It’s Too Hard To Die

v1 Chapter 326: That's it.

   All this happened so quickly, when the housekeeper of the Shang family reacted, the long sword was already nailed to the gate.

   The housekeeper of the Shang family swallowed and spit, but fortunately, this person was merciful, otherwise, he really just fell to the ground.

   "Xiao...Senior Xiao?" The housekeeper of the Shang family quickly pleaded guilty. Although he didn't understand where he had offended this big guy, he didn't know if he knew it.

  What the big guy said is right, even if he knows what he said is wrong, he can't break him down, otherwise he will not give the big guy face and deliberately make trouble.

   "Cough... Well, I didn't do this thing. Really, you believe me." Xiao Bai coughed embarrassingly.

   Housekeeper of the Shang family: ... I believe it naturally, you are right in everything you say, boss.

   said that, but he didn't believe it at all in his heart. It wasn't you who did it. You lied to a fool?

   Now only you are talking to us, and if you say you didn't do it, even a fool would not believe it.

   just now.

   "Boom!" sounded.

   The housekeeper of the Shang family is very familiar with this voice. Every time someone in their Shang family is caught by her daughter-in-law, this voice will sound, eh. . . It was the sound of the door being kicked open.

   "Fuck it!" Xiao Bai's startled sound came. From the tone of voice just now, you can guess that he was not lightly frightened.

   "Xin Yun, you put down the sword, we have something to say." Xiao Bai's voice came again, a little flustered in his tone.

after awhile.

   "I never said to have wives and concubines in groups, that was what the Shang family housekeeper said."

   "I haven't had that kind of mind, really, never."

   "Why are you so unreasonable girl?"

   Suddenly, with a sound of "pop!" The entire Nangong Mansion returned to silence, and Xiao Bai's voice no longer sounded.

   Suddenly, Ergou’s voice came from a distance, "Ahem, his loudspeaker was not turned off just now, there was a small problem, it’s okay, it’s okay, what should you guys do."

   "Yes!" The Shang family housekeeper hurriedly responded, and immediately devoted himself to the work of'recovering the terrain', doing very hard work.

   "We... It seems to have caused trouble again." The Shang family butler said with some fear. It was obvious that this woman who dared to challenge Senior Xiao must also be a powerful person.

   Public guards: ... to be precise, you are the one who caused the trouble again, not us...

   This incident has had a great impact on the entire Nangong family.

   Some servants, disciples and elders who were about to get up climbed up again, and added a spiritual wall that resembled a sound isolation to themselves, and then fell asleep again or practiced.

Si Feihan’s room is in the same area as Xiao Bai’s room. For example, Si Feihan’s room is next to Xiao Bai. So what Xiao Bai and the others say and talk, they can hear as long as they listen carefully. No knowledge is needed.

   But now they can't hear it even with spiritual sense, because just now Xiao Bai set up an isolation formation in his room, and no one can hear the sound in the room.

   This makes Si Feihan and the others very depressed. What about the most basic trust between people?

   The only thing I can hear right now is the voice of Ergou.


   Ergou was thrown out by Xiao Bai with his legs lifted, and the door knocking sounded, knocking on the door and Ergou's verbal abuse gradually sounded.

   After a while, Ergou neither knocked on the door nor shouted, he should be tired.

  Nangongxuan was still asleep.

  Nangong Liuyun stayed honestly in his room, sat calmly at the desk, holding a thick book and muttered, "I don't hear anything outside the window, and I only read sage books."

   After an hour has passed.

   Xiao Bai stretched out with satisfaction.

   Ling Xinyun moved Lianbu lightly and slowly followed Xiao Bai, seemingly calm, but the slightly raised corner of her mouth under the veil betrayed her.

   "Are you sure?" Ling Xinyun looked directly at Xiao Bai with a pair of phoenix eyes, her lips lightly opened.

   "My good apprentice, you have asked this question more than three hundred times." Xiao Bai couldn't help holding his forehead, feeling a bit painful in his brain, but he replied, "Of course I'm sure, when I lied to you."

   Ling Xinyun nodded slightly with satisfaction, and the expression in Xiao Bai's eyes became more gentle.

   When Si Feihan and the others took this scene into their eyes, they almost blinded them.

   Fuck, memorabilia, the iceberg is showing signs of melting. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?

   "Come out, don't look." Xiao Bai glanced around with a light smile, then stomped slightly.

   Si Feihan and others appeared in front of Xiao Bai and the others instantly, their expressions were somewhat embarrassed.

   When they were observing Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai was also observing them.

   At this time, Ling Xinyun has returned to her usual appearance, and the trace of tenderness has disappeared, replaced by her indifference.

   "Let's go to eat, we have been busy for so long, and our stomachs are so hungry." Xiao Bai suggested. Although not too tired, he still has a headache.

   Everyone nodded in agreement. If it hadn't been for curiosity, they would have gone to dinner.

   In the main hall, they went up to Nangong Xuan and down to the servants, staring at Xiao Bai and Ling Xinyun everywhere, and most of their projected eyes were curious.

   Xiao Bai:...

   "You guys... Are you okay?" Xiao Bai was stared at by so many people and felt a little numb in his It’s okay, it’s okay. "Everyone shook their heads quickly, but none of their gazes were taken back.

   Xiao Bai:...Since it’s okay, why are you staring at us?

   Xiao Bai turned his head and looked at Ling Xinyun, only to see that Ling Xinyun was still drinking porridge calmly, her mood was as plain as water, and the ancient well was not waved, she was not affected by these eyes, as if these people were not looking at her.

   At this time, Xiao Bai wanted to ask Ling Xinyun how on earth did this happen?

   Xiao Bai tried to do it, but it failed.

   Xiao Bai simply showed off directly, "Everyone, if you have anything you want to ask, just ask directly. It's really uncomfortable for you to keep staring at me like this."

   Everyone instantly turned embarrassed and was. . . Has it been discovered?

  Xiao Bai: Nonsense, even a blind man can feel such an obvious gaze.

   Just when everyone was about to ask questions, Nangong Liuyun suddenly walked into the hall and explained, "Don't cause trouble to Senior Xiao. This girl Ling is the third disciple of Senior Xiao, so don't think about it."

   Only he knows about this incident in the entire Nangong family, and he just learned about it yesterday, so he has not had time to inform others.

  After Nangong Liuyun's explanation, everyone woke up, and the doubts in their hearts instantly disappeared.

   So, no wonder she dared to break into Senior Xiao's room with the sword, no wonder Senior Xiao loved her so much, even if she broke into Senior Xiao's room with the sword, Senior Xiao could forgive her.

   It turns out that she is also Senior Xiao’s disciple, so she can explain everything.