It’s Too Hard To Die

v1 Chapter 362: Sure enough, it did not live up to my ex

   Xiao Bai leaned against the guardrail of the veranda, closed his eyes and thought, definitely not falling asleep this time, he was really thinking about it.

   "Oh, what should I do? How can the remaining 40% be perfected specifically?" Xiao Bai said distressedly in his heart.

   "These 40% should correspond to the four types of events, but I don't know if there will be any surprise incidents in the future.

   Do you want me to direct and act on my own? Ontology acts as the chief director and the avatar acts as an actor, performing four plays in a row. "Xiao Bai said in his heart.

   "System, give me a martial arts such as clone technique." Xiao Bai said.

   "I advise you to give up this idea, self-directed and self-acted events will not be counted in the task completion statement." The system poured cold water on Xiao Bai.

   "Fuck, how do you do this task?" Xiao Bai roared.

   This is the only way he can think of. Even this way doesn't work. Isn't that aiming at people on purpose?

   "Do it with your heart, come on, you are the best!" The system encouraged.

   "Great girl!" Xiao Bai almost blurted out.

   "If that's the case, you can only pin your hopes on these people." Xiao Bai glanced at Chu Haoyan, who was still in a coma, and Yu Mi who hadn't recovered yet, and said quietly.

   A few of them must come here today for a special purpose. Originally, Xiao Bai was not going to take care of such nostalgia, but because of the task, he was prepared to take care of it today.

   Yu Mi has temporarily entered Xiao Bai's whitelist, that is, people who cannot be killed for the time being.

   After all, Xiao Bai had to rely on them to complete the task, so naturally he couldn't kill it.

   Although you can't kill it, it's okay to make trouble.

   "Host, you have some certainty that you can complete this task." The system asked.

   "Not sure," Xiao Bai replied.

  He is really not sure, whether this task can be completed depends on whether a few of them will cause trouble.

   If they do something, it can be done.

   If they don't mess up, there is no way to finish it.

   But looking at the overall situation, the probability of them getting into trouble is still quite high. After all, no one will run for a meal. . .

   "Oh, I can't think about it anymore, I just want to think about it." Xiao Bai hurriedly interrupted his thoughts, opened his closed eyes, looked around, trying to distract himself with other events.

   Then he saw Patriarch Cheng in the crowd happily waving to him.

   Xiao Bai: ...I'll stand up.

   Time passes, and night is approaching.

   Yu Mi's injuries have fully recovered, and Chu Haoyan has also recovered from his coma.

   The first thought of the two of them after they recovered was to shake people to fight, but they seemed to think of something suddenly, so they dispelled this idea.

   Despite this, their resentment has not diminished at all, staring directly at Xiao Bai and Liu Shi.

   Xiao Bai, who was leaning on the willow tree by the pond and admiring the moonlight, showed a faint smile on his face after seeing the expressions of these two people, "What's the matter? I still want to get beaten?"

   The two snorted together, and then withdrew their angry gazes with interest.

   It's not that they are counseling, but with their current strength, even if they are together, they are not his opponents. Heroes don't suffer from immediate losses, they still understand the truth.

   "Huh, I will ask you to settle the account after this matter is completed." Chu Haoyan said coldly in his heart.

   "Xiao Chu, our plan should be implemented. But this time the plan has to be changed a little, that is, the goal is to add one more person." Yu Mi gave Xiao Bai a cold look, and then whispered.

   "Okay, I will prepare now." Chu Haoyan replied in a voice, and then whispered a few words to the elderly people behind him.

   After these elders nodded, Chu Haoyan sat cross-legged and entered the cultivation state.

   In the eyes of others, Chu Haoyan is indeed in a cultivation state, but Xiao Bai, who has been observing secretly, has already seen through all this, Chu Haoyan is just acting.

   Although the current Chu Haoyan is still the main body, at the moment he was sitting cross-legged just now, he released a clone of invisibility and controlled this clone to flee far away.

   This clone naturally fooled Ji Song and the others, otherwise it would have been slapped in the slap long ago.

   Xiao Bai pretended to see nothing, but his heart flew happily.

   "The two people really did not live up to my expectations. They have completed a quarter of the task. They are really good brothers." Xiao Bai said with emotion in his heart.

   Although Xiao Bai saw the actions of Yu Mi and Chu Haoyan with his own eyes, he did not pay much attention to this matter.

   Xiao Bai neither went to follow Chu Haoyan to see what he was going to do, nor did he stop Chu Haoyan's actions, but chose to enjoy the moon.

   After all, no matter what they are going to do or what plan they have, the result will not threaten Xiao Bai anyway, so if there is any concern about this matter, it is better to enjoy the moon and look around.

   After a while, it spread at Xun Gu's orders.

   In the courtyard, groups of maids are doing the final banquet layout, which is actually serving dishes.

  The courtyard is very large, and there are countless tables and chairs.

   There is a half-meter distance between the tables. Even so, there is still an open area in the courtyard.

  The overall layout is east and west, namely, east and west. There are also five special positions, which are directly opposite the gate.

   Each family has its own area. Of course, this is also allocated according to the strength of the family. The strong ones will naturally move forward, and the weak ones will naturally depend on the last point.

   But the elders and disciples like the two great saints, the Yu family and the Chu family naturally don’t worry about their position.

   People from top powers like them, no matter where they go, they will enjoy the highest standard treatment of the local powers.

   After everything was ready, a big party before the siege officially began, and then the entrance was next.

   First of all, it is natural that the small forces cannot be seated. They must wait for the top forces such as the two great holy sects to be seated before they can be seated.

   The five positions facing the gate are specially prepared for these big guys.

   Biantong, the saint son of the imperial sage, and Su Yanli, the saint of the indefinite saint, were also invited by the elders.

   Chu Haoyan, who was in the state of ‘cultivation’, also paused ‘cultivation’ at this time, standing up slowly, with a smile on his face.

   "How are you?" Yu Mi had the answer in her heart when she saw this, but she still wanted to hear Chu Haoyan's confirmation.

   "I'm fine." Chu Haoyan replied with a smile and voice transmission.

   "Just do it, I'm afraid you're not doing well." Xiao Bai smiled in his heart, and the sound transmission records of the two Yumi were all intercepted by Xiao Bai.

   "Strange, why do I always feel that something is missing?" Ji Song frowned, stroking his long beard.

   Yan San beside Ji Song also nodded, he also felt this way.