It’s Too Hard To Die

v1 Chapter 377: Go wrong!

   Because the owner of the house is not there, the Nangong family has been exceptionally quiet these days.

   The guard who had long since recovered from the shocked state was standing guard at the gate.

   "Today's wind is very noisy." The guard held a spear and leaned comfortably on the wall, "Bashi."

   Suddenly, there was a sound of "Woo!"

   Hundreds of figures suddenly appeared within a short distance from the guards, and at this time, the clouds and mists just completely blocked the moon, and the earth was completely dark.

   In the eyes of the guards, these figures are like ecstatic messengers in the underworld, terrifying extremely.


   As a scream sounded, the guard was frightened and fainted again. This was the third time he was frightened and fainted.

   Xiao Bai and others:...Why doesn't this psychological endurance improve a little?

   "Old nine? Old nine?"

   When Xiao Bai and the others were about to wake up the guard, several urgent shouts came from the Nangong Mansion.

  'S tone was full of worry.

   "Lao Jiu fainted again?" A guard asked in the big mansion.

   "It seems to be." A guard replied.


   "Huh?" Several guards were surprised, and the old nine fainted, okay?

   "Patriarch and the others are back, isn't the news good enough?" the guard replied.

   "How do you know the Patriarch and them are back?" Several guards asked in confusion.

   "Don't you find this pattern? Every time Old Jiuyi faints, Senior Xiao comes back.

   Since Senior Xiao is back, the Patriarch and others must have also returned. "The guard replied.

   "You said really makes sense." The guards groaned.

   The corners of Xiao Bai and others’ mouths twitched, how could it be like a rooster crowing every morning?


   The banquet has not ended yet in the most central area of ​​the Red River, because Patriarch Su and the others have not left.

   "Does any of you know the detailed information of that friend just now?" Family Master Su glanced at everyone present and asked with a smile.

   Except for the few members of the Cheng family and the Sikong family, everyone else shook their heads, saying that they had never dealt with Xiao Bai.

   Patriarch Cheng and several of them were very conspicuous in the crowd of crazy shaking heads, as conspicuous as a section of a straight line was curved.

   Therefore, Patriarch Su almost spotted Patriarch Cheng and the others without shaking his head at a glance.

   Patriarch Su slightly waved their sleeves, and Patriarch Cheng and the others were lifted up by a surge of spiritual power, suspended in the air, at the same height as Patriarch Su.

   Now they are more conspicuous. Almost all of them are holding their breath and looking at them seriously.

   "Can you tell me what you know?" Patriarch Su asked with a smile.

   "I..." An elder of the Sikong family just wanted to speak, but was preempted by Patriarch Cheng.

   "Senior Su, what do you want to do when you ask about that senior's information?" Patriarch Cheng handed his hand to Patriarch Su.

  The elders of the Wuding Saint Sect immediately stared at Patriarch Cheng with unkind expressions. Can you ask this kind of question?

   But... they also want to know what Family Master Su wants to do...

   Patriarch Su still smiled, smiling unabated, "Don't worry, I don't have any malice, but I am more interested in him, and I hope I can make friends."

   Patriarch Cheng nodded half-believingly, and slowly said, "I don't know much about this senior. I only know that his surname is Xiao, his name is Bai, and he is very strong, but nothing else."

   "Then how did you meet?" Patriarch Su asked again.

   Patriarch Su asked, Patriarch Cheng was full of energy and excited in an instant.

   "Senior Su is like this..."

   It took half an hour for Patriarch Cheng to tell Patriarch Su and the others about the experience and results of his acquaintance with Xiao Bai.

   A large part of it is praised Xiao Baiyi for being thin and courageous.

After    Cheng Patriarch, Sikong Wenyao brought the contradiction between their Sikong family and Xiao Bai to everyone one by one.

   After another half an hour, Sikong Wenyao's narration finally ended.

   After so long, Patriarch Su and the others only understood two things.

   One, I know Xiao Bai's name.

  Second, from the passing of Patriarch Cheng and the others, it can be seen that Xiao Bai is a good person.

   "It's good if it's not an enemy." Pu Ziyao sighed. Since you can't be a teammate, it's good to be a neutral person.

   is neither a teammate nor an enemy, which is not bad.

   "Yes, fortunately, he is not an enemy." The Sect Master of Wuding Shengzong sighed.

   Judging from the attack just now, Patriarch Yu can be beaten to death in an instant, and their strength is comparable to Patriarch Yu.

   If Xiao Bai has a hostile relationship with them. . . How do you fight then?

   "Okay, it's late at night. If there is nothing to do, I will go away separately. I will take action in the siege battle tomorrow." The four of Su Family Master descended from the sky and said leisurely.

   "Yes!" Everyone responded in unison, with faint expectation in their hearts, and the power of God Emperor personally fought, the scene must be spectacular.

   Just as everyone was about to disperse, another anxious shout came from the horizon.

   "Subordinate Ding Ke pays homage to the adults of the Wuding Saint Sect!"

  In the distance, a middle-aged man kept wiping the bead of sweat on his forehead with his and rushed towards Su Patriarch and others in a hurry.

  The Sect Master of Wuding Shengzong frowned slightly, and asked, "Who is this person? Why do you call me the name of Wuding Shengzong?"

   Ji Song and other elders shook their heads together, saying that they had never seen this person.

   The middle-aged man in the sky was still driving towards Patriarch Su and the others at the fastest speed, and he didn't mean to slow down at all.

   The suzerain of the Unfixed Saint Sect frowned further when he saw this.

"What the **** is this guy going to do? Of course, it doesn't matter, what's important is that I am the Sect Master of Wuding Shengzong! What do you mean by running to Brother Su? You are running off! Hey!" Wuding Sheng The Sect Master said in his heart.

   At this time, the middle-aged man was very close to Patriarch Su and his position, and he still didn't have any intention to slow down.

   Just when Patriarch Su was about to take action to force the middle-aged man to stay in place, the middle-aged man suddenly moved.

   He changed from stepping on the cloud, turning into kneeling on the cloud.

   The whole person slid to the eyes of Patriarch Su like a slide. There was no pause in the whole process, it was very silky.

"The lord of the Uncertain Saint Sect! The little one is wrong! The little one is wrong! Please have a lot of your lord, please forgive me this time! The little one is really not intentionally late this time!" The middle-aged man knelt on the cloud. , Kept kowtow to Patriarch Su.

   His forehead hit the cloud fiercely, and I don't know if it hurts or not.

   "Well, I am not the steward of the Wuding Saint Sect, he is the steward of the Wuding Saint Sect." Family Master Su pointed to the black-faced Sect Master of the Wuding Saint Sect, and couldn't help but smile.