It’s Too Hard To Die

v1 Chapter 354: Didn’t you say you want to crush them

   After hearing this, everyone became more curious about the matter. As the saying goes, the more mysterious the more curious, even they are.

  "And that senior has both ability and political integrity. If he hadn't acted out of justice, the city that had been snatched by the blood corpse would not have returned.

   Not only that, but by chance, the senior also rescued Zimo and them. When I tried to repay him, the senior had disappeared.

   Such a noble quality is really admirable. Patriarch Cheng talked in a whisper, his eyes full of admiration.

   "Then who do you know the surname of the senior?" a family owner asked curiously.

   Patriarch Cheng pinched the short beard, and said slowly, "Ting Zimo said, that senior seems to have a surname Xiao and a white name. This news was also heard by Zimo from a black dog."

   Everyone nodded, taking this news to heart.

   "Hey, Patriarch Cheng's luck really makes me envious, hahahahahaha!" A man punched Patriarch Cheng in the chest, which of course was useless.

   Everyone also laughed and teased Patriarch Cheng.

   In the sky, the rough laughter continued, and the flying animals were so frightened that they did not dare to approach the cloud.


   A few days later, as the venue for the banquet, the central area of ​​Jiang Chiyu has been arranged.

   Some of the invitees who are closer to this place have already arrived.

  The landlord of the red region of the river-Xun Gu took a few men to take on the job of welcoming him. Among these people, Patriarch Cheng was among them.

   "Patriarch Yan, long time no see, long time no see." Xun Gu and others shook hands with the men in front of them and greeted them one by one.

After    greeted, a maid took the host of Yan and his party to the guest room to rest.

   Patriarch Yan and his party had just been led away by the maid, and some more guests came.

   "Sect Master Yun, Patriarch Zhang, long time no see, long time no see."

   After the complicated etiquette, this group of people, led by the maid, enters the guest room to rest.

   The same process, repeated in this way, one busy day is a whole day.

   The work is not tiring at all. They just shook hands, greeted with a smile, and kept standing, but after the day went on, their faces became stiff.

   is so daily, and it lasted for several days. Their work has become easier with the passage of time.

   From being overwhelmed at the beginning, it gradually turned into a visitor for a few hours or a visitor a day.

   One day, Patriarch Cheng and the others still greeted the guests on a daily basis. They just wanted to greet the people in front of them who didn't know which power they were.

   The overwhelming power of space suddenly struck, and the entire area was constantly distorted.

   As the power of space gradually weakened, until there was no space, two gates formed by the power of space appeared out of thin air over the banquet area.

   Everyone trembled, and the two great sacred sects descended at the same time!

   Such terrifying strength must be the two great saint sects, and they can't be wrong.

   Patriarch Cheng and others hurriedly sorted out their costumes, and worked hard.

   Some stay in the guest room to rest, walk in the garden, and taste delicious pastries. . . After a while, a crowd of people quickly put down their work and hurriedly rushed to greet the elders and disciples of the two great sacred sects.

   With a few buzzing sounds, two portals opened at the same time.

   is the first to come out is a young man with an aura and a girl who looks like a fairy.

   "This is the saint son of the imperial sacred sect and the saint woman of the indefinite saint!" a man who did not know his power exclaimed.

   This exclamation fell, and the pot immediately exploded on the ground.

   "What? The saint son of Yuxu Shengzong and the saint woman of Wuding Shengzong? How come these two are also here."

   "The two great saints have given us too much face to Jiang Chiyu, they will even send these two to help us." Everyone was suddenly excited, and even Xun Gu was flushed with excitement.

   If you ask who is the proudest and the most proud at this time, it can only be his Xun Gu Xun domain master.

   Not only other people, even Xun Gu did not expect the two great saints to give face so much.

   Just as Xun Gu was about to invite Bian Tong and Su Yanli to enter the arena, Bian Tong suddenly turned around, looked at the door of space in front of him, and asked faintly, "Several elders, are you not ready to come out?"

   Su Yanli also turned around at this time, her red lips lightly opened, "Several elders, you guys don't mess around, come out quickly."

   A few seconds later, the two space doors in the air opened again.

   The voice comes first before anyone comes out.

   "You **** group will only sneak attack, have the ability to fight head-on!" A curse came from the door of the space on the right, after the voice fell.

   An old man covered his forehead and walked out of the door of space, as did the elders behind him.

   "Cut, there is no rule in the rules that sneak attacks are not allowed. Rubbish is rubbish, don't find a reason." Another curse came from the door of the space on the left, and the voice fell.

   An old man clutched his waist and walked out of the space tremblingly, as did the elders behind him.

   After all the elders from both sides showed up, the accompanying disciples also walked out of the door of space one by one.

   Taking advantage of the time when the disciples left the gate of space, the elders of both sides just glanced at each other and scolded.

   "What are you looking at?"

   "Look at you? What's the matter? How can you drop?"

   "You take another look!"

   "Try it, try it!"

   "My day, my mother!"


   Then the scolding became more and more Seeing that this battle will enter the stage of martial arts discussion soon.

   Everyone on the ground looked dumbfounded. This is what happened. The relationship between these big guys doesn't seem to be very good.

   All the disciples are full of black lines, why is it going to fight again? Didn’t you just have a fight just now?

   Just now, the two families arrived at the destination at the same time, and then the elders of the two parties began a friendly interaction.

   It was fine at the beginning, and it was barely a friendly exchange.

   But the more they talked, the more things went wrong, and gradually changed from the initial greeting to irony, that is, there was something in the words.

   Then the leader of the Imperial Void Saint Sect suddenly used the power of space to hit the space tunnel of the Indefinite Saint Sect, and then there was a strong shaking.

That's how the bags on the foreheads of the elders of the Unfixed Saint Sect came from.

   The elders of the Unfixed Saint Sect certainly won't swallow this breath, and they certainly won't be counseled.

   They directly shot through the gap between the two spatial tunnels, and then while the elders of the Imperial Sacred Sect were still in shock, one person directly kicked the other person on the waist.

   This operation is simply a perfect match, which can be said to be very tacit.

   Just when the elders of both sides were about to fight, the two old voices suddenly sounded together.

   "You all give me peace!"

   "Yes!" The elders of the two sides went silent for a moment, and their temperament changed drastically, from the elders of the elders to the good boys.

   The elders of the two sides looked around from the corner of the room, and couldn't help but wonder, "Didn't you say you want to suppress them?"