It’s Too Hard To Die

v1 Chapter 172

After a few minutes Duan Wuluo only felt his body hot, but there was no pain.

A few minutes later, Duan Wuluo's whole body was flushed, and he felt a little muddy in his consciousness.

The woman sitting opposite Duan Wuluo certainly noticed the obvious abnormality of Duan Wuluo. She stretched out her hand and gently stroked Duan Wuluo's body, but then quickly stretched it back, "It's hot, how is this? What's going on?"

Suddenly, Duan Wuluo let out a low growl, and immediately overwhelmed the woman under him. At this time, Wuluo was unaware and couldn't control his body at all.

"Hey, what are you doing! Get up quickly, it hurts me." The woman's face flushed, and she pushed Duan Wuluo to try to push him away from her. After all, this posture is really shameful.

But to no avail, Duan Wuluo pressed even tighter.

Duan Wuluo lifted the woman's veil and threw it far away.

The woman with no veil hidden face is indeed beautiful, and now Liu Zixi should be the only one who can compare with her.

The woman who suddenly got out of the veil was taken aback for a moment, "You..." As soon as the woman opened her mouth, she was severely blocked by another mouth.

"Slap!" A clear voice sounded, and the woman slapped Duan Wuluo. This slap was quite cruel, leaving a red palm print on Duan Wuluo's face.

The kiss made the woman dizzy, causing her to breathe.

"Be sober!" The woman was a little bit ashamed, she tried to push Duan Wuluo away, but Duan Wuluo didn't move.

then. . . . (I’m not going to write the rest of it. I’m afraid of being harmonized, and considering that it’s probably, possible, and ought to be read by female readers, so it’s not good to write it. After all, I’m not here to write Xiaohuangwen. This is It’s a plot, you guys just need to understand what’s going on.)


This lasted for about a few hours.

The woman withdrew her body from Duan Wuluo's arms with difficulty. She coldly looked at Duan Wuluo who was still sleeping, her eyes full of killing intent.

For a long time, she raised the knife Duan Wuluo gave her, blessed her spiritual power on it, and prepared to pierce Duan Wuluo's heart.

But she hasn't let go. She remembered what happened some time ago, and her face was reminiscent.

She stood there again for a long time. Suddenly, she dissipated her spiritual power from Duan Wuluo's dagger, and then said in a cold voice, "The two of us should never meet again in this life. You save me once, I Also save you once, even if it is offset, next time if I see you again, I will take your life."

Then she adjusted her dress and flew away directly, and also took the knife Duan Wuluo gave her.

After the woman left, Wuluo gradually regained consciousness. He rubbed his head that was particularly painful because of the swelling, and when he went to look for someone next to him, she was no longer there.

"I'm sorry!" Duan Wuluo can only apologize now. Although he also understands that an apology is useless, he still has to apologize.

"I will take care of all this, I will be responsible, wait for me, soon, I promise that we will meet again soon." Duan Wuluo promised silently in his heart, "It's just where I should go to find this world. What about you?"

Where will she go? What kind of person is she? power? and many more! Duan Wuluo suddenly discovered that there was still her token in his space ring.

Duan Wuluo happily took out her token from the space ring. It was a piece of jade pendant with emerald green color. The surface of the jade pendant was carved with a lifelike phoenix, but Duan Wuluo didn't care about it.

What he cares about is a line of small characters on the jade pendant: Su Family-Su Junya-Yin.

Apart from the phoenix pattern and a line of small characters, there is only a red string on the jade pendant.

"Although there is very little news, it's not uncommon. At least I already know her name and power." Duan Wuluo carefully put the jade pendant back into the ring, ready to start checking her physical condition.

Judging from the hidden character on the jade pendant and her strength, as well as her disdain for the dragon clan, she is most likely a member of the hidden family Su clan.

That's a member of the Hidden Family, where the world's top talents gather, can he not cultivate well?

After Duan Wuluo sat down, he turned his spiritual power and began to check his body, "Yin!" With a long chant, the monstrous Longwei burst out from Duan Wuluo's body.

Some weak and small fierce beasts around have been directly stunned by this dragon chant. The bloodline suppression is too terrifying. They are low-level fierce beasts that are not even scum in front of the overlord of the dragon race.

"It turned out to be the blood of the real dragon! Shouldn't it be the blood of the dragon?" This news made Duan Wuluo happy, my God, this is the pure blood of the dragon, almost the most powerful race in the entire world, he did not expect him I actually own it.

"It's really worthy of a master's exercise." Duan Wuluo praised Xiao Bai thousands of times in his heart. In Duan Wuluo's heart, Xiao Bai had already enshrined the gods, and such fierce exercises were not granted. God is weird.

"Then, it's time to explore the depths of the forest." Duan Wuluo moved his muscles and bones, and then walked toward the depths of the forest. He must hurry up to practice now.

For the future, yes, for the future.


Xiao Bai, who had just woke up, was sitting on the bed with hollow eyes, staring straight ahead, not knowing what he was thinking.

In fact, he didn't think about anything, it was just a normal habit of getting up.

Then he called Ergou one by one to get up, because it was now their lunch time, usually Xiao Bai called people, and sometimes it was Nangong Yunmo who called on his behalf.

"Ergou! Come out for dinner!" Xiao Bai walked to the door of Ergou's room and flew up.

At this moment, the door of the second dog's room just opened, and a dark dog's head came out.

"Boom!" The collision sounded, and Xiao Bai's kick hit the top spot of the two-dog husky-shaped three-flower Bai, don't run! "

"Wrong wrong, I didn't mean it."

One man and one dog are now playing a chase drama.

"Isn't it on purpose? Then why did you kick at my door just now? Do you practice drunk boxing?" Ergou tried to pounce on Xiao Bai's head several times, but he didn't succeed.

The doors of several disciples' rooms also opened up because of the voices of Xiao Bai and Ergou. Well, there is no need to wake them up now, they just got up by themselves.

PS: Sure enough, this thing cannot be written at all, it is really harmonized, and it is still harmonious in seconds...

I edited it again. Recently, the starting point was really strict, and I won’t play sideballs anymore. It’s really horrible. I didn’t want to play it. It’s just a plot.

But it's okay, we are not Xiaohuangwen, nor do we write by driving things. Brothers only need to know the plot, and I won't write the rest.