It’s Too Hard To Die

v2 Chapter 583: face

"Big bear?!"

   The name was called out, and all the voices in the audience stopped abruptly at that moment, and the air was extremely frozen.

   Among the Orcs, several of them were sturdy men trembling all over.

   This is not scared, but angry.

   Everyone can clearly feel that the spiritual power fluctuations around these orc powers are rapidly tossing.

   His whole body seemed to be surrounded by anger, full of anger.

   "Big bear? Liu Liuliu, you really dare to say! Get out of me!" These orcs shouted angrily.

   This voice is like thunder, even if it spreads to the end of the independent space, the roar like thunder has not diminished in the slightest.

   "Cut, come out and come out, what can you do with me?"

   As soon as the voice fell, a black figure flashed, and a taller figure arrived at Gu Jiuchen's side.

   This person is eight feet tall, tall and sturdy, with a handsome face, a face of no anger and prestige, and a scornful smile on the corners of his mouth.

   This scornful smile is naturally for the orc powers to see.

   "Why? I'm out, big bear, what can you do with me?" Liu Liuliu looked at the several orc powers standing in the sky, and asked with a smile.

   "What can we do with you? Naturally!" The orcs shouted angrily, and they were ready to go up and fight Liu Liuliu.

   just listened to the sudden "Huh! Huh!" a few sounds, and a few figures appeared again in the independent space.

   One of the figures rushed directly to the side of Liu Liuliu and Gu Jiuchen, and looked at the beast powers in the sky with cold eyes.

   This person is Ji Qing-Ji Shenhuang, the founder of the Saint Sect of Glazed Light.

   Ji Qing and Liu Liuliu just had a face-to-face meeting, and the two of them used their eyes to convey a message.

   Ji Qing: How is it?

   Liu Liuliu: It's okay, anyway, don't worry, don't look at their crowds, in fact, one by one, the name of a strong **** is occupied.

   Jiqing: Thank you, I was offended. . .

   Liu Liuliu: Yes. . . I am sorry. . .

  The conversation between the two ends here.

   And the other figures are: the overlord of Wuding Shengzong, the overlord of Yuxu Shengzong, and the emperor Sun Xi.

   Ji Qing and others did not choose to negotiate peace with the orcs, but chose to confront directly.

   Among the gods and the strong, it is not the casualties that matter, but the face.

  Since the Orcs had been so shameless just now, then their Humans had no reason to be weak.

   This is all bullying. If there is another peace talk, how can their human race gain a foothold on the East Li continent?

   And how should the fellow humans look at them?

  I am afraid that everyone can drown them alive with a spit.

After    the compatriots of the human race, how should the powers of other races laugh at them?

   So, how can they just ignore the matter of the entire human race.

  Because of this, the scene formed a situation where the two races confronted each other.

The arrival of    Ji Qing and other four powerhouse gods did not ease the scene, on the contrary, it became even more rigid.

   At this time, Gu Jiuchen also flew into the air with Liu Liuliu and Ji Qing and joined the human team.

   The morale of the Terran race soars instantly!

   The scene formed a 6VS15 situation.

   Gu Jiuchen and the three of them just arrived in the air, and on the other side, the Yaozu moved.

The demon tribe powers who had stayed on the seats instantly disappeared. When everyone found them again, the demon tribe powers had collectively arrived at a position five meters away from Liu Liuliu and others, and looked at the people in front of them with cold eyes. The fierce beast is powerful.

  The human race and the monster race form a temporary alliance!

   The two major races that were arguing just now have actually formed an alliance!

   "Hey, the old monster of the monster clan, what's the matter? Do you want to fight too?" a strong orc **** emperor asked coldly.

   This is to warn the Yaozu, there is still a chance to withdraw now.

"Don't you like to ridicule the title of "Fighting Frenzy" of our monster race? Come, let's try today to see if it's your king's eighth shell resisting beatings or our supernatural powers." A monster race can fight intently Said full.

   The orcs are resistant to beatings and the monsters are powerful. This is a well-known thing.

   "Hmph, then come on! I've long wanted to taste the meat of your monster race is delicious." An orc power snorted coldly.

  At this moment, the scene intensified again! The battle situation is also updated again.

  The current battle is 26VS15, and the human race and the monster race have achieved a suppressive effect in terms of numbers.

   There are also two major races watching the show, the Dragon tribe and the Qingyun Xuehu tribe.

   The two groups are neutral.


  The major audiences have also formed their own genres. The human race and the monster race unite to oppose the orc race, while the dragon race and the Qingyun Xuehu race are watching the show on the sidelines.

   In a corner, Jiang Shengling and Wu Qingqin have long been recalled by Long Aotian and Bai Xue.

   "Master, are you sure we dragons won't interfere in this matter?" Jiang Shengling asked.

   "I am no longer the Supreme Elder of the Dragon Clan, this matter has my own decision." Long Aotian replied.

   On the other side, Bai Xue answered Wu Qingqin the same way.

   "What's the matter with these orc boys? Why do they have a sudden convulsion?

   They took the initiative to look for the human race, which I can understand, after all, the human race and the orc race had a great feud since ancient times.

   But I really can't figure out why they even want to taunt the Yaozu, thus offending the Yaozu.

   After all, they have no hatred with Yaozu.

   And originally in terms of the number of God Emperor powerhouses, they suppressed the human race.

   As a result, the Monster Race was offended, and the Human Race formed an alliance with the Monster Race, and the number of God Emperor powerhouses was overtaken.

   It’s weird to play advantage into "Long Aotian frowned and muttered.

  What is the orc doing this for?


   After a long period of fermentation, the atmosphere of the entire independent space is extremely tense, and the battle is on the horizon.

   At this moment, there was a few strong pressures in the independent space, and five figures came in.

   "Hahahahahahahahaha, what's going on? Why are all expressions so serious?

  Everyone is a creature from the east of the mainland, what is there to fight? If you want to fight, you should go to the blood corpse to fight. What's the point of internal fighting?

   Everyone give me a face to Pangka, don't fight. "

   One of the figures laughed.

   Among the remaining four silhouettes, one of them flew straight to the side of Su Xuan, the Sect Master of Wuding Saint Sect, while the remaining three silhouettes found a place and went standing there.

   They neither stood beside Ponka nor participated in the confrontation.

   As for Pangka’s persuasion, no one responded. The three major races should still confront each other, and the remaining two major races should still chat.

   Pangka was ignored. . .

   The scene was very embarrassing. . .

   "Ahem, can anyone hear me?" Pangka asked in a low voice.


   All of the three major races who are facing each other, the king of the gods, turned their heads and cursed.