It’s Too Hard To Die

v3 Chapter 778: �第�

As for the other people, some wore masks and some wore black robes that covered their bodies.

   No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t feel like a good person.

   However, fortunately, their attention was quickly attracted by Xiao Bai.

   "Brother Luo, Brother Chunyu, Brother Feng, Brother Li, and Brother Qin, it's been a long time since we saw them." Xiao Bai said with a smile.

   It seems to be very familiar with each other, it seems that an old friend who has not seen each other for many years has reunited today.

  The routine begins.

"you are....?"

   "I'm Xiao Bai, I haven't seen you for many years, can't you forget me?" Before Luo Mingyu and the others could finish their questions, Xiao Bai rushed to answer.

   The expression looked very sad, as if my heart was hurt.

   "Xiao Bai?" The five Luo Mingyu were taken aback for a while, and then they began to search for memories of Xiao Bai in their minds.

   However, after searching for a long time, they did not find any memory of Xiao Bai.

   couldn't find the memory of Xiao Bai, Luo Mingyu and the others couldn't help but feel a little more suspicious when looking at Xiao Bai's eyes.

   Xiao Bai did not panic about this.

   After all, in this case, Luo Mingyu and the others suspected that it was normal, and it was really bad if they didn't doubt it.

   was either really stupid, or he was going to dig a hole for him.

   Therefore, it is normal for Luo Mingyu and the others to doubt their identity.

   For this situation, the best way to crack is: increase acting! Feelings are revealed, stories are made up, and they are made out of nothing.

The highest state of    Huyou is that he almost believed it.

   So, seeing Luo Mingyu and the five of them doubt their identities, Xiao Bai's expressions and gestures on his face became more distressed, as if his heart was broken.

   "You guys... really forgot me? You forgot all of the things back then?" Xiao Bai muttered in a daze, pretending to be absent-minded.

   System: Enter the play, the host begins to enter the play!

   Seeing Xiao Bai's look of sadness and suffering, the five Luo Mingyu couldn't help but startled.

   This expression doesn't look like it's pretending.

   "Could it be that we have forgotten it?" Luo Mingyu asked questioningly in their hearts.

   This tone and expression doesn't seem to be acting at all.

   Moreover, from Xiao Bai's appearance just now, it can be seen that Xiao Bai's strength is definitely not weak, compared with them, it should be only strong or not weak.

   How can such a powerful person use such a low-level method to deceive them?

   Acting? Obviously impossible.

   In other words, why does he use such an inefficient way to associate with them?

   It hurts unless it is idle.

   But Xiao Bai looked obviously not, obviously not that kind of idler.

   System: Good guy, miss all the correct answers perfectly.

   As expected, it is you, there are really you.

"Besides, you shouldn't forget me. If you really don't remember me, what does this invitation mean?" Xiao Bai paused and said, and then took out a magic treasure from storage. An invitation card, shown to everyone to watch.

   A big red invitation card is very eye-catching.

   And Xiao Bai did not hide anything, and directly showed the invitation card in his hand to everyone to watch, letting everyone look at it.

   "Huh? It's really an invitation we sent." Feng Ruiyang said slightly surprised.

   It is not only him, but also other people.

   The invitation card in Xiao Bai's hand is exactly the same as the invitation card they received.

   If not, they would have noticed it.

   Seeing that Xiao Bai was actually holding an invitation card, most of the suspicion in everyone's hearts about Xiao Bai disappeared in an instant.

   is the person who has the invitation after all, this can't be faked.

   Especially Luo Mingyu and the five of them, their doubts about Xiao Bai have almost disappeared.

   Because these invitations are made and handed out by them, they don't pass through other people at all, so naturally they can't make fakes.

   As for why did Xiao Bai have their invitation cards in his hands?

   Luo Mingyu five people suddenly had an answer.

   Maybe only you don’t remember Xiao Bai, right? They should have sent this invitation.

   The five sect masters all thought that Xiao Bai's invitation card was given by the other four, and only oneself did not remember Xiao Bai.

   However, they were very tacitly aware of this point and no one took the initiative to mention it.

   I forgot about friends after all. . . . It's really hard to tell. . . .

  Especially when it falls into the hands of the enemy, it is easy to leave a handle.

   was maliciously discredited by others, publicizing his ungratefulness, turning his face in denial, and betraying his friends, and the image he had accumulated over the years was completely destroyed.

   As the leader of a sect, the character of the sect leader is not good, but in the eyes of others, the character of the whole sect is not good.

   So, you can never say something like this.

   And the real reason why Xiao Bai owns the invitation card is: Just now, he copied one at random.

   The creation plane, the universe, and the dimension are all done by hand. Isn’t an invitation just like playing?

   The invitation card created by Xiao Bai is exactly the same as the original one. Even if Luo Mingyu and the others have taken it over and checked it carefully, they couldn't find any abnormality.

   That's why Xiao Bai dared to show it openly to everyone.

"Brother Xiao, please come to the table, please come to the table, just now we were just making a joke with you, you have always been broad-minded, don't care about it, don't care about it." Sifang Sect Master Qin Mianhui made a please gesture , With a smile on his face, said anxiously.

   While saying this, Qin Mianhui winked at Luo Mingyu and the others crazily.

   And Luo Mingyu and the others also knew instantly, with such an expression.

   just. . . . What they understood was different from what Qin Mianhui suggested. . . .

   Qin Mianhui's implied meaning: Hurry up, the four of you have sent invitations to They are here as promised.

   As a result, he puts people aside again, what does this mean?

   Thanks to Brother Xiao's broad-mindedness, he doesn't have the same knowledge as us, and if he encounters a bad temper, he will do it directly.

   And Luo Mingyu and the four of them understood: This is the invitation we sent.

   Because Luo Mingyu, Chunyu Anxu, Feng Ruiyang, Li Henyang, and Qin Mianhui all thought that they were the only ones who had forgotten Xiao Bai.

   Therefore, each of them thought that Qin Mianhui had admitted that the invitation was sent by the four of them, and he was really the only one who had forgotten Xiao Bai.

   Luo Mingyu thought that Qin Mianhui had admitted that the invitation was sent by the four of them, and Luo Mingyu alone had forgotten Xiao Bai.

  Chun Yu Xu'an also thought that Qin Mianhui had admitted that the invitation was sent by the four of them, and only Chun Yu Xu'an had forgotten Xiao Bai.

   The same goes for others. . . .

   In this way, Luo Mingyu and the others believed in Xiao Bai's identity even more.

   "Hahahahahaha, yeah yeah, it's just a joke, just a joke, Brother Xiao don't mind, we will invite you to drink later, and we will pay for the crime with wine."

   "Yes, please, Brother Xiao, please! Today you sit on the main seat!"

  Luo Mingyu all laughed and apologized to Xiao Bai, which was like a joke between old friends.

   Qin Mianhui was also extremely satisfied with this, and was secretly delighted, thinking that Luo Mingyu and the others had successfully received his signal.

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