It’s Too Hard To Die

v2 Chapter 598: Miss Su Family

Suddenly got a fanboy?

How is this so much?

When did this happen?

"What's the situation with the system?" Xiao Bai asked with a dazed expression.

"Hmm..." The system pondered for a while and replied, "Just now."

Xiao Bai: Huh? ? ?

He obviously didn't do anything himself, so why did he get a fan?

"Host, you don't understand. Sometimes, you can't stop the brain to fill the emperor's brain," the system said quietly.

Xiao Bai: Thank you, I need my brother, not my sister.

After Gu Jiuchen introduced his righteous brother and sister to Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai didn't know how he got another fan, the time for getting to know each other was over.

At the same time, the masters, patriarchs or suzerains also led out the disciples and elders that they had brought this time.

Those elders and disciples who walked out of the space, when they meet their acquaintances and friendly forces, they will greet them intimately to show their greetings.

And when they encounter enemies and hostile forces, although they will not directly come up with the phrase ‘grass mud horse, wait for death, bastard’, but they will also look at each other coldly and exchange harsh words with their eyes.

After a period of time, but within a few minutes, the masters, patriarchs, and suzerains were full of people.

Most of the forces are equipped with a **** emperor, a disciple of a strong **** emperor, twenty top elders, and hundreds of inner disciples.

At this moment, there was another wave of spatial fluctuations, and everyone turned their heads to look at it. It turned out that it was Su Zhi who was guiding the space behind him, releasing his disciples and elders into the world.

At the same time, watching Su Zhi's actions, some idle people started to chat with people nearby.

"Eh, did you know? It is said that the daughter of the Su family is the first young generation of the Su family, and even the saint of the Uncertain Saint Sect, who is extremely talented and evil.

Her appearance and figure are even more celestial and jade-like. I heard people say that in the entire Dongli Continent, few women can compete with her. "

In the audience, a few people gathered in a group and discussed in a low voice.

"I will know this naturally, but this Miss Su rarely shows up, and there are few rumors about her in the entire Dongli Continent.

I don't know if Miss Su will appear on the stage today? "A man said.

Regarding the news about Su Yanli, there are indeed few rumors about her in the entire Dongli Continent.

The only thing everyone knows is that some time ago, she had appeared on behalf of the Wuding Saint Sect and the Su Family to help protect a realm, and did not change under the coercion of the blood corpse family **** emperor.

Everyone present at the time praised Su Yanli's courage and courage.

Apart from this incident, there are almost no rumors about Su Yanli in Dongli Mainland.

There is another thing that few people know about, and that is that Su Yanli seemed to have changed his name a few years ago.

This matter was only known to the Su family and the people of the Wuding Shengzong.

And the matter has not spread, so this is just a little thing that few people have heard of.

After all, they just changed their name, so that everyone in the world is not aware of it.

As for the reason for this name change, no one knows.

The elders and disciples of the Su family and the elders and disciples of the Wuding Shengzong only knew that this aunt had changed her name immediately after she returned from her experience.

No matter how Su Zhi and Su Xuan asked her why, Su Yanli gritted his teeth and refused to say a word.

In the end, Su Zhi and Su Xuan had no choice but to give up asking and let Su Yanli do what he did.

At the same time, while everyone was chatting, Duan Wuluo's palm was trembling slightly. If you observe carefully, you can see that Duan Wuluo's whole body is trembling at this time.

Duan Wuluo spread out his right hand and looked at the Wenrun jade pendant lying flat on the palm of his hand. He couldn't help taking a deep breath of nervousness.

"Su...Junya...Miss Su, haven't seen you in a few years...I wonder if your life is okay?"

Today’s contest, I don’t know if you will come to participate. "Duan Wuluo looked at the jade pendant lying flat on the palm of his hand, and muttered in a low tone.

When saying this, Duan Wuluo's tone was full of longing and guilt.

On the front of the jade pendant lying flat on the palm of Duan Wuluo's palm, there are several small characters [Su Family-Su Junya] engraved on the front.

The wrong thing back then, I must talk about it, but Duan Wuluo will not ask about the method of the talk, and leave it to her to decide.

What happened back then was his fault, so no matter how she wanted to deal with it, Duan Wuluo would accept it wholeheartedly.

If you want to kill or cut, he Duan Wuluo Xi listens to respect, and he will not frown.

I just hope that the mood of the person he has failed to be able to calm down slightly.

At this moment, Duan Wuluo suddenly felt someone poke him on the cheek.

Turning his head to see, it turned out to be four different claws.

At this time, Sidon's front paws were slightly raised, as if he was about to poke Duan Wuluo again.

But when he saw Duan Wuluo come back to his senses, he also let go of his claws.

"Hanban, what's the situation with you? You can see God by looking at a jade pendant." Sidonian asked in confusion.

He called Duan Wuluo several times just now, but he didn't get a response from Duan Wuluo.

In a hurry, Si Weixiang thought that Duan Wuluo was devilish, so he had to start to force Duan Wuluo's consciousness back.

"What did you do wrong back then? It makes you feel guilty to this day." Sidonian asked again.

For Duan Wuluo's past, Si doesn't seem to know a little bit.

However, he only knows one thing. Sidonian only knows that Duan Wuluo seems to have committed a big mistake back then.

As a result, the guilt in Duan Wuluo's heart has not disappeared at all, and even more and more.

"I... Sigh..."

Seeing Duan Wuluo's remorse, it was too difficult to ask about it, so she sighed quietly, lying on Duan Wuluo's shoulder, and silently accompanying Duan Wuluo.

In the old days, Duan Wuluo would definitely go back to the past when Sibuxiang called him "Han Bian".

But today it is obvious that Duan Wuluo's mood at this time is very chaotic, and he doesn't even have the strength and mood to return.

Duan Wuluo's state at this time was not only discovered by one person, but also by Senior Brother Nangong Yunmo.

"Junior Brother, what's wrong?" Nangong Yunmo asked worriedly.

Zhang Shige and several people shook their heads, indicating that they did not know.

"How about... Let's ask, persuade and persuade?" Zhang Shige suggested in a low voice.

"Okay." Senior Brother Nangong Yunmo nodded their heads, saying goodbye to each other.

My brothers (brothers) have worries in their hearts, how can they ignore them? After all, they are all a family.

Just do what they said, and as they said, Nangong Yunmo and his brothers were going to take the lead with Zhang Shige to comfort Duan Wuluo, and see if there was anything they could help.

As a result, they hadn't taken the front foot, and the back foot was restrained by a wonderful force.

"You guys don't mess around, this matter is not something you guys can participate in."