It’s Too Hard To Die

v1 Chapter 331: That's it?

   Sure enough, after the elder brought out his trump card [Order of the Supreme Elder], Shang Hongyi stiffened for a while, and then turned around.

   "Elder, you are right, you must give an explanation to the elders on this matter, thank you for reminding me." Shang Hongyi grasped the hand of the elder and said sincerely.

   "Patriarch does not have to thank you, I am very relieved to be able to witness the revival of Patriarch with your own eyes." The elder shook Shang Hongyi's palm and said with satisfaction.

   Look, doesn't this just bring back the mind of the Patriarch. How simple, there is no difficulty at all.

   "Well, now we have to think about what we should do next." Shang Hongyi took out a chair from the space ring again, and then sat down.

   "Okay, okay." The elder nodded with a smile, and sat in his seat again. He is now in a good mood and feels that he can eat several tables in a row.

   "In that case, let's start the discussion now. The core of the discussion is [how should we persuade the elders to not attack the Nangong family]." Shang Hongyi directly issued indicators to the elders.

   "Okay, okay." At first, the elder nodded with a smile, but when he heard the target pointed out by Shang Hongyi, the smile on his face instantly stiffened.

   "Patriarch, what do you mean?!" The elder asked angrily, knocking on the table.

"Don't knock! Don't knock! If you knock again, it will be broken!" This move of the great elder made Shang Hongyi heartbroken, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly pressed the arm of the great elder, so that he could not knock any more. .

"This is an antique. It can sell for a lot of money in the future, and if it is broken, it will have to be repaired. If it is repaired, a lot of money will be wasted. It will be enough for him to buy six coarse cloth clothes." Shang Hongyi pressed the elder. One side of his hand kept muttering.

   The great elder almost passed out with a black eye with anger. How could there be such a stingy Patriarch in this world?

   After a while, the Great Elder managed to relax.

   "Patriarch, do you really want this?" the elder took a deep breath and asked.

"Of course, Great Elder, you have to think about it. What we spend on intelligence, hiring spies, etc. is nothing else. What we spend is money, it's all white spirit stones, and we can It's not necessarily if you can't succeed.

  If successful, at least some valuable information can be obtained.

   If it fails, won't all the money be spent?

And this money is not a small amount of money. I just calculated it roughly. Except for the information with variable prices, the other expenses are just enough for ten years of salaries for all the subordinates, six months of elder worship, and one hundred years of catering. cost.

   You are now the great elder, you should put yourself in your place and think about the whole Shang family, instead of always thinking about the face of the Shang family. What is the face in front of money? "Shang Hongyi took the abacus and said solemnly.

After hearing Shang Hongyi's words, the elder    was almost fainted again. He wanted to criticize the Patriarch, but he didn't expect to be criticized.

   "I'm going to find the elder Taishang for comment!" The elder slapped the table fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, his voice was a little trembling, it seemed that he was really out of anger.

"Oh, my great elder!" Shang Hongyi looked at the slightly sunken table in front of him, and sighed distressedly, "Why don't you remember so much? You know if you shoot this table badly, repair it. Fees...Uh, uh!"

   When he was about to talk about how much the maintenance of the table would cost, a pair of giant hands suddenly struck behind him, and he blocked his mouth firmly.

   "Patriarch, please stop talking, the elders are all trembling with your anger.

   If you continue speaking, let alone the elder, even we have to be remembered to death by you. "An elder said with grief.

   The mouth-cannon mode of his own Patriarch is comparable to killing weapons, and even surpasses killing weapons. After listening to him, he felt his head split.

   The other elders also nodded again and again, in fact... just now they were also preparing to do it, but they were taken a step ahead.

   "What are you doing here? Why are you so noisy?" Suddenly, an old voice rang in the conference hall, but no one was seen.

   "It's the Supreme Elder!" The elder who was holding Shang Hongyi's mouth immediately released his palm and saluted the void respectfully.

   "Go back to my father, cough, Taishang elder, we are discussing the question about the Nangong family." Shang Hongyi replied solemnly.

   "Nangong family? Haven't you already sent someone to disarm them?" The old voice of the Supreme Elder sounded again, with a hint of doubt in his tone.

   "There was a little accident in this matter." Shang Hongyi told him the story again.

   "It turns out that this is the case, so you can discuss the specific retaliation plan?" the elder Taishang asked.

   Without waiting for the elder and others to speak, Shang Hongyi said, "It was discussed, but the disciples rejected it all."

   The great elder and others were moved when they heard this. Although the Patriarch was a bit stingy, he was still very good. For example, this time, it was really righteous to be alone.

   "Oh? What's the reason?"

   This super elder also has a little more curiosity in his heart. UU reading www.uukā

   "Because these plans are very expensive." Shang Hongyi replied calmly.

   Now, the conference hall fell into silent silence again, and even the Supreme Elder lost his voice, as if he was thinking.

   A few seconds later, the old voice sounded again.

   "Well, you did a good job. As expected, my son, cough, my approved patron, not bad, good performance, keep up the good work."

   can be heard from the tone of his speech, at this moment the supreme elder is very happy in his heart.

   The elders couldn't help but twitch their mouths: Nima, we finally know why the Patriarch is so stingy. The feelings are all up to you. Why haven't we noticed it before?

   "Too elder, please don't worry if the disciple does things." Shang Hongyi shook off his linen sleeves and looked proud.

   "Hahahaha, naturally I don't worry when you do things. Okay, let's forget about this matter, don't go to trouble looking for trouble.

  Don’t go on doing it anymore after getting off the horse. It’s a waste of money. The extra money for them is enough for me to buy dozens of mats for meditation. "The old voice sounded in the conference hall again.

   After the Supreme Elder speaks, no matter how reluctant you are in your heart, you have to nod your head and say yes.

   Today's meeting of the Shang family ended here.

   At this time, Nangong Dafuzhong.

   In the main hall, Xiao Bai Yigan and others sat leisurely in front of the coffin board (the strongest monitor in the Ten Thousand Realms), staring at the screen of the coffin board, watching with gusto. They were all people who had witnessed the entire meeting.

"That's it?"