It’s Too Hard To Die

v3 Chapter 617: Propaganda ghosts

"Invincible Sect?!"

   The facial expressions of Si Feihan and Liu Shi are wonderful.

   "Brother, wouldn't this be too ostentatious?" Si Feihan asked.

   "What's the matter with swagger? If someone sees us not pleasing to the eye, they can come and hit the place at any time.

   If someone really hits the place, I will tell him why the flowers are so red. Xiao Bai blew his fist and said viciously.

   "But, brother, don't you like trouble?" Si Feihan asked again.

   Xiao Bai doesn't like troubles. He just wants to be a salted fish quietly, paddling and surfing all day long. This is a well-known thing in their circle.

   "The creation of one's own power has nothing to do with the name.

   No matter how low-key you are, you will still have trouble provoking your upper body.

   After all, I was full and had nothing to do all day long. There were not many people picking things around.

   So, instead of acting low-key, it's better to be high-key.

   That way, not only can I not feel aggrieved in my heart, but I can also do what I want to do with integrity. "Xiao Bai said.

   Xiao Bai slowly glanced at Ergou and the others, and said with a chuckle, "Moreover, it's not that we don't have that high-profile strength.

   With our current lineup and current strength, the name "Invincible Sect" just matches us. "

   "Xiao Bai is right, and we are not without that high profile.

   The name "Invincible Zong", I very much agree. "The two dogs and Xiao Bai looked at each other tacitly, and both smiled slightly.

"Since brother and dog have agreed, what reason do I have to oppose?" Si Feihan smiled, "I also agree with the name'Invincible Sect'. If anyone comes to pick things up, please let me My brother, I’m the first to go up. Anyway, I’m also a great elder."

   On the other side, Liu Shi smiled and said warmly, "I agree with your decision."

   Yanagisawa also nodded slightly.

   I don't know what they are discussing, but nodding is right.

   As for Nangong Yunmo and the others, naturally they agreed with this matter with both hands and feet.

   After all, young and vigorous, with high ambitions, the name is naturally the more domineering the better.

  "Well, now that everyone agrees, then the name of our sect is confirmed.

  We will be the Invincible Sect in the future! "Xiao Bai said excitedly.


   Ergou and others responded enthusiastically.

   After the discussion was over, Xiao Bai immediately began to operate secretly.

   "The world and time stop flowing!"

   Xiao Bai gave a low voice, and everything in the entire Dongli Continent paused for an instant.

   At that moment, the stream that was still flowing just solidified, and the people who were chatting or quarrelling froze in place, motionless, and could not make a sound.

   The beasts and birds flying in the sky were also frozen in the sky at that moment.

   The creatures who were fighting for turf, interests, etc. were also interrupted at that moment, and the martial arts and exercises in their hands were also forcibly suspended.

   Even the weapons that had been thrown away and the ghosts of power that had been thrown out instantly stagnated, frozen in place, unable to move forward.

   Tiandi has also changed from the original colorful to black and white.

   Just in the blink of an eye, Xiao Bai's low voice came again.

   "Time returns to flow."


   At that instant, the entire Dongli Continent instantly recovered to its original state, and everything continued to follow its original orbit. It was not affected by Xiao Bai's time-out just now, as if nothing happened just now.

"All right?"

   The moment Xiao Bai just opened his eyes, Ergou and the others leaned forward.

  Because at the moment when Xiao Bai paused time, Ergou and others were not'excluded', but they heard the two low voices of Xiao Bai's.

   So they judged it precisely because of these two sounds.

   "Well, it's okay." Xiao Bai nodded slightly, and then looked at Senior Brother Nangong Yunmo, "The next few of you have a good game, and you must play the name of our Invincible Sect."

   "Yes! Master." Senior Brother Nangong Yunmo replied respectfully, "The disciples will surely spread the reputation of my Invincible Sect throughout the entire continent."

   "Well, not bad, not bad." Xiao Bai admired one after another, and said with a gratified smile.

   "I saved another amount of advertising fees, hahahaha!" Xiao Bai laughed in his heart.

   This is the real reason why Xiao Bai is so happy.

   Behind Xiao Bai, Ergou, Si Feihan and Liu Shi were whispering.

   "What did you see just now?" Ergou Yu Guang glanced at Xiao Bai and asked in a low voice.

   "I seemed to have seen an old fox just now..." Si Feihan whispered and forced.

   Yanagi nodded in sympathy.


   After a while, Xiao Bai and others chatted with Nangong Xuan, Nangong Liuyun, and the parents of the little monk for a while, and then Xiao Bai heard someone call his name.

   "Sect Master Xiao, can you give me Pangka a face, come and tell me?"

   Xiao Bai raised his head slightly, oh, he turned out to be an old acquaintance, a person of face and fruit ability-Patriarch Pangkapang.

   "Patriarch Pang, can't you just tell me something? Why do you want to go there for a description?" Xiao Bai asked with a smile.

   "Sect Master Xiao, it's true that you can't tell this matter directly to your face. We need to discuss it together in private." Pangka smiled and said with a chuckle.

   "Oh? Which aspect is it?" Xiao Bai asked curiously.

  "Sect Master Xiao is about the rules of the competition for the disciples.

   This matter has a serious impact and needs to take care of the face of many friends. Therefore, it is really not good to talk in person. I need to wait and get together and discuss together. "Pangka replied solemnly.

   At this time, Pangka’s back and the surrounding areas were full of many powerful emperors, some of whom Xiao Bai knew and others did not.

   But at this moment, they all nodded their heads, indicating that what they were talking about was indeed a business.

   At this time, God's teammates are here! Liu Liuliu and Ji Qing spoke almost at the same time.

  "In fact, the discussion is not important, it is about the participating disciples.

   There are many forces who see that your direct disciples have participated in the competition, so they are worried that they may lose later, which will make their faces uncontrollable.

   So I wanted to hold a temporary meeting to change the rules of the game and cancel the rule that restricts the saint son and saint woman from participating in the competition. "

   After Liu Liuliu and Ji Qing said this, Xiao Bai understood what was going on in an instant.

   Xiao Bai thanked Liu Liuliu and Ji Qing one by one, and then looked at the powers of the gods and emperors in the distance.

   "Since what you are discussing is about the rules of the game, then I will not participate. You can change the rules at will, and I agree with it by default." Xiao Bai smiled lightly.

   When Xiao Bai said these words, all four were shocked.

   What kind of arrogance is this? How confident?

   can accept to change the rules of the game at will. This is too confident for my disciples.

  In an instant, Brother Nangong Yunmo and the others instantly became the focus of attention of the audience, and countless pairs of eyes were shining brightly and looking at them.

   Xiao Bai: This wave of advertisements is very nice!

   System: Propaganda ghosts, real hammer!