The lake breeze, weeping willows and sunlight made the flowers drowsy, and jumped down the road into a small cart at the door of the unit, and slept happily for a while.

This is an exclusive cart delivered by the supermarket in the community. There is also a cat's paw pattern painted on the outside. A staff member will come and take it back every night, so Huatang can sleep at ease.

Do cats need a reason to sleep?

An empty cardboard box was placed in the trolley, Huatang thought seriously for two seconds, and got in with joy.

What kind of fairy space is this~

The black cat got in and filled it in tightly, plus its own shadow and complementary colors. From the outside, there was no cat in the carton at all.

Han Lan asked to take care of her nanny Su, carrying two large pockets of fruits and vegetables and pure milk in her hand. When she was a little still downstairs, her eyes lit up and saw the small cart.

When she first came out of the supermarket, she forgot to push a cart, thinking that she could carry it back from such a short distance. She didn't expect that half of the watermelon inside was too heavy, and the heavier and heavier she carried it. Fortunately, she saw an empty cart downstairs. .

There is a positioning transmitter in the trolley, which is collected by the supermarket. Aunt Su has seen residents in the same building push the trolley into the building before.

She walked quickly and found that there was a cardboard box inside, but she didn't care if it looked quite clean. She put the bag inside to free her hands, beat her aching waist, and sighed in relief and pushed the car into the elevator to take the elevator.

The bag is filled with food. Aunt Su is worried about hygiene and does not want to put things on the ground. Fortunately, there is a small cart.

When I got to the fifth floor, Aunt Su pushed the car out of the elevator. Before opening the door, thinking that Han Langang had a low abortion resistance, it would be bad if there were any bacteria on the cart. She opened the door and pushed a little. Put the car outside and start taking things inside.

The sound disturbed Han Lan, and the young woman came out of the bedroom with a pale face, watching Aunt Su's busyness, ready to come over and help.

"Sit down, the door is open and windy, don't blow." The bag was stretched open by the fruits and vegetables inside, and two boxes of tomatoes fell out. Aunt Su asked Han Lan on the side and bends over to take out the tomatoes. .

Then, he felt a soft fur.

Aunt Su was so scared that she almost jumped, Huatang also felt confused.

She just went to sleep in a box casually, how could she wake up with the smell of watermelon?

Yo, there are two boxes of tomatoes.

Huatang likes red fruits and vegetables. She can't help but press the tomatoes with the plastic wrap alternately with her front paws. The claws feel good.

When she moved here last week, Aunt Su knew that there was a cat in the community. She was worried for a while. She was afraid that the cat would come to her house.

Cats, dogs, maybe they have some flea bacteria on them, but you can't bring them home.

Aunt Su didn't want to hate or hurt cats, but she didn't like it either. She was startled by the black cat that got out of the trolley and screamed on the spot.

Han Lan came out hurriedly to see what was going on, and then saw Huatang too.

"Ah? Is it Huatang?" Han Lan is a pet lover, looking at the black cat with round cheeks and can't help but stretch out her hand next to her, wanting to see if the cat is not allowed to hug it.

When Aunt Su saw Han Lan came out, she had a headache. She wanted to say that the cat was unhygienic, but she didn't know what to say after seeing the surprise on Han Lan's face after hugging the cat.

Han Lan lost the pet dog Bibimbap that had accompanied her for five years five days ago, and her expression has always been melancholy, that is, she laughed when she saw Huatang.

"It's okay Aunt Su, didn't the community say that Huatang is very clean." Moreover, Han Lan has taken care of pets for many years. From the corners of the eyes, ears and nose of the black cat, it can be seen that the cat is hygienic and healthy.

Carefully holding the black cat in his arms, Han Lan bowed his head and invited seriously, "Come to my house for a while?"

Huatang did not refuse, that is, she agreed. Han Lan asked Aunt Su to leave the door ajar, letting the black cat know that this was not an environment that closed her, and embraced Huatang enthusiastically into the living room.

I also found out the household manual with Huatang information before, and wanted to find Huatang some snacks.

The evil cat pressed Han Lan's shoulder with its front paws, and the whole cat floated.

If Huatang is not mistaken, Han Lan in front of him is Bai Hefei's ancient costume goddess. His mobile phone screen and computer desktop are still still pictures of Han Lan and white clothes fluttering.

Coincidentally, Huatang also likes Han Lan's appearance, being held in her arms by a gentle beauty, the cat just feels that the villain's happiness is unimaginable.

She, Huatang, today is going to broad daylight, robbing people from women~