It’s Too Hard To Die

v1 Chapter 25: Edit! You make it up!

   "I was wrong just now. I have studied tea a bit, and I know tea." Xiao Bai took another sip of tea and put down his teacup, as calm and unfathomable as an old man who has gone through time.

   "You know a hammer's tea!" The system mocked. The storytelling ability of this product is first-rate. If he was born early, there would be nothing wrong with Andersen.

"Actually..." Xiao Bai tweeted "I also know tea, but right... When I was seven years old, there was heavy snow outside that day, and the whole land was covered with white snow. At that time, how about me... …"

   Xiao Bai was forcibly interrupted by the system before he finished saying "Edit! Continue to edit, edit well!"

   "Hey, can you have some quality?" Xiao Bai was very angry because the system was interrupted by the system in a very violent way.

   "I can't, you come and chop me, slightly!" The voice of the system thief kept circling in Xiao Bai's mind.

   "TMD, if you have a real body, I will kill you." Xiao Bai was very angry, Mad, when did I suffer this bird's air, Xiao Bai told himself that he must be steady, bear the calm and calm the sea, and take a step back.

"Senior Xiao, this snow lotus tea is a specialty of my Xueling dynasty, and it is also a very precious tea. Hahaha, seniors think it's good." Nangongxuan looked at Xiao Bai and said a good tea. He was very happy, after all. Senior has given himself, his younger brother and his son so many benefits, but he has nothing to give Xiao Baidao, and he is unavoidably ashamed.

"Hahahaha, this tea is indeed a good tea. Can Patriarch Nangong give me some?" Xiao Bai smiled. After all, he doesn't know how to chat. Since this tea is a precious specialty, it should be a little bit. If you fool around, you can skip this topic. After all, you have to make it through if you pretend to cry.

"Since Senior Xiao likes this tea, of course it is fine. I will ask the guard to send you ten tons in a while." Nangong Xuan smiled heartily. After all, Xiao Bai asked himself for the first time, of course he had to express himself well. He's got his mind, he also thought about giving gifts before. But he really didn't have anything to give away. Give the exercises and martial skills. The level of the exercises and martial skills he possessed was too low, and the seniors would definitely look down on them. Send me the pill, the senior is a high-level alchemist, this is not good either. Sending weapons is also too low level. I definitely don't like sending Lingshi. Senior might feel that he is a beggar, so Nangongxuan also has a headache.

  If Xiao Bai knew that Nangongxuan was going to give Lingshi to him, he would surely be able to fly up happily. After all, he was going crazy and poor. It was just the food expenses that would be enough for his headache. Money is not everything, but no money is absolutely impossible.

   "Puff!" Xiao Bai spit out the tea he had just drunk, with a look of shock on his face, " much?"

  Nangong Xuan was also shocked. Isn’t it true that the seniors are not only gluttonous, but also horrible at drinking tea? Alas, it's because I didn't think about it well.

   Nangong Xuan coughed, "Senior, I made a mistake just now. I am very embarrassed. Please forgive me, Senior."

   "It's okay, it's okay, just make a mistake." Xiao Bai was also relieved, Nima, ten tons! When I eat tea? Although tea is a mental appetite, it cannot be eaten as a meal.

   "Senior, what I just wanted to say was to give 50 tons." Nangongxuan said with a very serious expression and eyes, his meaning was very clear, but this time he would not be wrong again.

   "Puff!" Xiao Bai spit out another sip of tea. Why is there so much? He must have misunderstood me.

  Nangongxuan is also very daunting, is this still less? Does the predecessor have a very high demand for tea? If this is the case, then I will let people buy it now. Until the senior is satisfied, I can only say sincerely, "Senior, I only have 50 tons of snow lotus tea in Nangong, but don't be disappointed, seniors. I will let people buy it now. Go, I will buy as much as you want."

   Xiao Bai became petrified after listening to Nangongxuan's words. What kind of situation is this? Why are there more and more rectifications?

