It’s Too Hard To Die

v3 Chapter 1064: Very

Jing Xiupu's trial site is on the west side of the sanctuary, slightly close to the territory of the Feng clan.

This trial was not held in a town, but a wilderness.

The reason is unknown.

The location of the trial is determined by the eight kings, and the eight kings choose.

As for the four old men, they are only in charge of the theater.

Even if it's a theater, they won't show up.

After the trial begins, the four elders may observe in secret, or they may not come and only listen to reports from their subordinates.

As for whether to come or not, no one knows, not even the Eight Kings.

The place of trial has long been arranged and guarded by members of the cult.

This trial is divided into three parts:

1. Sacrifice, gift to the gods, and worship.

Given the gods, the Longfu God Sect will add a new king to offer lofty respect to the gods.

2. Trial and polish.

Publicly demonstrated Jing Xiupu's talent, strength, savvy, management, etc., all aspects of ability.

If you want to be the **** king, you don't just need to be strong.

Excellent in all aspects.

Moreover, letting Jing Xiupu show himself in public was not for showing off, nor was it for the eight kings or the four elders to see, but for the deity worshipped by the Longfu God Sect, Chiqingzi.

The implication: let's see if Akagi is satisfied.

3. Challenges.

Anyone who refuses to accept can challenge Jing Xiupu.

As long as it is not a wheel war, anyone can do it.

The final part of the trial is only over after everyone in the room is overwhelmed.

The completion of all three steps of the trial meant that the trial was successful, and Jing Xiupu passed the assessment.


The trial has not yet begun, but many people have already arrived.

Among them, most of them are believers of Longfu Sect.

Of course, there are some other powerhouses.

There are also many people from other forces.

It seems that there are many people or forces paying attention to this trial.

The believers of the Longfu God Sect approached the altar, and after putting a stick of incense for the **** they believed in, Chiqingzi, they randomly picked a position, meditated on the spot, or closed their eyes to rest their minds.

Wait for the next day to come.

As for the powerhouses of other forces, they have nothing to do, chatting, talking about the truth, or just going around with people they know, to find out if there are any towns nearby, and if there is any place to play.

However, until now, no other members of the religious sect have appeared.

Xiao Bai and Ling Xinyun sat on a branch of a tree, observing the surroundings.

"Hey, it's weird, why didn't we meet a suspicious person? Did we come early?" Xiao Bai sighed, asking somewhat puzzledly.

This is somewhat unreasonable.

"Xu is waiting for the trial to begin," Ling Xinyun said softly.

"If you really wait for the trial to start, then it will be a little troublesome." Xiao Bai rubbed his chin and groaned as he said.

Troubles should be dealt with in advance, the sooner the better.

It is easy to change if it is late.

"It's okay, any changes will be fine for you anyway." Ling Xinyun said softly as she looked at Xiao Bai with a pair of water apricot eyes, soft light like water, and orchids at her mouth.

Being strong means being able to do whatever you want.

"That's true." Xiao Bai nodded.

Worrying is definitely not worrying.

"By the way, when will Xiao Jing arrive?" Xiao Bai asked again.

He remembered making an appointment with Jing Xiupu yesterday and meeting today.

I just don't know when Jing Xiupu will arrive.

"Wait, there is too much time anyway, just wait slowly," the system said.

"Well, well said, system, I will sleep for a while, you will watch it for me.

Before Xiao Jing came, if you dared to sleep, I wouldn't need to say more about your end, right? "Xiao Bai said with a smile without a smile.

system:? ? ?

"What's the matter with me???"

He just hit the soy sauce, how did he suddenly become a janitor?

"System, good night."

"Late your sister! Wait for me! Don't sleep!" the system roared.


Xiao Bai was already asleep, and fell asleep in a second.


Kill the host of a thousand swords!

Long waiting journey.

The blue sky is thousands of miles away, the breeze is sunny, and the warm sun warms people's hearts and minds.

The place chosen by Xiao Bai and Ling Xinyun was very peaceful, only the sound of warm wind blowing and the sound of cicadas could be heard.

The spring breeze was slow and warm, and Xiao Bai and Ling Xinyun's clothes moved slightly, seeming to respond to the warm breeze.

Xiao Bai was sleeping, and the sleep was very sweet. Ling Xinyun was making a female celebrity on the side, and from time to time she looked at Xiao Bai with her side light.

Comfortable and peaceful.


At the same time, the other side.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

"Hurry up, hurry up!"


Several people's shadows constantly shuttled across the sky, seeming to be on the way, but also seeming to run for their lives.

"Madan, I'm all to blame for getting up late, because I had to fight the landlord last night!" said one of the figures, panting heavily.

"Blame me? Youngest, you didn't play the most vigorously yesterday? If it weren't for you, we would have had a rest." The man called Jing Ge took a breath, rolled his eyes, and retorted in an angry tone.

"That's right, I blame Jing Ge and Lao San, they have to drag us to play together." Another man said.

"Yes, yes, yes, when you see the lord let's just say that." A man nodded repeatedly and said.

"Ok, Ok."

"stand by!"

"That `s a deal!"

A bunch of people agreed.

Jing Xiupu:? ? ?

Third child:? ? ?

After all, the wrong payment was made, a bunch of superficial brothers!


Longfu Sect.

A dark ancient domain.

One side braved the black pool with thick black air and constant ripples.

In the black pool, the black water rolled, as if boiling water was boiling, and there were pure black bubbles tumbling back and forth.

By the side of the black pond, there was an old figure sitting in each of the four directions in the south, east, and northwest.

They sat cross-legged quietly, motionless, without a trace of anger, as if they were dead.

If it weren't for them to talk and talk, they would really think that these four figures were just four old corpses.

"In this trial, no one can reach out for assistance."


Countless voices agreed, deafening, resounding through the sky, but I don't know where the source of the sound is.

"You can only make things difficult, not help."


Countless voices responded again, with an extremely respectful tone.

"Be careful with other gods, don't lose the face of our Longfu gods, don't let the gods think that we are useless."


"Well, that's all there is to say, you guys step back and act separately."

Four figures, each one confessed.


Countless people agreed again, and the sound was suppressed.

After the voice fell, the ancient domain returned to silence.

Deathly silence.

"Eight Kings."

"You are wrong, you will be the Nine Kings from now on."

"Nine gods, well, that's okay."
