It’s Too Hard To Die

v1 Chapter 263: I'm sour.

Just when Xiao Bai and the others were still immersed in the war, the dangerous seal was released at this moment.

A group of disciples all looked at the ‘big men’ who were playing chess and waited for their instructions.

It's a pity that these ‘big guys’ don’t even look at them, and focus on the chess game in front of them, as if they have been completely immersed in the battlefield.

"Let's go in." Nangong Yunmo whispered, he felt that they hadn't finished the round when they came out for a while.

Zhang Shige and the little monk nodded in agreement, and they agreed with this opinion very much.

Nangong Yunmo's actions quickly attracted the attention of all the disciples of the forces in the audience. Their surprised eyes just asked again, damn, don't you need to ask your elders for instructions when you act?

Nangong Yunmo and the others said that asking for instructions at this time was completely talkative, and what they said was no good juice from them.

But unable to bear the eyes of these people, they had to take a photo of a representative to ask for instructions.

The little monk bit his head and took a step forward. He didn’t want to bother his boss at this time, but his two senior brothers said to him via voice transmission [Little brother, as long as you go, wait for the two of us. Give you all the treasures you got in the dangerous place. ].

So, in the interest, bah! In the face of the brotherhood, the little monk resolutely embarked on this road of no return, just as the so-called wealth and wealth are in danger.

But when he arrived near the danger, he was still a little nervous, so his legs couldn't help trembling now.

The disciples of other forces looked at him suspiciously, are they so scared? I don’t think your parents are fierce.

The little monk stood there for a long time and finally said, "Master... Master, you... How are you?"

Other people almost fell to the ground when they heard this. After so long in the making, would you just talk about this stuff?

At the same time when everyone collapsed, Nangong Yunmo, Zhang Shige and the little monk were also unlucky. Xiao Bai put a **** on Ergou's pawn, and the hidden gust of wind blew Nangong Yunmo and the others. A.

There was a violent gust of wind, and the three of Nangong Yunmo bizarrely disappeared, and there were three large human-shaped holes in the door of the dangerous place.

"Xin Yun, you can go in too." Xiao Bai said with a pawn. She didn't participate in the plan of the three of Nangong Yunmo and naturally she would not punish him.

As for Nangong Yunmo and the others, it is not a penalty, it is just sending them in early to grab the treasure, hehe, wit as me.

Ling Xinyun didn't speak, Yu held a sword, Qianqianzuo walked into the dangerous place carefully.

"Their master's strength is a bit strong." A disciple sighed.

"Don't tm sigh, you sigh for a while that all the treasures have been robbed by others." A disciple said grimly, and then followed the large army into the dangerous place.

The other elders still ignored them, and seemed to be addicted to the chess game. Of course, there were some women addicted to Si Feihan's beauty.


Inside an inn, balcony.

Duan Wuluo leaned on the balcony, with a toothpick hanging from his mouth, and said angrily, "I didn't sleep all night last night. I ate a hundred big elbows, did countless push-ups, and studied dozens of martial arts. I didn't want to understand why no one found the line I left."

Sichan, who was lying on his shoulders, was full of black lines. "These things you did last night have nothing to do with those words."

"Oh, I shouldn't say this in front of you either." Duan Wuluo sighed heavily again.

"Why do you say that?" Si Dixiang asked, isn't this uncle, I'm not a good confidant?

"Hey, I'm also stupid, you a beast can understand what you only know if you are full or not hungry." Duan Wuluo sighed deeply again.


"Ah! What are you doing, crazy?"

"You dare to scold me, did you forget the pain yesterday? I think you are healed and forget the pain."

Finally, Duan Wuluo went out with a blood-red mark on his face. Fortunately, he had a recovery medicine, otherwise he might be disfigured in the future.

"What to do?" Sidonian asked, lying on Duan Wuluo's shoulder.

"What should I do? Oh~ You are talking about my face. It's not big or small. Just give me a few drops of your blood." Duan Wuluo smiled. Said, the bloodline of Sidonian is a strong group, and he had difficulty asking him for a drop last time.

"You crawl for the Lord! I don't feel any guilt in my heart for the scar on your face, and you also know what I am asking, I mean what we should do next." Sibuxiang said, regarding Duan Wuluo's injury. , Siunxiang can only say that this is his own making.

"What else can I do, pretend to pass a wave at the notice, and see if I can meet a disciple who has a lower IQ and is more foolish." Duan Wuluo said.

Unexpectedly, when they were chatting, they happened to meet the guards who were at the notice yesterday.

Before Duan Wuluo could speak, the guards spoke to Duan Wuluo familiarly, "Hey brother, I didn't expect it, you have learned to chat with yourself in just one night."

Duan Wuluo "..."

Before Duan Wuluo explained, another guard said, "Brother, if you are too boring, we can introduce you to you. Come and join us as a guard. Although the treatment is not the best, at least there is My buddy, brother, I'm afraid you will be insane one day."

Duan Wuluo "...I'm not chatting with myself."

The other guard thought he couldn’t get this face down. "Brother, you are a liar. We have been observing you for a long time. There is no one beside you but a domestic Could it be that just now? Are you greeting the air?"

Duan Wuluo "..." You say yes.

Duan Wuluo no longer wants to talk about this topic anymore, "Brothers, why are you staying here? Aren't you in charge of the notice office?"

"Of course we are going to work? Didn't you see that our armor and guns are all put on?" a guard replied.

"It's nine o'clock now, are you going to work now?" Duan Wuluo asked suspiciously, aren't these people kidding me?

"We really go to work. Our working hours are from 9 am to 11 am, and from 3 pm to 5 pm. There is no work at night, and the income is still working." A guard was afraid that Duan Wuluo would misunderstand him. Their work and rest time was reported.

Duan Wuluo "..." To be honest, he was envious, he was sour, lemon fruit on the lemon tree, you and me under the lemon tree.

"Your boss has set your schedule for your work and rest?" Duan Wuluo asked, he felt that even their boss would not be able to live so comfortably.