It’s Too Hard To Die

v3 Chapter 672: 25 children per capita

How many patrons?


   There are patriarchs?


   After hearing the words, everyone couldn't help but was taken aback.


   With so many masters and patriarchs in the audience, which ones did Ye Fenghen refer to?


   However, shortly afterwards, the answer was revealed.


   "Hahahahaha, I thought I would be able to pretend for a while.


   did not expect that it would be so fast. "


   I only saw the area where the Emperor of God is strong, Patriarch Yu, Patriarch Chu, and Patriarch Dou took the lead, and the three of them rode on the clouds and flew to Ye Fenghen's side.


   "Hahahahaha, no way, things are going too smoothly, hahahahaha." Ye Fenghen said with a big smile, caressing his beard.


   When everyone saw this scene in their eyes, they couldn't help but be shocked, the whole person was dumbfounded.


  Even the powerhouses of the gods who were present had their eyes widened and shouted in surprise, "Patriarch Yu, Patriarch Chu, Patriarch Dou! What do you three mean by this?"


   Is it possible that Ye Fenghen said the surprise?


   "What are you asking bad questions? What do we mean?


   Of course it is a betrayal, what else can it be besides a betrayal? Could it be that he simply said hello to Brother Ye? Patriarch Yu rolled his eyes, full of mockery.


   Patriarch Chu and Patriarch Dou also have a gloating expression.


   "Brother Ye?!"


   The shouting of Brother Ye really annoyed Liu Liuliu and the others, and they couldn’t wait to tear up Patriarch Yu on the spot!


   "Okay! What a brother Ye! The surnamed Yu, the surnamed Chu, and the surnamed Dou! You are really good!" Liu Liu said with a torch, gritted teeth and deep voice.


  "It was unexpected that when Dongli Continent was in distress, the three of you would directly rebel and join the blood corpses!


   Have you forgotten how many compatriots, how many souls were killed, the lesson of blood and the shame of the war that year? ! "Su Zhi also looked angry.


   "Sorry, Patriarch Su, we really forgot." Patriarch Chu said indifferently.


   "In that battle, what did the dead have to do with me?" Patriarch Dou asked rhetorically.


   "The kid surnamed Dou! Clean your mouth!


   If the war that year hadn’t been for their sacrifices and their desperate struggle to continue the vitality of the entire Dongli Continent, do you really think Dongli Continent could continue to this day?


  Do you really think you can be born? "Gou Fugui shouted coldly.


   As one of the oldest surviving predecessors in Dongli Mainland, Gou Fugui is really qualified to call Patriarch Dou as a kid.


   "Cut, so what? Now you, what can you do with me?" Patriarch Dou sneered.


   "Naturally can kill you directly with one palm!" Gou Fugui snorted coldly, and he was ready to do it directly.


   However, it was blocked by Ye Fenghen.


   "Hey, wait for the rich and honorable emperor, don't be so impatient.


   It seems that you still haven't recognized your current situation clearly. After Ye Fenghen held his hands, he smiled calmly.




   Gou Fugui, Liu Liuliu and others were taken aback.


   But, before they could react, Ye Fenghen's voice sounded again.


   "Dear patriarchs, Patriarch Yu, they have already appeared, why don't you show up too late?" Ye Fenghen asked with a smile as he looked at the rest area of ​​the orcs and monsters.


   Ye Fenghen's voice just fell, and then there were countless responses.


   "Hahahahaha, Elder Ye is not anxious, I will show up now, show up now."


   "Sorry, sorry, I was so fascinated by the show just now, so I forgot about it."


   Other replies probably also have these meanings.


After the voice of    fell, several figures flew out from the monster and orc areas, and flew straight to the side of Ye Fenghen and others.


   Whenever a voice rang and a figure flashed to Ye Fenghen's side, Liu Liuliu's and others' faces became gloomy.


   Until the end, the faces of Liu Liuliu and others were darkened to the bottom of the pot.


   And those monsters and orcs who have stayed in place and have not rebelled, all the monsters and orc gods are so gloomy and terrible, as if they can drip water.


   As for the people of ordinary forces, they feel despair all over the entire independent space.


   The desperate breath made them feel a sense of suffocation.


   Because of the number of rebellious gods and strong men this time! Too much truth!


   Twenty **** emperors of the demon clan have rebelled as many as ten!


   Orcs even more! Of the fifteen strong God Emperors, thirteen had rebelled, and only two had not rebelled.


   is just this wave of rebellion, which has added 23 powerhouses to the blood corpse clan.


   If you count the three of Patriarch Yu, Patriarch Chu, and Patriarch Dou, there will be a total of twenty-six **** emperors in the blood corpse clan.


   And their eastward departure from the mainland camp corresponds to the abrupt absence of twenty-six God Emperor powerhouses.


   Before starting a fight, he was directly injured. Is this okay?


   Seeing this scene, Xiao Bai was silent.


   Take it, this Nima is really 25 per capita.


   The demon tribe has rebelled half, and the orcs have rebelled more than half.


This. . . This is simply a big meet-and-greet meeting between young people.


   "Hahahahaha, the **** of wealth, Pu Ziyao, and the gods, do you recognize your own situation now?" Ye Fenghen looked at Gou Fugui and the others and laughed.


   "Give us an explanation and reason, why are you betraying?" Pu Ziyao asked in a low tone, looking up at the sky.


   Looking at this, Pu Ziyao's heart is already cold.


  He is very disappointed with these betrayers now!


   "Explanation? Reason?" Patriarch Yu and others chuckled and replied, "Because of rebellion, we can get what we want."


   "Shenhuang strong, the apex of the continent!


   Didn’t you just want something at your fingertips? What else do you want? ! "Gou Fugui asked angrily.


   In his eyes, this is not a reason at all, but a vague Soaring. "An expert from the Yaozu Divine Emperor replied.


   "What? What?!"


   Liu Liuliu and others were shocked when they heard the words, and asked silently.


   The other viewers were also in an uproar.


   Feisheng, both mysterious and seductive, is also a thing that only exists in legends.


   The degree of mystery of ascension is second only to ‘Is there a **** in the world?’


   "Ascension?! This secret that only exists in the legend?!"


   "Why can you soar if you rebel?"


   For a time, about the soaring matter, gradually set off an upsurge.


   "Do you really believe these illusory things?" Dan Huang Gong Sun Xi asked in a voice.


   "That adult promised himself, and naturally believes it." The monster **** emperor replied indifferently.


   "The lord?!"


   Everyone was surprised after hearing the words.


   Who is it that can make a god-sovereign expert call him an adult?


   "Well, these things are not things you should ask, nor are they things you should know.


   Even if I knew it, it would be in vain.


  Because you are about to leave this world and go into reincarnation. "Ye Fenghen said with a smile.