It’s Too Hard To Die

v2 Chapter 589: Fighting Pendi

The little monk was Xiao Bai's disciple, which almost everyone in the audience had never expected.

Because the little monk looks too young, a child who seems to be six or seven years old, has such an awesome master?

They didn't believe it without going through the back door.

"Gougan is my only registered disciple, what's the matter?

Didn’t you just talk about letting people get out of the power that the dog eggs belong to?

Now that I am out, why are you not talking anymore? Xiao Bai asked the little monk coldly, blocking the little monk behind him.

The powerhouses of the **** emperors of the monster races and the beast races were naturally very angry at Xiao Bai's aggressiveness, and Xiao Bai was almost ready to have a showdown with them.

Therefore, they absolutely can't go on like this anymore.

They are full of dozens of **** emperor powerhouses, and dozens of **** emperor powerhouses unite and fear a Xiao Bai. If this were to be spread, their monsters and beasts would lose their faces.

In the future, I can no longer look up in front of other people.

Moreover, there are a number of people suppressed on their side, even if Xiao Bai is stronger, it is still in the realm of the gods, it is impossible to surpass the realm of the gods, right?

They went together, even if it was Xiao Bai, it would be hard to beat four hands, and sooner or later he would lose.

This is also their confidence.

"Sect Master Xiao, we have repeatedly tolerated some things, but you have to be clear that there are limits to human patience.

Not only your human race, but also our orc races and monster races.

Today, your disciples and your friends have been speaking to insult us orcs and monsters. We have repeatedly tolerated it in your face.

But this time, we have reached the limit of what we can endure. I'm waiting to advise you not to do too much in everything. "A powerful orc said in a deep voice.

The **** emperors of the beast races and monster races looked very serious at this time, as if they had a serious face.

Compared with them, Xiao Bai and the others are careless.

"Okay, let's stop distorting the facts here.

If you don’t take the lead in picking things up, we will target you?

Are we free? Enough support? Xiao Bai asked sarcastically.

He is considered to have taken it today, these orcs and monsters are really shameless.

Obviously they were the first to find the human race, and they even splashed this pot of dirty water on them.

The wicked really sued first.

"Senior Xiao is right. If it wasn't for your mouth to smell like eating shit, would we look for you?

Is it because your faces are big and ugly, and your brains don't work well?

Are we the kind of people who care about the appearance of others?

Obviously not!

Look at it, for example, what kind of bird.

Obviously it was a bird with a catfish-like face, and it was ugly and alive like an injustice.

Look at this ugly bird. Have we ever talked about him? Did any of us say he is ugly?

Obviously, not at all.

Now it's a civilized society, and everyone is a qualified person, and they will never judge people by their appearances.

Oh, no, it should be based on appearance. Nangong Liuyun echoed Xiao Bai's side.

After hearing this, everyone was full of black lines, and the corners of their mouths twitched wildly. . . What a civilized society, what a quality person, what a good one is not unexpected, and what a good one no one says he is ugly.

It's really the truth!

Liu Liuliu and others: ...Where did Brother Xiao invite the god?

The verbal attack was really powerful. The Yaozu Da Neng who had something to do with birds had already been smoked by Nangong Liuyun Qi Qiao, and his neck was blushing.

If it hadn't been for the fact that there were other monsters nearby who were holding him tightly, he would have rushed to fight Nangong Liuyun desperately.

At this time, he has already lost his reason and the ability to think. There is only one thought in his mind, that is:'I'm going to tear him up! ’

I can't wait to frustrate his bones and ashes, referring to the current mood of the monster **** emperor.

"My mother, not to mention the ugliness of this bird, his temper is quite explosive.

I don’t know whether it’s delicious stewed or grilled or steamed. "Nangong Liuyun swallowed, smacked his lips.

It seemed that he had already made up in his mind a recipe suitable for this monster race's powerful dishes.

"You bastard!"

The monster power was obviously on the top, struggling to rush out to tear Nangong Liuyun, but unfortunately there were too many people pulling him, he couldn't break free at all, and he could only shoot at Nangong Liuyun with his teeth and claws. words.

Everyone: Fighting against the emperor. . . very scary. . .

"Human, you are too unqualified." A strong orc **** emperor said in a deep voice, "Did you eat shit? Your mouth is so stinky."

"I wonder if you are not a qualified leopard, you are also an unqualified creature, why do you say me?

When an unqualified orc creature judges that another human being is unqualified, it really starts to double-mark.

Are you the legendary double-standard dog?

No, isn't your body a leopard? Why is this a dog again?

Could it be possible that you and the emperor who has a blood relationship with a dog have any ulterior secrets?

Should I call you the dog **** emperor? Or the Leopard King? Or is it a hybrid **** emperor? "Nangong Liuyun rubbed his chin and said in thought.

It can be seen that Nangong Liuyun is very distressed as to how to call this orc **** emperor strong.

"You crap!"

The strong eyes of the orc **** emperor were red, and he was about to rush up to fight Nangong Liuyun desperately, but unfortunately he was also forcibly pulled back by the other orc **** emperors around him.

Everyone: Yes, another crazy one.

Nangong Liuyun's scolding was really cruel, and he directly overturned the race of the strong **** emperor.

The bloodlines of the powers of the **** emperor of a clan are all hybrids, and the upper beams are so wrong, what about the lower beams?

Wouldn't it be a mixed blood?

"Human, you are simply not a son of man!" An orc who had some blood relationship with a dog couldn't help cursing.

He felt offended by what Nangong Liuyun said just now.

"Yeah! Broken spine You get me back to the den, live in your dog hole, and don't bark snarly here." Nangong Liuyun might not be able to persuade him, and directly responded to the past. .

"You!" The orc **** emperor's face was blue and purple in anger, and it seemed that he was really angry.

"Where are you Nima? Go back to the den and ask your master to come and talk to me. If a watchdog is a mere guard dog, he dare to commit the crime?" Nangong Liuyun scolded mercilessly.

"Look at your face, it looks like a dog.

Oh~ It turns out that you are a dog, so it's okay.

Okay, let's go play, I just happened to be happy today, and reward you with a piece of bone to taste. "Nangong Liuyun cursed, while throwing a bone made of stone in front of the strong orc **** emperor.

It seems to be feeding the dog.

"Asshole! Go to death for me!"

The strong orc **** emperor who wanted to take action was also forcibly suppressed by the people around him.

Everyone: Yes, another crazy one. . .