It’s Too Hard To Die

v1 Chapter 147: Isn't this my home?

"Help, please help me, my legs are almost out of sensation." The little monk had tears in his eyes, and the tears flowed down, as if he was crying into tears.

After hearing this sound, the others turned on the flying mode, and quickly ran to Xiao Bai and the others.

At this time, the person in charge of the area also understood what the little monk was going to do, and just wanted to stop it, but unfortunately it was too late. Now the entire room was gathered around Xiao Bai and the others.

"What's going on, why is this little monk pressed here by the sandbag?" asked a man covered in muscles and sweating profusely.

"I know, this little monk is just about to practice boxing, but he hasn't even touched it. The sandbag suddenly fell and knocked him down. Look at how he was crushed. What is even more hateful is here. The person in charge of the area also made him lose money. Where did such a small kid get the money to lose them." One person explained that this was the clone of Sfeihan.

"This shop is really too much." One said, frowning, this kind of bullying is obvious.

"Yeah, it's too much. How did this kind of person become the regional leader?" One person also felt that this was too much.

The person in charge of the area on the side is as dark as the bottom of the pot, what is this all about?

"Don't tell me you guys, hurry up and help. This thing is too heavy. So many of us can't move it. It's really hard to imagine that this little monk can survive being hit by this thing." One person shouted. As soon as he arrived at the scene, he helped Nangong Yunmo and the others lift the sandbags, but only after lifting it did he find that he couldn't lift it at all.

That's because Xiao Bai gave the sandbag a gravity effect that only the person who lifted it could feel it, but the person who was pressed could not.

Soon, a large number of people gathered next to the sandbag. If it weren't for the fact that the sandbags were full of people standing around, there would be a lot of people on it.

"One! Two! Three! Get up!" With a shout, the sandbag on the little monk was finally lifted.

"Thank you, thank you everyone." The little monk burst into tears and was grateful. He wanted to stand up and bow to everyone, but his legs were already numb. He just stood up and almost sat on the ground with a stagger. Fortunately, Nangong Yunmo supported him. , Otherwise it would be a real fall.

"This is the acting school." Xiao Bai exclaimed in his heart, and he almost believed that tm played himself.

Others felt so distressed to see the little monk. After all, most of the people present had children in their homes. It is inevitable that they would think of their own children because of the little monk. Such a small child was so wronged, alas. , Everything is to blame for this broken place.

"What kind of a broken place is this? You have to push the pot to other children because your equipment is not good enough. You still want the children to lose money. How can such a small child pay you for the money?" A middle-aged man pointed to the area and was responsible. The man's nose cursed.

Everyone also found the problem in an instant, and the face of the person in charge of the area looked very unkind.

The person in charge of the area also secretly said a bad cry, he wanted to be greedy for something cheap and greedy himself.

"That brother was right, aren't you a blatant bully? The most important thing is that you bullied children, even children, you are really a beast! You really are not a son of man." A man Said.

"I didn't." The regional leader whispered, but he was not confident.

"Yes, yes, we are all blind, what about you tm fooling Sabi?" a grumpy man cursed.

"Where is the owner of your store? Call your owner over!" a man commanded with a gold medal.

The person in charge of the area turned pale as soon as he saw this gold medal. After that, he was from the City Lord's Mansion.

"It turned out to be the brother of the City Lord's Mansion. Since you are there, it's easy to deal with it." A man greeted him. It seems that the city's City Lord's Mansion has a high prestige in the hearts of the people.

Just as everyone exchanged a few words, the shopkeeper ran over quickly.

His strength is also very good, but it is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the City Lord’s Mansion, so he panicked after knowing this incident. "Everyone, this incident is all our fault. It is my eyes. I found a scourge to be a clerk, and I will pay compensation now."

"This boss is pretty good," Xiao Bai said in his heart. In fact, he didn't expect that this matter would have caused such a big trouble. He didn't expect to involve all the people in the City Lord's Mansion.

In the end, after the compensation from the store and the dismissal of the area manager, the matter was settled, and everyone dispersed.

"Split part of the money you got. Others have helped us so much, and we should always give them something in return." Xiao Bai said while looking at the little monk.

"How to give it to them? One by one?" The little monk raised his head and asked. He didn't care about the money at all. After all, Xiao Bai was worried about him.

"Take your space ring out." Xiao Bai said.

The little monk did what Xiao Bai said. He put the space ring in his palm, and Xiao Bai tapped the space ring lightly, and the spirit stone in the space ring turned into rays of light and flew into the person who had just helped. In the space ring.

This light can only be seen by Xiao Bai and others, and other people can't see it, so it's even less noticeable.

"Let's go, it's time to eat New Year's Eve dinner after a while." Xiao Bai said.

The night falls quickly, the sound of fireworks and firecrackers outside is endless, and the family is reunited, when the beautiful atmosphere is strongest.

Xiao Bai and the others sat together and blessed each other. Xiao Bai stood up and raised his wine glass. "The New Year is coming. I wish you success in your practice, success in the new year, more handsome and more beautiful, and all the best."

With the sound of clinking glasses, everyone drank in one fell swoop.


At the same time, Duan Wuluo and Sibuxiang are also having a barbecue.

"I wish you an early success!" Duan Wuluo blessed with his wine glass.

"I wish you a few more years!" Sidonian also blessed.


Wang Family.

Wang Hao, Wang Ping and Wang Yilan were also sitting together eating the New Year's Eve dinner cooked by Wang Yilan.

Since it was too difficult for Wang Hao and Wang Ping to get together for dinner, the father and son didn't know what to say for a while.

Suddenly, Wang Ping first spoke, "Haoer, eat, you are welcome, just treat it as your own home."

Wang Hao "???" I wondered if this is my home?

Wang Yilan also pulled Wang Ping's sleeve, what are you talking about?


All the members of the crime detection team are also reunited. The reason they are so happy is because they have just received a blessing gift from Li Jifeng, so they are so happy now.

"Cheers to our beloved Lord!" The black-robed men clinked glasses collectively.

"Cheers to our wonderful next year!" Clink the glasses again.

"Cheers to our powerful plan!" Clink the glasses again.


In the space created by Kang Lin.

Kang Ming's family was also eating New Year's Eve dinner, and the three brothers took turns to offer their blessings to Kang Ming.

Kang Ming also responded one by one, and every few days was his happiest moment.


In a corner east of the mainland, the lord of the small city was shivering.

PS: Today on New Year’s Eve, my brothers must have a good year. I wish my brothers every year, every year, every year is better and better. Cheer for your goals.