It’s Too Hard To Die

v1 ~: Shelf testimonials

  Because I think many people have written testimonials on the shelves, so I also made one.

   To be honest, when I first wrote this novel, I didn't even think about signing a contract, but it was actually on the shelves, which made me often feel that I was living in a dream.

   I am very grateful to the starting point and the QQ readers for their continued support. I wrote it down because of the long-term support of my brothers. Otherwise, it would be uncomfortable to stay alone.

   is on the shelves today, I will adjust my state to ensure that more updates will not be interrupted.

   Hope that the old friends from the starting point and QQ reading will continue to support me, thank you.

   Sensational words I have never said very well, I can only wish everyone good health and good luck here.