It’s Too Hard To Die

v3 Chapter 967: Find the grave by yourself

Do you like mining?

Hearing this question, the powerhouses of the major forces were all startled.

dig. . . . Mining? What does it mean?

"What's the point of mining? It's mining." Xiao Bai raised his sword eyebrows and said.

Riddler, right?

"Senior, where do you mine? What kind of mine?" Sha Huarong asked in awe.

Don't know why, he always has an ominous hunch.

"Of course it is the source stone vein, otherwise, what else do you want to mine?" Xiao Bai raised his thumb slightly to the rear, pointing to the source stone vein behind, and said.

"I don't like it or not!"

"How can we dare to **** things from the predecessors?"

"This source stone mineral vein originally belongs to the predecessors, and we don't have the qualifications to get involved."

"Senior, we didn't have any bad thoughts, and absolutely didn't want to compete with Senior."

Hearing what Xiao Bai said, the powerhouses of the major forces thought that Xiao Bai was connoting that they were robbing the source stone, so he shook his head quickly and explained in a hurry.

Hearing this, Xiao Bai's forehead was suddenly covered with black lines.

"Which one told you that I want to give you the source stone veins? I asked whether you like mining!" Xiao Bai twitched his mouth slightly, and said angrily.

These people are a bit narcissistic.

Want to fart all day? Really think there will be pie in the sky?


"Senior is not connoting that we are robbing the source stone veins?"

"Do you like mining?"

"What is the problem?"

The powerhouses of the major forces were a little confused, confused by the questions Xiao Bai asked.

"Oh, forget it, I don't want to ask your opinions any more, the final result is the same anyway.

Whether you agree or refuse, you must agree in the end. "Xiao Bai said twice, forgetting it, and said impatiently.

Don't waste time with these cerebral palsy.

Even if Xiao Bai said that, the strong men of the major forces were still a little dazed.

So, what does it mean to like mining?

"Come with me, you'll know later." Xiao Bai smiled lightly, with a gentle smile on Shuai's face.

After all, Xiao Bai waved his sleeves and directly reduced the source stone ore veins in the forest, and then collected them in the space behind him.

Take away.

Then, Xiao Bai looked at the powerhouses of the major forces and smiled and said: "Let's go, I will take you to where you work."


Everyone was stunned again.

As soon as the voice fell, the strong men of the major forces wanted to ask more.

However, Xiao Bai didn't give them a chance at all, stomped his feet directly, and moved away with everyone in the audience.



When everyone opened their eyes again, the environment in front of them had already changed drastically.

In front of them, there is a small forest and an endless mountain range.

"here it is?"

One asked with some doubts.

"This is an area near our Invincible Sect." Xiao Bai replied with a smile.

After a pause, Xiao Bai continued: "This is also where you will go to work in the future."

"The area near the ancestor's sect?"

"Go to work?"

"Senior, why are you taking us here?"

The powerhouses of the major forces asked one after another, some did not understand why Xiao Bai would bring them here.

In short, I definitely didn't take them to see the scenery, I must have no ulterior motives!

Also, what does it mean to go to work? How come they have never heard of this term?

"You will know right away."

The corner of Xiao Bai's mouth was grinning, and he curled up a nice arc, a bit evil and enchanting.

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Bai snapped his fingers.


A cyclone suddenly formed in the space behind Xiao Bai, which then formed a vortex.


After that, the source stone vein spear shot out like a dragon, and it changed in time like a blue dragon, shooting straight towards the mountain range in front.

In the blink of an eye, the source rock veins blended perfectly with the mountains, as if a natural phenomenon.

After the completion of this great project, Xiao Bai once again looked at the powerhouses of the major forces.

"Go, it's time for you to go to work."


"Senior... What do you mean by going to work...?" One person asked instead of everyone, this is the common doubt in their hearts.

"You don't need to know this, you only need to know a little.

That is, this source rock vein will be handed over to you for mining in the future.

Also, you have no salary. "Xiao Bai smiled lightly.

Simply put, it is mining, and there is no salary, it is all for nothing.


"Are we responsible?!"

"No salary yet?!"

"Senior, what did you mean by mining just now?!"

At this time, people from all major forces finally understood what Xiao Bai was going to do.

After doing it for a long time, I wanted them to stay and mine the source rock!

Like this kind of dirty work, how can they be willing to do it?

And there is not even the most basic salary. Isn't this an obvious bullying?

So, they fry the pan on the spot.

That is one million unwilling!

But who is Xiao Bai?

Will these people have the final say?

"If you don't want to die, there is a small forest there, which can be used to bury people." Xiao Bai pointed to a small forest in the distance, and said with a cold face.

"Also, look for the grave by yourself, dig the pit yourself and bury it yourself." Ergou added.

"By the way, let's commit suicide It is very troublesome for us to kill." Si Feihan also said.

One-stop service will not be arranged for them.

Don't ask, ask is unworthy.

Powerhouses of all major forces:...

These big guys. . . . How can one be more ruthless than one?

"I ask you one last time, are you doing it?" Xiao Bai forced.

If you don't agree anymore, you will really kill you.

Anyway, don't worry, after all, the source stone ore vein has already been obtained.

As for the mining manpower, I will meet you slowly in the future, you will always meet.

If it really doesn't work. . . .

Xiao Bai glanced at Ergou.

Ergou felt the look in Xiao Bai's eyes, and suddenly frowned, tilted his head and asked, "What are you doing? What do you want me to do?"

"It's okay, just look at you." Xiao Bai explained.

"Your kid has a bad stomach, there is nothing good to see if I specify." Ergou said with a bad expression.

Xiao Bai:...

Have it?

On the other side, Si Feihan had already started to sharpen his knife.

"You'll use this knife later, it's very sharp, so you can make sure that a knife will fall to the ground." Si Feihan raised the bright kitchen knife in his hand and said with a smile.

Powerhouses of all major forces:...

terrible! terrible!

"You haven't considered it yet?"

Xiao Bai's voice sounded again.

This time, there was more impatience in his tone.

Powerhouses of all major forces:...

This one is more terrible!

"Just do it, don't give a chance."

Powerhouses of all major forces:? !

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