It’s Too Hard To Die

v2 Chapter 568: The **** of order, online. . .

The golden light in the small world was full, and the originally messy world power system became orderly and orderly at the moment the golden light radiated.

   After being polished by the **** of order, this small world has become a treasure of feng shui, and it is also a treasure of feng shui that everyone dreams of.

   Whether it is cultivation or enlightenment, it is far beyond the existence of other treasures.

   Compared with the current small world, other treasures are completely incomparable.

In the house of the    mansion, the Kang family's four brothers and sisters also received great benefits at the moment when the power of the **** of order burst out.

   His own Dao is completely nailed to the right track, and Dao's heart will no longer show any deviation, nor will it suffer any negative effects.

   and successfully took a big step towards the realm of Taoism Consummation.

   will not make any mistakes in the Daojue in his own practice.

   Dao and Dharma are unified, everything is in order, this is order.

   Irregularities do not form a radius, constant the laws of the universe, formulates the rules of the world, this is the **** of order!

   "It turned out to be the mighty power of the Lord of Order...!" The three Kang family brothers shouted in surprise.

   The sudden eruption of the **** of order can really make them drop their jaws.

   Although they had never experienced the pressure of the **** of order before, this power was too easy to distinguish.

  The incomparable power of correction, the power of correction that can directly affect and correct the Taoist heart, the power of rules that can reorder the rules of the world, among all the gods, only the God of Order, one of the few great gods, can do it.

   "Is this the power of the gods? It is really powerful and terrifying." Kang Chuan muttered.

   At the moment when the power of the **** of order broke out, he felt like an ant lying on the leaves and floating in the ocean. A drop of sea water was enough to completely wipe him out, and he had no resistance.

   Not only him, but also Kang Lin and Kang Chuan.

   Only Kang Ming is different. At the moment when the **** of order exploded, she did not make any movements, but silently waited for the end of the gods.

   It can be seen that she has already experienced this power.

   "Eldest sister, where did you get this jade brocade?" The three Kang family brothers forced their minds to stabilize, pressing the surprise in their hearts and asking suspiciously.

   My eldest sister actually holds the **** of order in the hands of the gods, which is too weird, too weird.

   "Eldest sister, you said that there was a **** from the gods in our family, but wouldn't it be this piece of jade brocade, right?" Kang Lin asked.

   Kang Ming shook his head slightly, "No, it's not this piece of jade brocade, but..."

   said, Kang Ming took out a bamboo pole from the space behind him, and smiled playfully, "It's actually this bamboo pole."

   Looking at the bamboo pole that their eldest sister suddenly pulled out, the three Kang family brothers shivered in shock.

   They couldn't be more familiar with this bamboo pole, because this bamboo pole is the family method of their Kang family, and the three of their brothers have been beaten by this pole since they were young.

   "Eldest sister... Are you kidding me..." Kang Lin pointed to the old bamboo pole in Kang Ming's hand and sneered.

   He naturally remembered that his eldest sister had mentioned this to them before, but the three of their brothers did not believe it at the time.

   The bamboo pole in Kang Ming's hands is a good family method of their Kang family, but if it is said that the bamboo pole is a divine object, Kang Lin does not believe it.

  Because this bamboo pole is really shabby.

   The whole bamboo pole is dark yellow. Due to the long-term use, the bamboo pole quilt is extremely smooth and very round.

   I knew it was an antique at a glance.

   If it is only based on the number of years, it is indeed an antique, but it is completely incompatible with the fetish.

   Because this bamboo pole does not have any energy fluctuations, it is plain and ordinary.

   So, this is a very ordinary bamboo pole.

   "I didn't lie to you, according to the Kang family's ancestral home record, our Kang family's family method is indeed a **** of the gods." Kang Ming took the bamboo pole back and said with a chuckle.

   As for whether the person who wrote the ancestral home is bragging, she doesn't know. . .

   After all, the gods are not so good.

  At this time, Kang Wei once again brought the topic to the right track, "Big sister, then this piece of jade...Where did you get it?"

   Talking about this topic, Kang Chuan and Kang Lin also looked at Kang Ming curiously.

   What the eldest sister said, eight achievements are related to this jade brocade and Dongli mainland.

   "Just yesterday, when I was meditating and cultivating, a hint of enlightenment suddenly appeared in my heart, and then there was such a piece of jade brocade in my hand." Kang Ming replied.

   "Eldest sister, what is the news of the evolution of Si Mingwu?" Kang Chuan asked, as if he understood a little.

   "Yesterday, the Japanese **** suddenly felt insight, but after careful calculation, I learned that you are destined to me.

   Here, in the name of the **** of order, I would like to ask you to do something for me.

   In Dongli Mainland in the future, you help me to assist one person. After this matter is completed, I will give you a chance with your elder brother and younger brothers. "

   Kang Ming recounted yesterday's Ming Wu completely.

   To put it simply, the God of Order wants her to help. After the event is completed, a great opportunity can be used as a reward.

After   Kang Ming's voice fell, the Kang family's three brothers looked a little solemn.

   The meaning of this passage, Kang Chuan, can naturally understand, but they can't understand the intention of the **** of order at all.

   There are too many problems.

  Why would the **** of order find his eldest sister and not other people? It just so happens that my eldest sister was selected among so many people.

   After all, in this universe, there are as many strong men as dogs.

  Why does the **** of order say that he has a relationship with his eldest sister?

   And why would a supreme **** of the **** of order use the word ‘please’ to ask his elder sister for help?

   How could the Supreme God be so polite to a mortal?

   Just be polite, after UU reading www.uukā is over, they will even give each of them a great opportunity.

   This is really strange.

   Sometimes, too many benefits can make people suspicious.


   At the same time, three thousand worlds.

   Above the nine heavens, clouds and mists are lingering.

   Quiet and wonderful, the rules are in order.

  The way is always, and the avenues are endless.

   Mist, the Minghuang Palace is a shortcoming.

   The cloud mirror is suspended, and the screen is reflected.

   Young Taoist, full of black lines.

   "Fuck, it's wrong to feel too polite? Isn't it too difficult to deal with these acquired creatures?" The young Taoist said with a twitching mouth.

  The clouds cover his face, so only his voice can be heard.

  The few old men with childlike faces standing quietly behind the young man all have wry smiles.

   It's obviously that you are too house, and you basically have little communication with the outside world.

   "Oh, it's too difficult, too difficult.

   Forget it, let's take a bath, the silly dog ​​is not there, really no fun. "The young Taoist sighed faintly.

   "Master, that..." The old men behind the young Taoist were just about to speak.

   "You don't need to say much, I care about it myself."