It’s Too Hard To Die

v1 Chapter 241: Communicate the condition?

Because this class was really boring, Wang Hao felt sleepy just after listening to the class for a while, and he didn't know what was wrong with it. Under normal circumstances, people who are mentally oriented would be sleepy as long as they were in class.

Finally, Wang Hao was defeated by trapping, lying down on the table and snoring.

The lecturer frowned slightly when he saw Wang Hao's situation, but there was nothing he could do. Because Wang Hao's current status was too high, he didn't dare to provoke Wang Hao at all, otherwise he would just wait to be put on shoes.

Another very important reason is that Wang Hao has a bad temper, just like a dumb, and rarely speaks. Even the elder Taishang took the initiative to speak to him, he was too lazy to take care of him, and he was very arrogant.

This is a well-known thing in their Wang family, from the Supreme Elder to the toilet cleaner.

Wang Hao's open sleep and snoring in class has violated classroom discipline. If it is not stopped, it will definitely have a very bad effect, but he can't be offended, so the lecturer coughed loudly and tried to wake Wang Hao.

The lecturer took a deep breath and coughed loudly, "Cough! Cough! Cough... Cough cough!"

But Wang Hao still slept like a dead pig, and didn't bother him.

The other disciples who attended the class had already understood the purpose of the lecturer's coughing all the time, so they also joined the ranks.


"Cough cough cough!"


Dozens of coughing sounds sounded together, the sound rang to the sky, but Wang Hao was still in his dream.

Everyone "..." Why do they always feel that he is pretending to be asleep?

Suddenly, several kicks and roars came from the direction of the back wall.

"Boom, boom, boom!" In another classroom, a man with blue veins violently, very angry, kept raising his foot and kicking the wall, and roared from time to time, "Opposite! Are your tm students not in class yet? The whole class is coughing together. What do you mean? Go to the doctor if you are sick, and get the infection if you are not sick."

"Oh, hello? Are you crazy?" The teacher was in a bad mood. Now that he heard such rushing words, he could no longer hold back his inner anger, and walked quickly to the back blackboard. Raise your foot and kick it, "Boom! Boom! I'm sick or not, it's up to you. Does your family live by the sea?"

"Your kid is looking for death like this?! Boom! Boom!" The man next door paid back a few feet, and the sound of kicking the wall suppressed the teacher.

"How come I'm looking for death? Come hit me! Boom! Boom!" The teacher kicking the wall was louder than the man next door.

After that, the two of them kept kicking each other and talking cruelly, compared to who kicked loudly and who kicked loudly. The trend that the two of them was about to fight gradually evolved into the trend of the game, even though both of them kicked. His feet are numb, but no one is willing to give in.

Suddenly an old roar came from downstairs, "You two are going to die? What about such a big movement and demolishing the house? People who don’t know think that a world war broke out. I asked you to come here to give you a lecture. Yes, it’s not here to make you kick the wall. These are all public assets, not your personal belongings, understand? I like kicking the wall and rolling back to my room and kicking!"

When the two heard this roar, they immediately retracted the kicked leg. Why did this Nima alarm the elder too?

They didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of the elder Taishang, nor did they dare to give them ten thousand courage.

The teacher and the man next door flew out of the classroom together, and then landed not far in front of the elder Taishang.

"Going back to the elder Taishang, the two of us are just having a friendly exchange." The teacher smiled gently, and by the way he put a shoulder on the man next door.

"Yeah, elder too, the two of us just communicated and didn't quarrel." The man next door also laughed. The two of them hooked each other's shoulders. The more affection, the more affection, just follow. Like a brother who has been separated for many years.

"What are you communicating with? What about your illness?" The elder sneered. Although the old man is old, he is not stupid yet, so his mind is clear.

The disciples in the two classrooms upstairs all gathered around the windows to watch the excitement below, and the disciples in the other classrooms were also secretly looking at the situation below.

Of course, there is a relatively special person who is completely unaffected by these things. He is still asleep when such a big thing happens, and he is not disturbed at all. He is still sleeping. This person is Wang Hao.

The day passed as soon as I closed my eyes.


"Master, this is the scrap book that I found while shopping with my two younger brothers and I would like to ask you to help me identify it." Nangong Yunmo took out from his arms the three of them who spent a few pieces of spiritual stone for a while. The coming "Zhengqi Heart Sutra" was handed to Xiao Bai who was eating melon seeds.

"Oh? Did you find something good?" Xiao Bai looked at the tattered dilapidated book handed over by Nangong Yunmo and immediately became interested. The more broken it proves that the thing is better.

Xiao Bai laid the dilapidated copy flat on the table and asked Ergou and the others to look at it.

"This breath?" Ergou frowned as he looked at the remnant.

"Is there a result so soon?" Xiao Bai said in surprise, less than five seconds after I put it on the table, do you know that?

"No, it's just that there is a smell of books. I said how it is so similar to my temperament." Ergou said. Recently, he has been reading and reading, and he reads any book. Slowly he feels that he has changed. He has become more refined and easy-going, and the cultivation of a good dog is revealed during the conversation, so he can also be said to be a dog with elegant sentiment now.

Everyone stared at Ergou with a calm expression, without saying a, they watched him silently without a single sound.

Ergou was a little hairy with this look, "You don't believe me?"

Everyone didn't answer him, they still looked at him silently. This is already very obvious. If we believe you, we have to look at our brains.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's continue to talk about the incomplete copy." Xiao Bai turned the topic back to the topic and continued to discuss the incomplete copy.

According to Xiao Bai's many years of experience in reading novels, this scrapbook must be above the gods, and should not belong to this plane.

"This shouldn't be a martial art or a martial skill, but an auxiliary mental method similar to a meditation curse." Ling Xinyun, who had rarely spoken once in thousands of years, spoke on the initiative.

"Well, it's really a supplementary heart method." Xiao Bai used the spirit to check the basic information of this fragment, and it was indeed correct by Ling Xinyun.

Xiao Bai didn't immediately announce the information on the scraps, but planned to exercise the observation abilities of these disciples. Anyway, they were boring at first, so I just used this to pass the time.

"Do you still have any opinions of your own?" Xiao Bai asked after scanning his apprentices.