It’s Too Hard To Die

v1 Chapter 103: Did you mean it?

"Of course you did it. You still have the face to ask me what's wrong?" Although Elder Sha was not angry enough, he still couldn't hide his anger.

"We played?" The elders were immediately puzzled. We were all rushing for the lottery just now. Who has this free time to beat you.

Because the elders were too involved in the lottery, too excited, and fighting too fiercely just now, they had completely forgotten the incident that they beat the elder just now.

"Who else did you fight? Who else was there besides you?" Elder Sha wanted to stand up, but he lay down again with a cry of pain, because the physical injury was too serious. Too many, he can't stand up at all now.

"Elder, don't you want to plant the blame on you?" Some elders felt a little uncomfortable. We all said that we did not do it. Why do you still insist that we did it? Don't you be like an errant like this?

"I'm marrying..." Elder Sha was furiously together. Although the posture was very handsome, the result was miserable. "Oh!" Elder Sha yelled again and lay down directly.

"Elder, your way of drawing lots is unfair, we need to make a new decision." Some elders just brought the topic back to the subject, because they are very anxious now, and they all want to go out and take a look.

As for the injury of the great elder, he can't die anyway, just sit here and listen. It's the same for standing, sitting, and lying anyway.

"Unfair?" Elder Sha tilted his head and asked. He thought it was fair. Anyway, I got the lottery by myself. It's not in my consideration whether you got the lottery or not.

"Fair! Fair. I think this method is fair and just. This is the best method. There is no one." Before the other elders could answer, the elder who had just drawn the two signs stood up and expressed his opinion.

Just kidding, wouldn't the people we draw the lottery say something unfair, don't they just get mercury in their minds? What you say is unfair is just that you didn't get it. You are making excuses for your weak strength. You are playing mischief.

"Yes, I think it's fair." Elder Sha also agreed. After all, he and these two people are in the same group, and of course the same views.

"Fair Nima." The elders scolded in their hearts. Of course you are in a group and feel fair.

"Not yet decided? Go." When they were about to discuss the candidates for the mission again, the saint suddenly opened and opened the hall and walked in, although the door of the hall was almost destroyed by these top elders. .

"It's decided, saint, shall we go now?" Elder Sha thought of getting up and walking to the saint, but he couldn't get up because of his injuries.

His two teammates were really heart-warming, and lifted him to the front of the saint.

"Is it the three of you?" The saint felt that this combination was a bit messy. Two of them were so injured that they couldn't stand up. How could they do the task?

"Yes, yes, saint, it was the three of us that was decided by the lottery just now." Elder Sha replied, finally able to go out, but I can't move now, how can I go out?

"Okay, let's go." The saint didn't ask more about other things, turned her head and left. Anyway, she was just a supervisor, and nothing else had anything to do with her.

"Holy...Holy woman, the old man may not be able to accompany you out with you in his current state." Elder Sha suddenly stopped the saint woman, he knew the injuries in his body very well, and within a few months, he would not get better at all. .

Because this space was created by the power of the **** emperor, the power of space is everywhere, and both going out and entering need to be tested by the power of space. The pressure of the test is that the weaker the strength, the lower the pressure, and the stronger the strength, the higher.

To put it simply, no matter how low or high your strength is, you can enter this space, but the premise is that your physical injury is not like Elder Sha’s current near-death state, if the same, then you will die. , There will be no people before entering.

"That's good." The first words of the saint let Elder Sha breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time he was surprised, "When is this grandma so good to talk?"

"Then change someone." But the next words of the saint almost scared Elder Sha to death.

"Holy woman, no, how can you say that you change people? This is the result of a fair lottery decision. Also, the old man's injury is actually not serious. I have been pretending just now. To be honest, I really have something wrong. Not at all." The Great Elder tried to stand up straight, but his strength was completely forbidden.

"Holy woman, I have studied medicine, and I can diagnose and treat the elder." An elder suddenly walked out of the crowd. He was wearing a white coat and his hair was gray, and he looked like a real healer.

"Oh, I have to rely on me to take action at the critical moment." The elder sighed in his heart. Contributed.

The saint just nodded, and didn't care too much. It was the same for anyone to go out with her, and she didn't do the task.

The other elders looked at this elder with admiration and staring at the hero, brother, no matter the success of this operation, we will always remember your profound righteousness.

The elder who claimed to be a doctor walked over to Elder Sha, squatted down, and then took one of Elder Sha's arm and prepared to signal the pulse.

"Ah! It hurts!" Elder Sha exclaimed, and instantly threw away the elder's hand, because this arm was broken, of course it hurts.

"Okay, okay, this is just a small episode, don't bother you." The elder took the other hand of Elder Sha again, because he was afraid that the arm of Elder Sha would also be broken, so he took it from the hand. Started.

"Ah! It hurts!" Elder Sha slammed his hand away from that elder's hand again, because this time his arm didn't break and his hand was broken.

"Did you deliberately?!" Elder Sha was anxious at the time, and he numbered the pulse twice, and the two times he found it happened to be the wound. You did it on purpose.

"Fart! Even though you are the elder, you can't frame people like this? As the so-called healer's parental heart, I was as gentle as taking care of my son when I saw the doctor. I didn't expect you to retaliate against me so much, you! It's a wolf-hearted dog!" The elder said so exciting that all the elders present were moved.

It's just that they think this elder said something a little weird.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong." Elder Sha apologized very sincerely, and didn't notice what was strange just now.