It’s Too Hard To Die

v1 Chapter 99: I can do it too.

"That's all right, since that's the case, let's end the meeting." The great elder bends down unconsciously and becomes an old man with a hunchback, as if he is getting a lot older all at once.

Although he was an old man and hunched back, he still has to say this to set off the atmosphere.

"Okay, let's break up and go to eat." Elder Sha took the lead and stood up and left his seat first. He is now the leader of these people, and of course he must take the lead.

"Great, fortunately there is Elder Sha." The fear in the alternate saint's heart is finally let go. This Nizi actually regarded Elder Sha as her own, but she was taken by force by this group, and now she has found her teammate.

The saint didn't speak, she just looked at everything in front of her silently, it's really not that these elders were afraid of death, it's just that everyone has their own way of life.

"Oh? What are you going to do?" The elders who were being separated were suddenly restrained by an invisible force.

"Do you use TM?" An elder replied subconsciously. Although they were very qualified at the meeting, they were gone after the meeting. Because there are people who are better than him at the meeting, of course you have to clean your mouth.

With a sound of "Om!", the fragrant elder had disappeared and disappeared if he didn't know what happened. Everyone present could not see exactly what happened.

With a shock of space, a young handsome man in Tsing Yi suddenly appeared in the hall. The hall was silent because of the man's appearance. The elders who had resisted with spiritual power in the suppression also stopped their useless struggles. , Widened his eyes and looked at the man in front of him nervously.

"See your lord!" Although these elders can't leave that space or move casually, they can still speak.

From their tone of voice, you can hear their panic, as well as their fear of the man.

"He is the boss you have always wanted to see, and he is the commander who forcibly brought you here." The saint introduced in the ear of the alternate saint.

"It turned out to be him!" The alternate saint silently remembered the young man's face, and kept all her hatred on her small notebook, and avenged her when she became strong in the future. After all, the current strength is too weak, if you want revenge, it is completely forbidden.

The alternate saint had never seen this so-called leader, because when she was forcibly taken over, she was directly assigned a position as an alternate saint, and the elder never saw it. At that time, the leader just confessed a few words to the great elder and left without talking to the alternate saint at all.

"Isn't this a saint? So you are here. The little girl next to you should be the alternate saint, right?" The man glanced at the saint and the alternate saint, and said with a light smile.

"Holy woman, alternate saint, would you not be polite to see an adult?!" The elder was shocked and angry, and he was too courageous. This adult is not a good person, he is not the kind of informal person. Don’t you do this to challenge the limits of human existence?

The key is that you challenge the limit of survival, can you challenge it when we are away? You can easily kill us by doing this. If you don't want to live, we still want to live.

The great elder roared very loudly, but the two saints were still indifferent and didn't move at all. They didn't even bother to speak. They just didn't act when he roared.

"Tsk tusk tusk, the saint has not changed at all, this cold temperament has not diminished at all, and it is too lazy to talk to anyone." The man said with a smile.

The saint still didn't speak, she still sat on the spot, looking at the man quietly.

"Look and see, this is not afraid of death!" The elder scorned these elders again in his heart, "Look, you are not as brave as the saint, and the saint doesn't even bother to answer the words of the adults. This is boldness. If you look at yourself, you will soon become a bear, and you will not dare to do anything. This kind of fearless spirit of not being afraid of death needs you to learn."

"This alternate saint looks lively and clever, this time we should meet for the first time? Don't worry about anything, I'm not a good person anyway." The man introduced himself solemnly, the way of introduction was very unique.

Suddenly the alternate saint doesn't know what to say. How can anyone introduce herself like that, saying that she is not a good person, so I scold myself? ? ?

Since the two saints did not reply to the man's words, the atmosphere is a bit embarrassing now.

"Elder." The man suddenly turned around and relieved the suppression of the elders. The bodies of the elders suddenly loosened, feeling much more comfortable, and the feeling of freedom is really good.

"My lord, I'm here." The elder hurried to the man, bent over, and finished in one go, seeing that he had practiced.

"What were you talking about just now?" The man asked with a smile, but his smile was a typical smile with a knife hidden in it.

The elder shook his heart. He felt that something was going to happen. "Back to your lord, it's okay, we just sit together and announce the future work."

"Oh? Dare to lie to me?" The man suddenly patted the shoulder of the elder with his hand.

It seems that there is no Just a light slap, but it contains extremely powerful power. The elder spit out his blood and spit out after being slapped twice. That's amazing.

"Can you tell the truth?" The man said coldly, Che, and wanted to lie to me. Fortunately, I came here and listened to everything I should have heard, otherwise you would really be fooled.

"Say, say, I say, I say all, please let me go." The elder climbed over, hugging the man's leg and crying for mercy.

"That's what we are talking about?" Now the elders' evaluation of the great elder's heart has dropped to the lowest point, because the great elder's performance they are really disappointed.

I originally thought that the elder was so stubborn, but I didn't expect to be slapped twice, so he immediately started holding his leg and begging for mercy. Such a person still has the face to say that we are afraid. They didn't expect that the Great Elder was the most feared elder among their top elders. It was ashamed that all the elders thought they were colleagues of the Great Elder.

All the elders now have only one common thought in their hearts, "I am convinced, how did you achieve the position of the elder? Did this elder open his eyes when he appointed the elder? Or is the elder blind. , If such a person can be a great elder, I can go to me."

"Fuck off!" The man then made up the elder's kick and kicked him out directly, "Don't get my clothes dirty."