It’s Too Hard To Die

v3 Chapter 964: Found the source rock vein!

Xiao Bai and Ergou left. . . .

She was cursing when she left.

It seems to be in a bad mood.


As soon as he returned to the sect, when he came to the sky above the sect, he saw Mu Cheng and Xie Tianzong returning to the sect together.

Xie Tianzong's face was ruddy and radiant, and the joy on his face could not be concealed.

"Well, it seems that his mind has been perfectly resolved." Xiao Bai looked at it with relish.

"It's okay to solve it, it's okay to solve it," Ergou said with emotion.

"Where is Mu Sheng? There seems to be no news about him." Xiao Bai suddenly shifted the topic to Mu Sheng.

Speaking of Mu Sheng, Mu Sheng has been searching for the whereabouts of his parents over the years.

but. . . . Still no news, no clue. . . .

"Fate hasn't arrived yet." Ergou said lightly.

When fate comes, we will meet each other.

"Which power is his parents related to?" Xiao Bai asked confused.

"There are many, and the most involved force is the Feng Clan." Ergou thought for a while and replied.

"Oh, that's the case." Xiao Bai nodded slightly, indicating that he knew it.

A little while. . . .

Xiao Bai and Ergou entered the sect all the way, and went straight back to the palace of the sect master.

In the hall, everyone is there.

Brother Nangong Yunmo had already returned to the sect, and had returned a few days ago.

The return of missing persons.

"Master, Uncle Ergou, have you taken care of it?"

As soon as Xiao Bai and Ergou stepped into the Sect Master's Hall, they listened to the inquiries from Senior Brother Nangong Yunmo.

"Well, it's done." Xiao Bai nodded and replied.

"Sure enough." The two dogs echoed.

"Master Chaos, how's the girl doing recently?" The sharpening stone flew out of Wang Hao's sleeve and asked.

Grinding stones generally do not take the initiative to speak, unless it is an urgent matter, or something that he cares about.

"Very well, it hasn't changed a bit from before, but I still like to enlighten and still be so arrogant." Er Gou said with a light smile.

"Oh, yes, she also mentioned you."

"Speak of me? No? With her heartless character, how could she think of me?" The sharpening stone was slightly startled, and asked suspiciously.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

"It's true, if you don't believe me, ask Xiao Bai." Ergou pointed at Xiao Bai and said firmly.

There are witnesses!

Xiao Bai saw everyone looking to him. . . .

"Well, Ergou is right, he really didn't lie."

Witness Xiao Bai testified for Ergou.


The grindstone took a breath, but he didn't expect it to be true!

"Master Chaos, what did she say to me?" The Grinding Stone asked curiously.

Don't think about it, it's definitely not a good thing. . . .

System: You guessed it right, like your high IQ!

The two dogs groaned: "Um... She said she missed you..."

Grinding Stone:...

What, what is it? !

Xiao Bai:...

Ergou, is this really good?



The sharpening stone vomited directly.

"Master Chaos, please, please stop nauseating me... Vomit!" The Grindstone pleaded while vomiting.

Xiao Bai:...

Two dogs:...


Is the reaction so big?

Morning sickness is not as bad as your vomiting.

"What's the matter? That girl is also a good girl, but she's a bit eldly temperamental and a little arrogant." Ergou was embracing Yubo.

"Well, Master Chaos, I agree with you.

If that girl does not speak, she can indeed be regarded as a good girl.

But unfortunately, she had a mouth. "The Grinding Stone said in favor.

Two dogs:...

Do we two mean the same thing?

However, Ergou didn't bother to explain it anymore. After all, the relationship between the grindstone and the jade silk has been like this for so many years, and it hasn't changed since ancient times.

Often quarreling, a natural couple.

Grinding stones and jade silk are both innate magic weapons, derived from the beginning of the universe, when the avenue first appeared.

Really born.


Time passed in a hurry.

One day, in a dense forest with luxuriant branches and leaves.

A few young people dressed as disciples walked together, passing by here, talking and laughing.

Suddenly, one of the disciples frowned slightly.

"Huh? There is a source stone vein here!"

"Quick! Report to the master! Quickly notify the sect!"

"A few of us stayed guards! We must stand up and don't give up!"

"Yes, brother!"

This is a whole source rock vein! It has never been mined! And it seems to be a big vein.

A source stone ore vein, the value it can bring to the sect can hardly imagine.

That gains. . . . Boss! Old horrible!

It would be no problem for Xiao Bai to set up two money-burning facilities.

Two weeks later. . . .

The ancients said that there is no airtight wall under the sky, even if these disciples desperately hide themselves, cover up the veins, and block the news of the veins.

But in the end, the news was revealed. . . .


After some time.

The news that there was a rich mineral vein in the forest spread all over the nearby areas, and countless forces, large and small, learned about it.

The big forces must be mixed up, after all, the source rock veins are too rare, and the value it can bring is really too great.

Everyone wants to fight, everyone wants to take it for themselves, and no one wants to give up this opportunity in vain.

As for the small forces. . . .

They choose to wash and sleep.

Whatever happens has nothing to do with them.

The premise is that they are not involved in this matter.

If you participate, every minute becomes cannon fodder, every minute is second, and every minute is directly destroyed.

They wanted to join in the fun too, but those big buddies wouldn't let it.


Some time passed. . . .

In the forest, all forces and people from all walks of life have been gathered.

These forces are all here to fight for the source stone ore veins.

Since the final result is all fights, they don't need to deliberately say some polite remarks, and see their kung fu directly.

Speak with strength!

However, before that, they are facing the same problem.

The source stone ore veins have already been occupied by forces.

As the so-called treasures without owners, they are all gifted by God, first come first served.

Whoever picks it up first, that's who owns it.

This is the truth that people often talk about.

And now, some forces have taken the lead in occupying the truth.

"Young man, which sect are you from?"

Among the many forces, an old man with a cane walked out slowly and asked with a kind smile on his face.

The first step to inquire about the opponent's strength: inquire about the origin.

"Back to senior, we are disciples of the Invincible Sect." A disciple replied neither humble nor humble.

They are too far away, this is not Xiaoyao domain, and it is far from Xiaoyao domain.

Therefore, it is not useful to report the name of Invincible Sect.

This is also the key reason why they are so alert.

"Invincible Sect?"

Hearing this, everyone was slightly stunned.

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