It’s Too Hard To Die

v1 Chapter 206: My lord, times have changed.


  Death silence fell into the room again.

   "I have two more things to do this time." Xiao Bai groaned.

   Ling Xinyun did not answer, but she stood there, listening to what Xiao Bai wanted next.

"Since you are my third disciple in person, then I should teach your own practice. Today, the time is ripe for me to pinch, so I am here to teach you the practice." Xiao Bai said, as for pinch, it is counted as the right time. The reason why he made up his idiots was to pinch, and this is not for others. If he really knows how to pinch, he could just open a fortune-telling hall.

  "Gong technique?" Ling Xinyun was touched by the technique Xiao Bai wanted to give. After all, she had seen the techniques and martial arts performed by Nangong Yunmo and Zhang Shige.

  Xiao Bai didn’t talk too much nonsense, and directly introduced the exercises and martial skills in front of her."

  Name: "Closing"

  Type: Gongfa

  Level: None

   Creator: A mysterious system power who does not want to be named.

  Effect: Maximize the scope of training, and have additional effects on space martial arts and swordsmanship.

  You can seal the power of the surrounding space into your body for storage for later use.

  You can seal any surrounding attribute spiritual power into your body and use it to switch states. Different states have different effects.

  Persons who practice this exercise are not affected by any seal formation, restricted magic weapons, exercises, martial arts, etc. other than the host. (Simply speaking, it's hegemony)

  Name: "Draw Sword·Lock"

  Type: martial arts

  Level: None

   Creator: A mysterious system power who does not want to be named.

  Effect: Draw the sword quickly and enclose the target in the space cage, and then there will be infinite sharp space swords with soul attacks directly hitting the soul in the cage, causing soul trauma.

  This martial art only consumes spiritual power when drawing the sword, and the space cage consumes space power.

  The only drawback: This martial art can only take effect on one person at a time.

  Name: "Shipping Sword·Stagnation"

  Type: martial arts

  Level: None

   Creator: A mysterious system power who does not want to be named.

  Effect: Every time the sword is retracted, the enemy's martial arts or actions will be forcibly interrupted. This move consumes spiritual power and does not consume space power.

   Disadvantages: This move can only be effective for one person at the same time, and it is invalid for enemies above three ranks higher than yourself.

  Name: "Attached Space"

  Type: martial arts

  Level: None

   Creator: A mysterious system power who does not want to be named.

  Effect: Attach the power of space to the weapon, and the damage increases exponentially. In the absence of a weapon, this trick can transform the weapon you want.

  Name: "San"

  Type: Shen Fa

  Level: None

   Creator: A mysterious system power who does not want to be named.

  Effect: powerful space manipulation spiritual power, freely mobilizing the surrounding space attributes to move, space attributes can be used for defense, but not for offense. "

   "This tm is exactly the singled king." Xiao Bai's mouth twitched, so many singled martial arts, what else can it be if it is not a singled king.

   Ling Xinyun took the exercises Xiao Bai handed her, but did not open it immediately, but was waiting for another thing Xiao Bai asked for.

"Another thing is obvious. This kind of thing has to be cleared by your second brother." Xiao Bai scratched his head. Although he knew that Zhang Shige's sister had been captured by the Demon Temple, he even knew Zhang Shige's sister. He didn't even know the name, which made him ask, so let's wait for it.

   Ling Xin Yunru nodded, and the room became quiet again.

   Ling Xinyun looked at Xiao Bai suspiciously, what else was going on.

  Xiao Bai seemed to feel Ling Xinyun’s gaze, scratched his head, and asked a little embarrassed, "Since we all know your identity, do you still have to wear your black robe?"

  Xiao Bai always feels that these words are a bit related to girls’ privacy, and he doesn’t have any experience in chatting with girls, so there are some. . .

   "If you don't wear it, you may be in trouble." Ling Xinyun replied, if she doesn't wear this black robe, people who encounter the Demon Temple will definitely be recognized. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she would better wear it.

   "What are you afraid of? I am here. Don't wear it from the Ming Dynasty. Wearing a black robe is like an assassination organization." Xiao Bai said. In fact, the more you wear a black robe, the more obvious you walk on the street. This is a fact.

   is like a person bringing a terrorist's headgear into the bank, almost the same rate of return.

   Ling Xinyun did not agree or refuse, but turned around and walked in the direction of the bed.

  Xiao Bai also got up directly and left. If tm doesn’t leave yet, what are you going to do? He also helped her close the door when she left.

  After Xiao Bai walked away, Ling Xinyun did not directly practice the exercises, but was looking for something in the space ring.

   Xiao Bai, who had left Ling Xinyun’s room, was walking towards his room. He turned a corner in front of him, and just when he was about to turn, "Is it done?"

   Suddenly, Xiao Bai jumped. Xiao Bai hurriedly covered his mouth to prevent himself from making a sound.

  After a while, Xiao Bai knew who it was. It turned out to be Ergou and Si Feihan. The two of them squatted in front of Xiaobai's door.

   "Fuck, why don't you two sleep in the middle of the night?" Xiao Bai patted his chest, calming his beating heart.

  The fact that just now really scared him.

"We are okay to watch the scenery. Don't let this. What did you do just now?" Ergou and Si Feihan had a smirk. In fact, the two of them found out when Xiao Bai left just now, and then they have been there. Here is waiting for Xiao Bai to come back.

   "Look at the scenery?" Xiao Bai looked up and looked at the sky, dark clouds, looking at your sister's scenery!

   "I just passed on the exercises to my three disciples. Guess what I found?" Xiao Bai was preparing to share his experience from having lunch to the present with his partner enthusiastically. UU reading

   "Cut, it turned out that it was passed on." Ergou and Si Feihan looked disappointed. They thought Xiao Bai had gone there.

   "Why are you so disappointed?" Xiao Bai is very confused, why are you disappointed when spreading the practice? What do you want me to do?

   Ergou did not answer his question, but instead asked, "Did you find out that your third disciple is actually a woman?"

  Xiao Bai "??? How did you know?" Shouldn't I be the first to know about this?

   "We knew it a long time ago." Ergou and Si Feihan said in unison.

   Ergou knew that she was actually a female when she met Ling Xinyun for the first time.

  Si Feihan discovered it at the moment he left the seal, so both of them knew it earlier than Xiao Bai knew.

   "Your information is too backward." The system vomited, "My lord, the times have changed."

  Xiao Bai is full of black lines, discussing what kind of experience it is to be teased about information behind in a systematic situation.

   "Then do you know her identity?" Xiao Bai smiled mysteriously, now you definitely don't know, right?

  It’s too hard to die ww.50292/