It’s Too Hard To Die

v4 Chapter 1271: Relocate

"I dare not dare, thanks to God's help, how dare you have a heart of resentment?"

The people of the Yunxi tribe were overjoyed when they heard this, and said hurriedly, their heads shaking like a rattle.

Xiao Bai had already spoken for this purpose, how could they not understand?

Xiao Bai had almost agreed, only to nod in the last step.

"Since you seek refuge, then follow along. This seat will bring you under your command and protect you from safety." Xiao Bai said.

To let the Yunxi Clan join the Invincible Sect as a vassal, the Yunxi Clan must swear allegiance to the Invincible Sect, and Xiao Bai will declare that the Yunxi Clan is under the legal protection of the Invincible Sect.

If someone declares war on the Yunxi clan, it will declare war on the Invincible Sect and provocation against the Invincible Sect.

"Thank you God! Thank you God!"


Seeing Xiao Bai nodded and agreed, the entire Yunxi clan couldn't hide their excitement, and could no longer hold back the excitement and joy in their hearts, and finally cheered.

All the people of the tribe were overjoyed and ecstatic.

Finally, all the hardships come, and there is no need to live a life of displacement, fear all day long, and fear of being robbed at any time.

"What god? Call your lord! Hurry up and call your lord!"

An elder scolded.

They are now vassals of the Invincible Sect, and the title of God is no longer appropriate.


"My lord, I'm extremely sorry, but I was so excited that I called the title wrong. Please punish me."

"My lord, please punish you."

"My lord, my subordinates are incompetent! I am embarrassed in front of you."

The Yunxi people quickly changed their tunes and piously pleaded guilty.

"Nothing, I don't care about these titles." Xiao Bai waved his hand and chuckled lightly.

It's just trivial things.

"Really a **** with a broad mind."

The people of the Yunxi clan can't help but sigh in their hearts.

"Okay, let me give you some time. You go and gather your people first. After the gathering is over, let's set off." Xiao Bai said.

"Yes, my lord."

"Subordinates obey."

The members of the Yunxi tribe responded respectfully.

Subsequently, Jian Yi led the tribe to retreat.

Before the war, they sent away a group of tribesmen, and now they want to tell those tribesmen the great news.

The days of suffering have gone, and now they are greeted by a new dawn!

Every time I think of this, the Yunxi people are full of energy, energetic, and full of energy.

There is more and more hope in the future.

They seemed to see the future, a beautiful pure land free from hunger and cold, war and looting, intrigue, and open and secret struggles.

After the Yunxi clan members left, above the clouds, the war between the brothers of Nangong Yunmo had also ended.

As for the outcome, it has already been decided.

Nangong Yunmo, Zhang Shige, Duan Wuluo, Wang Hao, and Sibuxiang, the five of them, work together to hammer the little monk.

Five hits one, it's definitely crushed.

That's right, the little monk was beaten miserably. . . .

The care from the brothers, plus a four-not-like image.

"What do you think about this matter? Seriously, tell me your opinion." Xiao Bai said, scanning the crowd.

What Xiao Bai said was about the collection of Yunxi Clan as a vassal.

"Very good, a wise choice." Ergou commented.

"The development potential is very high." Ling Xinyun said softly.

"Senior Xiao, from the perspective of intelligence, diplomacy, etc., I think this is a good decision, which will benefit our sect's multi-faceted and all-round development in the future." Nangong Xuan replied after thinking about it.

"My brother's point of view is the same, it may not be obvious now, but when our sect has more vassals in the future, the situation will be very different." Nangong Liuyun said.

"It happens that our sect is located on the border of North Underworld Island, and the sect is located in the center of a barren land.

And it just so happens that this barren land is also a land of no owner. We can just take root here and open up a new territory. "Qin Haozi said.

Since there is no civilization around, they will create civilization and create civilization!

No towns can be built;

Without landscape, you can create;

The earth has no vitality, it can be changed by magic;

If the weather is irregular, then forcefully correct it back using magic techniques.

All problems are not difficult in their eyes.

"What a magnificent blueprint! Just after listening to the lecture, I was already passionate, and I couldn't help but want to start taking action!" Situ Wuqing said excitedly.

"The hero sees the same thing!"

Qin Haozi and Situ Wuqing shook hands affectionately.

The Invincible Sect is the two major practical factions.

Xiao Bai:...



This is too far, right?

Now the sect has only one vassal and a wasteland. . . .

Situ Wuqing and Qin Haozi have already started discussing the founding of the nation.

Just when Xiao Bai and others came to discuss it, the Yunxi people gathered together.

Because of the teleportation method, the assembly speed is extremely fast.

"My lord, you have been waiting for a long time."

Jian Yi took the brunt of the situation and led the tribe to kneel down on one knee with a respectful and upright manner.

"It's just time for a cup of tea. I can't talk about it for a long time." Xiao Bai said with a light smile.

"Then, all the members of the Yunxi clan, swear an oath with me and offer loyal gifts to the adults!

He obeys the orders, instructions and arrangements of adults from life to life, no matter what happens, he will do his best and do his best!

If you break this oath, the sky will thunder!

If you have two hearts, you will die on the spot, and you will turn into the animal life after you die, and you will never live beyond your life! "Jane Yi has a serious expression, a serious face, and firmly swears.

"A gift of loyalty to the adults!"

Yunxi people repeat.

The voice just fell.


With the thunder blasting, the strong heavenly power gradually condensed, and then suddenly poured out from the horizon, falling into the eyebrows of each Yunxi tribe without leaving any traces.

As if it was just a cutscene.

However, it turns out that this is not a cutscene.

"The great oath." Ergou said, "It's best not to swear casually in the God Realm."

Because the oath of the gods is serious.

Violation of the oath will really be hacked, and the punishment you have promised will be fulfilled.

"So serious??" Xiao Bai was full of question marks.

Just swore the oath?

The Yun Xi clan is so enthusiastic and even took the initiative to swear, Xiao Bai is not embarrassed to fool around at will.

"Very good, in the name of Invincible Sect Master, this seat promises you that from today onwards, you will protect your Yunxi Clan forever!" Xiao Bai said with a serious face.

"Thanks your lord!"


The Yunxi people quickly expressed their gratitude.

Xiao Bai's words are reassurance.

After taking calming pills, all the disturbing factors disappeared.

"You don't need to be polite, just get up." Xiao Bai said softly, "Go, we will take you to your new home. There are many free land near the sect. You can choose whatever you want.

As for the living environment, it can be changed according to your preferences. "