It’s Too Hard To Die

v2 Chapter 556: The decisive battle is about to begin

"Huh!" sounded.


   Xiao Bai and his group suddenly appeared in a space.


   This is neither Dongli Continent nor other planes, but a new space that Xiao Bai just created in an instant.


   "Ergou, do you have any clues?" As soon as the figure appeared, Xiao Bai looked at Ergou and went straight to the subject.


   "Well, I just figured it out." Ergou nodded and said.


   "The person who attacked you is indeed a creature of the blood corpse clan, and he does belong to a mysterious organization.


   As for this organization, there is an envoy platform behind it. "Ergou said slowly.


   "Divine envoy? What is the divine envoy?" Before Xiao Bai asked, the little monks and the others were the first to ask this question.


   "A divine messenger is a divine messenger. In short, it is a direct subordinate of the divine. Generally speaking, they do errands.


   For example, if there are certain things that the gods should not come forward in person, then the gods will send envoys.


   Or if the **** is too lazy to move, he will send an envoy to do it.


   Although the profession of God Envoy looks very humble, but in fact it is not humble at all.


Because divine envoys can be said to be the kind of people closest to the gods, they are also the most trusted kind of people they serve, they are the most powerful people under the gods, and the only kind of people who can be directly blessed by the gods. .


   And the conditions for the gods to choose the envoys are very harsh.


   The first request is to be in harmony with the gods.


   The second requirement is a good background. This background refers to a good race and a high identity in the race.


   To put it simply, it is actually the upper row of noodles that the gods can take after they are taken out, without being ridiculed by other gods.


   The third requirement is strong strength, this is a must.


  Because as a messenger of God, if you are weak, going out to do errands will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.


   In summary, the requirements for a **** to choose a **** envoy are: intelligence, ability, background, appearance, and strength.


   These items are indispensable, and it also depends on personal luck.


   After all, there are simply too many planes, let alone those who meet the conditions.


   And don’t forget, the gods can create their favorite planes at any time. You can create the gods you want by yourself. It just takes a little time to wait.


   The growth time of the gods is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the gods, after all, the gods have an endless life span.


   So under normal circumstances, the position of the divine envoy is not in the turn of other people at all, and it is digested internally by the divine.


   Except for some great fortuners who can compete for the position of the emissary, other creatures who meet the requirements of the emissary will be slowly lost in the long river of years. "Ergou explained patiently.


   "Uncle Ergou, how did you know that there is an envoy platform behind that organization?" Nangong Yunmo asked.


   "Because the person who attacked Xiao Bai just now recognized me, and can recognize the gods from some specific moves, then there must be a **** preaching for them." Ergou replied.


   The person who attacked Xiao Bai just now didn't recognize him by seeing his face, but through some of the moves he used.


   The moves he used just now can only be done by gods, so the person who attacked Xiao Bai would recognize him.


   "Then why did he sneak attack on me? I don't remember that I have such an enemy." Xiao Bai asked suspiciously.


  He is not like the protagonist in those novels, the whole mainland is flying all over the sky.


   A salted fish like him that paddles all day, is it the strangest thing to have enemies?


   "I don't know this anymore. According to my calculations just now, these people came to occupy Dongli Continent under the orders of gods.


   As for the purpose of occupying Dongli Continent, the divine envoy did not disclose a word.


   Without this entry point, I have no way to calculate it. "Ergou said, "As for why he attacked you sneakily, it may be because your demonstrated strength is too strong, and it is a threat in their hearts, so they want to send someone to solve you secretly to eliminate future troubles. "


   The corners of his mouth burst when he said the second half of the sentence, but because this was answering a question, he had to hold back his smile and keep himself serious.


   It's a pity, I couldn't hold it back. . .


   "Hahahahahaha, it's so terrible to laugh at me, hahahahaha." The two dogs lay on the ground and rolled around with a smile.


   "Those people thought that Xiao Bai was just a creature from the east of the mainland, but they didn't expect to kick the iron plate, and it was the hardest iron plate, hahahahaha!"


   Si Feihan can't help but can't help but can't help but think that there would be such a strong and shameless boss like Xiao Bai on a low-level plane like this.


   "Hey! It's like you, the young patriarch of the vampire clan, appearing in Dongli Continent is normal." Xiao Bai said in his heart full of black lines.


   "And you, one of the innate gods of the Supreme God." Xiao Bai added.


   "From generation to generation, generations of gods, the east from the mainland, the great gods." The system vomited.


   "It's so wet, so wet." Xiao Bai applauded and praised.


   "Well, Xiao Bai, you don't have to think about it so much. They will have the next action soon, and this time the action is very big." Er Gou suddenly cleared his throat and said with a serious face.


   "When? How old is it?" Xiao Bai asked.


  "That is, when the Dongli Continent Tianjiao Tournament begins, they will start the next action.


   As for how big the action this time is, it's almost exhausting the combat power of the entire plane.


   To put it simply, the blood corpse clan is preparing to ambush a wave when this competition is going on, that is, when all the top combat power in Dongli Continent is almost gathered together.


   And this wave directly determines the fate of the entire If it is allowed to happen, it will definitely be the unstoppable force from the east to leave the mainland.


   Among them, the blood corpse clan is too powerful is part of the reason, and another part of the reason is that among the top combat power of Dongli Continent, there are quite a few twenty-fifths.


   However, there are too many emergencies, so it is not certain who will win in this war. "Ergou said.


   "Sudden situation, what kind of sudden situation?" Xiao Bai asked. He always felt that Ergouzhi was not alone in the sudden situation.


  "There are four emergencies this time, Xiao Bai is one of them, and you will know the remaining three of them by then.


   It’s not that I deliberately sold it, but I really can’t say it, because I’m afraid that some of you will be unable to control your emotions after hearing it. "Ergou replied.


   Ergou said that, everyone is even more eager to know what the remaining three emergencies are.


   At this time, they only hope that time will pass faster.




   The girl's boudoir in a luxurious mansion.


   "Dongli Continent Tianjiao Tournament not long after, Wan'er, go with you as your father."


   This sentence kept echoing in Yang Wan'er's mind.


   "Why is my heart always tingling?" Yang Wan'er, who was choosing clothes and skirts, murmured in her heart.


   In front of the dressing table, a puppet was lying quietly beside the rouge box.