It’s Too Hard To Die

v1 Chapter 453: Open mouth

"Earlier than me?"

Wang Hao looked unbelieving.

"This guy is definitely cheating me again." Wang Hao said in his heart.

Xiao Bai:...

You are persecution delusional, this is a disease, and you have to be cured!

"He really started earlier than you, not only earlier than you, but also earlier than the dog's egg." Xiao Bai sipped a sip of tea and said lightly.

But when he found that the teacup in his hand was still the one used by Ling Xinyun, he instantly became calm.

"Ahem." Xiao Bai coughed awkwardly, put the teacup back in his hand, pretending to say calmly, "Really, I didn't lie to you, Wuluo really started early."

"When did you get started?" Nangong Yunmo, Zhang Shige, Wang Hao and the little monk asked in unison.

"Three years ago." Xiao Bai said, rubbing his chin.

"Oh, it really was earlier than I started..." the little monk sighed, can I only be a kid in my life?

"Really? I don't believe it." Wang Hao said.

Xiao Bai:...


Is this Lu Yu possessed by Ritian?

"When did you collect it? Why don't we know?" Ergou asked curiously.

He remembered that Xiao Bai was almost inseparable from them in the past few years. Why did he suddenly add a disciple?

"It was three years ago, I randomly scattered a few exercises and martial arts, let them choose suitable candidates, and then selected Wuluo.

Because of this, Wuluo naturally became my personal disciple. "Xiao Bai explained.

Everyone can't help but feel that it is so.

"Master, when will you accept another named disciple? I don't want to be a kid anymore." The little monk said bitterly.

"What? Isn't it enough for you to be a kid?" Xiao Bai asked with a smile.

The little monk nodded frantically, this little man has done enough!

"That's OK, it's not impossible for you to be big, you can go and discuss with your senior brother and others." Xiao Bai grinned smirkly.

The little monk froze for a moment, and then shuddered, because he felt a few dangerous glances.

The owners of these eyes were Nangong Yunmo, Zhang Shige and Wang Hao.

"Little Junior Brother, do you really want my position as a big brother?" Nangong Yunmo asked with a smile.

"Little Junior Brother, if you are successful, do we still have to call you Senior Brother?" Zhang Shige moved his hands and feet, and asked with a grinning smile.

Wang Hao: I don't know what to say... I just came to make up the number...

The three people gathered the little monk in the middle with a smirk.

The little monk grimaced and shouted out loudly, "Master, you clearly know what I mean, I just want to get righteous!"

He is too difficult. Senior brothers and sisters are all direct disciples, and only he is a few disciples.

He started early, but when a new disciple came to the teacher's door, he had to call him brother.

This requires another disciple in the future, and he has to call his brother.

Alas, these years, named disciples don't have human rights, especially named disciples like him who are outstanding.

There is only one named disciple in the entire sect, so he appears. . . Especially prominent.

Therefore, he must become a normal person and cannot continue to do this.

He swears not to be small!

"Oh? You don't want to live forever?" Xiao Bai asked with a smile.

"How can Changsheng be a master's personal disciple? As long as you can be a master's personal disciple, what does it matter if you don't live forever?" the little monk said impassionedly.

This sentence of the little monk is very magnificent, and the temperament, image, tone, etc. are all in place.

Xiao Bai was also actively cooperating with the little monk. Although he was not touched at all in his heart, he still pretended to be very touched.

"Good! Good! You really deserve to be my good disciple! You are so touched for me!" Xiao Bai stood up excitedly and exclaimed with relief on his face.

The little monk heard a few words of humility, and looked indifferent, but his heart was flying happily.

"I seem to have seen the name of my personal disciple beckoning to me!" The little monk said excitedly in his heart.

After three years of sharpening a sword, is he finally going to become a personal disciple?

However, Xiao Bai suddenly said, "Guo Dan, since you want to be my personal disciple so much, you even give up your longevity dream for this reason. Well, I will fulfill you today.

Come on, now start to swear to the sky, I will prepare all the oaths for you.

[I am willing to give up my dream of longevity, and will never live forever, just to be a direct disciple of the master. If there is any falsehood, I am willing to thunder and strike, not to die! 】

Okay, let's get started. "

When listening to the first half, the little monk was so excited that he almost took off on the spot with joy.

But when he heard the second half, he was stupid.

Damn it! Is this the legendary bipolar reversal?

In just two paragraphs, the young monk experienced the peak and trough periods of his life.

"Master... Master, you don't need to swear this..." The little monk felt that he could rescue him again.

Xiao Bai held his chin and said in a deep thought, "Well, it's okay to swear if it's not The little monk has a small face with joy.

Xiao Bai continued to say, "Swear in front of your Second Uncle, it's all the same."

Little monk: ... the devil, it's just the devil.

Ergou also pretended to push away from the sea of ​​snacks in front of him, sitting on the bench with a dreadlock, and said solemnly, "Come on, dogdan, let's get started."

Little monk: ...this is even more devil!

After a while, the little monk still didn't start.

Xiao Bai pretended to be puzzled and asked, "What's the matter? Why don't you start?"

Little monk: ...Master, can we stop acting? The disciple knew it was wrong.

Seeing the little monk look like this, Xiao Bai also smiled happily, playing with me.

Xiao Bai learned the tone of the girl when he broke up, and sneered, "It seems that my status in your heart is not so important. The status of a mere longevity in your heart is much higher than that of me.

Oh, disciple.

After all, one person resisted everything. "

Everyone: Obviously you have been teasing others, what's the matter with your faint resentment?

Some female disciples: Why are you so proficient?

System: Pro players are prohibited from participating!

In today's battle of conversion, the little monk was defeated.

"Alright, let's go, it's time to get on the road." Xiao Bai smiled.

I was planning to leave in the morning, but because of the occurrence of these things, I was delayed until noon.

"I hope there will be no more emergencies," the system said quietly.

As soon as the system's voice fell, suddenly, there was another loud noise from the horizon, "Boom!"

System: ...I'm sorry, I shouldn't speak.

Xiao Bai: ...Big brother, have your mouth been opened up?

"Ding! The breath of the elder of the Demon Hall has been captured, please check it by the host.

-The message comes from the system's automatic prompt. "