   "Senior Xiao, if you need a lot of tea, I also have 200 tons in the Xueling auction house. We don't need a piece of spirit stone, and we will give it to senior for free." Du Yalin suddenly interrupted and said with a very serious expression.

"Fuck, you are sick? So much, how long does it take to drink? And you little girl, why do you send tea with such a serious expression?" Xiao Bai roared in his heart, this thing is developing. It's getting more and more mysterious.

   "It's over, the host's image of an expert has completely collapsed, and he has become an expert foodie." The system vomited with the voice of watching the show.

"Isn't it all to blame you for my image as a foodie?" Xiao Bai went back. He doesn't remember this pot, Mad, this system is too smart. It can not only stun people, but also sleep, and the most important thing is that it can still sleep. Eat, and the thief can eat. Hearing what he said, it seems that he hasn't fully let go of eating. Thinking about it, it's horrible. This system is so intelligent that it can transform into a human form.

"No, no, I mean I can't use that much." Xiao Bai explained that he was full of black lines. This would be several thousand tons without explanation. Just now Nangong Xuan said he was going to buy Nangong. Liuyun is ready to go out. When Du Yalin said that she would give the 200 tons of tea free of charge, Yang Huailin behind her was ready to go and get it.

   "Then, how much do seniors need?" Nangongxuan and Du Yalin asked in unison.

   "Ten catties, ten catties will do." Xiao Bai responded quickly. He was afraid that they would give away a few tons later on their own initiative.

   "Senior, these ten catties are a bit less, right?" Nangong Xuan frowned and said, Du Yalin also nodded and agreed with Nangong Xuan's question.

   "A lot, a lot, ten catties is enough." Xiao Bai said quickly, and I will become a tea seller when it comes to dozens of tons.

"Then I will ask someone to fetch the snow lotus tea for you now." Nangongxuan said to a guard next to him, "You quickly go to the warehouse and take out the best ten catties of snow lotus tea, and then send it to the senior's room. Go inside."

   "Yes!" The guard responded quickly.

   "Senior, I will take ten jin and give it to you, too." Du Yalin smiled.

   "Thank you, thank you." Xiao Bai nodded. There is no way to refuse. If Nangong Xuan is the only one, Du Yalin will definitely think that I have deliberately alienated her, so I can only accept it.

   "You quickly go back to the Xueling auction site to pick the best ten kilograms of tea to send." Du Yalin said to a guard behind her.

   "Yes, Chief Executive." The guard responded and hurried Then, shall the game start first? "Xiao Bai turned his head and looked at them. He especially wants to see how the warriors in this world fight. After all, when he fights, they almost die using Reinforcement.

"Okay, senior, let's start now." Nangonghan said quickly. The reason for not starting just now was because senior was talking about tea with the patriarch and Miss Du Yalin, so he had no trouble asking whether to start or not. Senior didn't say how to start. Who dare to say to start?

Now that the predecessor has said that it has started, he also walked to the podium and shouted, "Now the competition officially begins. Now the instrument directly above your head will automatically assign opponents to you. This instrument is from my Nangong family. Please think of the master forging himself. It’s impossible to have any cheating."

   After Nangonghan finished speaking, the disciples looked above their heads. When they saw a spiritual board floating in the sky, they were all shocked.

   "Isn't this a psionic scoreboard?" a disciple asked in surprise.

   "Look at the psionic energy emitted by this object, is this thing the psionic scoreboard did not run away?"

   "I heard that this thing is expensive!"

   "A psionic scoreboard is the cheapest and more than 70 million low-grade spirit stones."

   "Hi, this thing is too expensive, right?"

   "Oh, the disciples of the big sects used these things in their martial arts competitions. For those sects, this is not money.

   "Unexpectedly, there is something that is only available in the big sect, our Nangong family actually has one."

   "This should have just been bought. We didn't have it at the Nangong house during the competition last year."

   "You don't care when he bought it. The purchase of tens of millions of low-grade spirit stones is enough to prove that our family attaches great importance to us."

   "It makes sense," the disciples said.