It’s Too Hard To Die

v1 Chapter 355: No ghosts believe it.

   In the sky, the elders of the two holy places fell into silence collectively.

  In the eyes of outsiders, they are being told by their own bosses.

   But in fact, they are really being talked about by their own bosses.

   The elders of the two great sacred sects pulled their own elders into the team's voice and turned on the training mode.

   After talking nonsense for an hour, they finally got to the point.

   Royal Xu Shengzong.

   "Elder, what are you doing? Why are you stopping us? It's not that we told you. If the battle was really fought just now, then we must have won." An elder asked suspiciously.

   "Win your sister! Whether you lose or win, the result is the same, it's a shame. It's just that the loser loses more face.

  Look at how you have become. In front of so many people, take the initiative to pick things up. Are you afraid that others will not give us a "provocation, arrogance and domineering" hat? "The Great Elder roared.

   Everyone trembled in their hearts, even if they were far away, they could feel how angry their elders were now.

   "Great Elder, didn't you say that you want us to suppress the people of the Uncertain Saint Sect in this operation?" An elder asked in a low voice, "We obviously did a good job."

  In an independent space.

   When the old man with white eyebrows heard these words, the veins on his forehead instantly violent, and the anger in his heart burned fiercely.

   "I really want to punch you in the stomach now, but the distance between us saved you." The old man with white eyebrows cursed in his heart.

   After a while, the old man with white eyebrows breathed a sigh of relief and murmured, "Don't be angry, don't scold him when facing such a teammate, but use love to influence him."

   After the mood gradually calmed down, the old man with white eyebrows did not continue talking, but directly issued two orders.

   One. Looking for something goes back to looking for something, but it’s not so obvious that it’s not so obvious. For example, it’s absolutely impossible to do it directly.

  Second, it’s not that you can’t fight, but that you have to stick to principles, such as an invitation to a contest, where everyone will be the referee and a fair and just duel.

   Summary: As long as you don’t discredit the image of the sect, you can display it at will.

   "Do you understand now?" the old man with white eyebrows asked.

   "I will understand." The elders responded.

   Is there anything I don't understand? It's still messing up anyway, but it can't be so obvious.

   The old man with white eyebrows chuckled twice in satisfaction, and then dismissed the team's voice, allowing them to play freely in the next time.

  While the great elders of the imperial sacred sect were preaching, the great elders of the indefinite holy sect were also preaching.

   The content of the topics discussed by the two parties is roughly the same. Even if there are differences, they are only superficially different, and the meanings of the expressions are still the same.

   Anyway, the overall meaning is to make trouble.

   After the elders of the two sides dismissed the voice mode in the team, they glanced at each other. This look was very meaningful.

   On the ground, Xun Gu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said in his heart, "It's God's favor. Fortunately, these big guys didn't fight, otherwise my Jiang Chiyu would be beaten directly."

   The strength of the God King Powerhouse is not blown out, just in a single thought, an area the size of Jiang Chiyu will instantly turn into ashes.

   Not only creatures, but even buildings will be flattened directly.

   High in the sky, the saint son of the imperial holy sect – Biantong and the saint woman of the indefinite holy sect – Su Yanli are saluting each other.

   "Su Saintess, long admiring the name." Bian Tong slightly arched his hand towards Su Yanli, and said faintly.

   "I have also heard of Bian Shengzi's name for a long time, and I saw it today. It really deserves it." Su Yanli leaned slightly in return.

   After a simple greeting, the two of them were speechless one after another.

   The first encounter between the two Tianjiao ended without any surprise.

   Everyone was also dumbfounded:...No, isn't the contradiction between these two great saints very big? How could these two arrogances be like no enmity and no injustice.

on the ground.

   Xun Gu is still in a state of daze. Suddenly, he felt a pain in his waist. He turned his head to look and saw Patriarch Cheng winking frantically behind him.

   Xun's ancient secret path is not good, he quickly raised his head and looked up at the sky, and saw that many big men in the sky were standing in the sky, staring at him blankly.

   Xungu was in a cold sweat instantly, and he hurriedly pleaded guilty, "My sirs, just now I..."

   Xungu's words have just been uttered.

   "Om! Om! Om!"

   Several shocking coercion suddenly appeared, sweeping to everyone on the ground.

   Everyone on the ground was shocked when they saw this, and the secret path was about to suffer. These few strong coercions could easily crush them to death just by the aftermath.

   It was too late, it was fast, Qi Qi, the leader of the two great sacred sects, snorted coldly, and several coercion instantly shattered and disappeared.

   "Yu Mi, what do you mean?" The leader of Wuding Shengzong asked coldly.

   "Chuck, Ji Song, why are you so angry? They just played for a while." An extremely charming and seductive voice came from nowhere.

   The voice fell, and the space was distorted. A very coquettish-looking woman walked out of the door of the space, accompanied by several gray-haired elders.

   "Play? Play with the lives of so many people?" Ji Song asked coldly.

   "Anyway, you will protect them. I scared them. What's wrong?" Yu Mi covered her mouth and chuckled.

   "You!" Ji Song couldn't help but feel anxious, and he was about to do it.

"Come on, you fight, this girl stands here and lets you fight casually. After the fight, we will go to your suzerain. The theory is." Yu Mi stood there unsuspectingly, waiting for Ji to release her hand, her eyes returned. There are a few provocations.

   Ji Song was furious, but he was helpless, because he really had no reason to do it.

   Although Yu Mi took the initiative to act on other people, Yu Mi did not act on Ji Song and the others.

  As long as Ji Song and the others are not injured, they have no reason to do it, and even if the others die, they have no reason to do it.

   Because these elders and Su Yanli are his own, and the others are outsiders after all.

   "Yu Mi, what are you doing here? What is the purpose?" Ji Songqiang suppressed the impulse in his heart and asked coldly.

   "Why should I tell you, do you rely on your **** attitude?" Yu Mi asked with a sneer.

   The anger in Yuki Song's heart burned again.

   "Several friends of the Yu family, today is the day when I am waiting to discuss the countermeasures of the siege war. If there is nothing wrong, please come back." The leader of the Imperial Sacred Sect laughed, and said to drive people.

   "We know this naturally, so we chose to visit today, the purpose is to come to help Jiang Chiyu." Yu Mi smiled.

   Everyone: …What a nonsense with your eyes open, can you call for assistance even in your way of appearance? Those few pressures just now almost killed all the locals. You say that you are here to help, and this sentence is said to ghosts and they don't believe it.