It’s Too Hard To Die

v1 Chapter 85: That's awesome.

"Should you not believe it?" Zhang Shige tilted his head, blinked his big cute eyes, and looked at Xiao Bai.

"Mom!" Xiao Bai covered his face with his hands. He no longer knew what to say. How could this newly recruited apprentice be like this? It's completely different from the hardened iron-blooded man just now. This is now a cute little boy who hasn't been deeply involved in the world.

Almost two hours later, Zhang Shige stood in front of Xiao Bai in a room of the inn.

"Have you found the system, exercises, and martial skills?" This kind of critical occasion still requires a systematic appearance. After all, if you ask Xiao Bai to bring out a few god-level or non-level exercises, Xiao Bai can only say "I'm sorry, Can't do it." Although Xiao Baibai is invincible, he is also invincible, and everything else is gone.

"Ready." The system replied, Emma, ​​after diving for so long, it was finally my turn to play and pretend to be forced.

"Gongfa's words are "Shangqing Nidao Jue", which introduces:

Name: "Shangqing Adversarial Judgment"

Type: Gongfa

Founder: From a mysterious system, it was made with painstaking effort.

Level: Personally teach the disciple's special exercises, others will die immediately after practicing.

Advantages: It is suitable for people who are born with no veins and can absorb spiritual power for those who can't absorb spiritual power. Cultivating this exercise is invincible at the same price as the physical body, incomparable to any divine body, and the physical strength is increased the most. The physical body is too strong, and the difference in strength is not too much (the big rank is not the benchmark) basically can't die. Because it is born with a deadly vein, there is no way to cultivate at all, because this cultivation method can only be cultivated, so there is no overpass of demons and no confusion. Fighting higher levels is not a dream, come and practice this technique, so that your dream is no longer out of reach, but at your fingertips.

Disadvantages: Innate Absolute Vein can be practiced to change fate. Therefore, those who practice this technique will be intolerable by the way of heaven, and will be targeted by most gods. Also, although this technique will make the cultivator invincible, but the spiritual power is not enough, remember to remember.

The martial arts are these:

Name: "Super Saiyan"

Type: Martial Arts

From Dimension: Dragon Ball Dimension

Level: It's not in the same dimension, it's the same for evaluation or not, anyway, the training is over.

Restrictions: The host, direct disciples, elders, guardians, guardians of the gods, and hall masters can practice. Others will die immediately after practicing.

Advantages: After the transformation, the physical strength and energy wave damage are greatly increased.

Disadvantage: After the transformation returns to normal, if the physical strength is not enough, it will cause a great backlash. This martial art is very physical, so remember. The strength level is not enough to start the increase. Now the transformation stages of "Super Saiyan" are "Super Saiyan One, Two, Three, Four, Super Saiyan Blue, Super Saiyan Rose Gold, Super Saiyan" Men navy. ’

Another martial arts:

Name: "Ordinary Boxing" (Continuous Ordinary Boxing)

Type: Martial Arts

From Dimension: One Punch Man Dimension

Level: The dimension is different, no judgment is required.

Founder: Bald Cape Man – Saitama

Restriction: Pass the disciple personally.

Advantages: Very powerful, little physical energy consumption, no spiritual energy consumption at all, but no special effects.

Disadvantages: No special effects is the biggest disadvantage.

There is also a martial arts.

Name: "Serious Fist" (Continuous Fist)

Type: Martial Arts

From Dimension: One Punch Man Dimension

Grade: The dimension is different, and there is no need to rank.

Founder: Bald Cape Man – Saitama

Restriction: Pass the disciple personally.

Advantages: opponents of the same level can kill with a single punch, except for those who are also the master's direct disciple, the physical exertion is not too much.

Disadvantages: There is still no special effects. This is the biggest flaw for people who are looking for handsome.

The last shenfa martial arts.

Name: "The Recklessness Is Over"

Type: Martial Arts

Founder: From the mysterious system power

Level: None

Restriction: Pass the disciple personally.

Advantages: As the strongest direct disciple of the **, how can I persuade him when fighting? Using this martial art greatly increases the strength of the physical body, while the spiritual power in the body will be slightly reduced.

Disadvantages: Reckless is reckless, strong is strong, but it can hardly run away if it can't be beaten, there is no teleport effect, remember to remember. "

"Fuck, awesome! How did you get things from "Dragon Ball" and "One Punch Man"?" Xiao Bai was stupid when he heard the name of this martial art, how could this give the powerful martial art in the anime? I got it here, I haven't seen him get anything from other planes before.

"You care about his martial arts, just force it, as long as you use it comfortably, it is a good martial arts." The system replied.

Xiao Bai shook his head, forget it, and do business first.

"Come on, I will teach you the technique now." Xiao Bai put his finger against Zhang Shige's forehead and said.

Zhang Shige is very excited now, Xiao Bai can clearly hear his fierce heartbeat, it is very loud, the louder it proves that he is more excited.

Zhang Shige was indeed very excited, because he believed that he would be able to absorb spiritual power soon, and he believed in his master's ability. He was very happy in his heart, just as easy as the giant mountain on his body suddenly disappeared, and the pressure was relieved with it. This problem that has troubled him for more than ten years is finally about to be solved.

The process of imparting martial arts and martial arts is always very fast.

Zhang Shige started practicing after receiving the exercises, and Xiao Bai could understand his feelings, after all, strength in this world is very important.

"Buzzing!" Spiritual energy from all around kept pouring into Zhang Shige's and did not dissipate as usual, but stayed there after entering Zhang Shige's body, and didn't leave at all. Up.

"Master, thank you, thank you." After Zhang Shige felt the spiritual power poured into his body continuously, his eyes became a little moist. After so many years, I could finally cultivate. I didn't expect that I was born with a deadly pulse. People can even practice.

All this must be thankful to the man in front of him, the man who pulled him out of the endless darkness, and he became his master.

Sister, I can finally practice. Wait for a while, and I will definitely save you. No matter it is the Demon Temple or whatever, I will obliterate those who block the way.

"Thank you, and practicing hard is the greatest gratitude to me." Xiao Bai learned what the teacher often said when he was in school, "Don't thank me, you didn't learn it for me or your parents, but Learned for yourselves, and you study hard is the greatest gratitude to me."

"Yes! Master, I will definitely practice well and will not disappoint Master's expectations." Zhang Shige knelt down to Xiao Bai, slammed his head heavily, Xiao Bai felt the ground under his feet shake.

"Get up, get up, I'm leaving. These are some medicines. These medicines can speed up the speed of cultivation and strengthen the foundation. Your brother has also eaten it. You should also eat it quickly." Xiao Bai said in Zhang Shi's song Two pills were placed on the table in the room. They were the same pills that Xiao Bai gave to Nangong Yunmo.