It’s Too Hard To Die

v1 Chapter 63: It's your father!

  While they were talking, Old Demon Wu had already arrived at the gate of the hall.

   The elders saw that Old Demon Wu had arrived, and quickly got up to greet each other.

   "Sovereign has worked hard." The elders said politely.

   "Aren't you nonsense? Try it. You just came out of retreat and you were dragged over to do the task. Try it hard." Wu Laomo didn't think this was a polite remark.

   "Yes, yes, this is something I'm not waiting for." The elders quickly pushed the pot onto themselves.

"Also, did the lord bring back the Mu's eldest? Or did you find any clues?" The elder went straight in and asked directly. He knew that if he continued to be like this, someone must be beaten today. Alas, the beaten. People are experienced.

Elder Wu gave an appreciative look at the elder, not bad, much better than those Shabi elders, the most annoying thing about me is the kind of nonsense elders who hit you last time, this time I will tell you in my heart Apologize.

"Miss Mu didn't bring it here, but the news was received. What Patriarch Mu said was that when our three elders were chasing and killing his daughter, a strong holy emperor suddenly appeared and slapped them to death. "Old Mo Wu said slowly, as if to state something dispensable.

   After all the elders heard what Old Mo Wu said, all of them frowned, this news. . . . Is it the same?

   "Is there no sect master?" an elder asked.

   "It's gone." Old Mo Wu affirmed.

   "Is it really gone?" the elder asked.

   "It's really gone." Wu Laomo's mood increased by one.

   "Is it really gone?"

   "It's really gone." Wu Laomo's little mood increased by ten.

   "Is it really gone?"

   "It's really gone." Old Mo Wu's little mood now increased by 9999, and his eyes were full of anger, and he was about to explode at any time.

   The other elders found that Old Demon Wu was angry, and some elders kindly reminded this elder, but this elder was completely big-hearted, and he did not feel the strange emotions of Old Demon Wu at all.

   "Sect Master, is it really gone?" The elder continued to ask.

Mad, I can’t bear it anymore. Old Mo Wu really couldn’t bear it anymore. He kicked the elder quickly and kicked the elder away directly with one kick. The elder who was kicked by Old Demon Wu flew out like a missile, and the hall was hit by a hole in his body.

"TMD said it a few times, no more, no more, and kept asking wherever I left it, is it my language expression is incorrect, or this person is a Shabi and can’t understand human words? Is it annoying every day? How can there be such a naive person among the top elders?" Old Mo Wu shook the leg that kicked the elder just now. The leg hurts. He forgot to use spiritual power to kick him just now, so he kicked him directly with his body. It's sour and refreshing, no one else can feel it.

   "The Sect Master has beaten people again." The disciple outside the hall looked up at the body of the elder who flew out and exclaimed.

   The other disciples also looked up at the Zongmen Hall, as if they wanted to see what happened inside the Hall.

Other disciples went to save the elder. The elder was injured. This is a good opportunity to get close to the top elders. Needless to say, precious martial arts resources may be accepted as direct disciples, so a group of disciples rushed to go there. Next to the elder.

   The disciples were not surprised to see the elder being beaten, but they also felt normal. What does this prove? This is a direct proof that the sect master no longer fights the elders once or twice, and the elder fights are just like playing.

"Which elder again, so unlucky." A little fat man grinned gloomily. What he likes most is to watch others lose out, that is, watch others get beaten. Even the top elders are not afraid to offend him, because his father is also top-notch. Elders.

   Then he also squeezed into the crowd, ready to see which elder was beaten so badly, but because he was too wide and there were so many people, he couldn't squeeze in at all.

   But it’s okay. He has his unique skills. "I’m Zhang Hongyu. Give me a break, or you will all be unlucky if I get angry." The little fat man shouted loudly in the crowd.

   The effect of this voice is remarkable, and most people turn their heads to look at Little Fatty and quickly give way.

   "Why did this plague **** come?"

   "Are you stupid? What he likes most is to watch others lose out. Let's get out of the way. Elder Zhang initiates a fire and we are done."

   These alone are enough to prove how good this little fat guy is.

   But the little fat man didn't care about the plague gods and the like they said. He was proud of them because he would appear to stand out in the crowd.

   "Who is so unlucky? The lord beat him as soon as he left the customs, alas, miserable and miserable." The little fat man looked like he was gloating, but he said that he cared about others.

   "It's your father!" one of the people replied.

"What?" The little fat man felt that he had heard it Someone dared to scold him, and there were not a few disciples in the entire sect who dared to offend him. Now someone dared to scold him, but I couldn’t use the knife Up?

   "You dare to scold me?" The little fat man turned his head and glared at the speaker.

   "I didn't scold you, it's really your father!" The disciple who was stared at by the little fat man shivered sharply, and he felt that he did not say anything wrong.

   "You TM still dare to scold!" The little fat man is very angry now, is this person floating?

   "Brother Zhang, he didn't scold you, it's really your father!" A disciple couldn't stand it anymore, so he decided to stand up and help him out.

   "Huh? Are you floating too?" The little fat man felt that the sky has changed today, and these people dared to scold him one by one.

   "It's not that. It's not scolding you. We mean that the beaten elder is your father!" Another disciple came forward, and he explained their meaning to the little fat man.

"What!" When the little fat man heard that the beaten elder was his father, his heart stunned, and he ran as fast as he could to the beaten elder's position. The fat on his body trembled and trembled when he ran. .

When the little fat man reached the position, he looked at the elder's face and confirmed that it was his father. Seeing his father's miserable appearance, he quickly knelt down and said, "Father!" of.

   When other disciples saw this scene, some sighed, gloated, and left after taking a glance.

   "Sect Master, do you know who killed our three elders?" The elders don't care about the outside situation at all, because they know that Elder Zhang can't die, so they care about it or not.

   "I don't know." Wu Laomo's words are concise and concise, and the words are like gold. Three words sum up everything.