It’s Too Hard To Die

v4 Chapter 1286: Kill without mercy!

How to deal with the Dayan Dynasty, this is a problem.

Although the Dayan Dynasty was not strong, it had a large territory. Xiao Bai glanced briefly at it. It was rich in minerals, and had a beautiful environment, suitable for living and making a home.

"It's better to include the Dayan Dynasty as a subject country of our sect." Xiao Bai suggested.

It does not enter the Invincible Sect Federation, it is only a subject country, and pays tribute every year.

"Yes, they don't dare to rebel anyway." Ergou said while grilling fish.

If you dare to rebel, you will immediately destroy the Dayan Dynasty.

"The Emperor of the Dayan Dynasty cannot stay. We need to support a new emperor and nurture it into our puppet." Si Feihan said.

This is more conducive for them to control the Dayan Dynasty.

"Well, anyway, let's tell Ling Yao first and sister." Xiao Bai said, rubbing his chin.


At this moment, the imperial city has been captured and occupied by Ling Yao.

The flags of the Invincible Sect Federation were planted on the walls, implying that the imperial city has been replaced by a new owner.

All the ministers and officials of the Dayan Dynasty were gathered together and knelt to the ground tremblingly, waiting to be sent down.

Behind him stood countless fierce soldiers.

No one knows what their fate will be.

Many civilians, slaves, and creatures of all races gathered around them. They were not afraid of Ling Yao and the Invincible Sect Federation army, but they only had awe, admiration, and gratitude.

The reason they are not afraid is because they have already heard rumors that the Invincible Sect Federation does not kill innocent civilians.

Those who dare to go out today have confidence in themselves.

[We are all great people]

"Well, before the lord gives orders, I will do something that the lord will definitely do." Ling Yao said softly.

Hearing Ling Yao's words, the officials couldn't help shaking.

Do you want to deal with them?

What will happen to them, the ministers of the kingdom?

On the contrary, Ren Wen didn't panic at all. He believed that the forces that would not indiscriminately kill innocents and hunt civilians would certainly not be bad.

It was at least a hundred times, a thousand times, and ten thousand times stronger than the Great Yan Dynasty.

At this moment, Ling Yao spoke again.

"The old rules, anyone who bears too many sins, all evil authors, serious karma, or harm to the common people, kill without mercy!" Ling Yao said indifferently, with a cold expression on her face.

As for how to know who should be killed and who should not be killed, it is natural to use the method of calculation.

After becoming a god, Ling Yao and others had already understood the method of calculation by themselves, and didn't need to learn it at all.

Although Ling Yao's ability to derive heavenly secrets is not as strong as Ergou, it must be easy to estimate some mortals.

After that, Ling Yao stretched out her jade finger that was as crystal clear as a green onion, and she closed her eyes and pinched her fingers to calculate.

But while breathing, Ling Yao opened her eyes again.

"I have marked everyone who should be killed." Ling Yao said softly.

Hanging a red pillar on his head is the one to kill.

During the words, everyone hurriedly raised their heads and stared to see if there was a red pillar above their heads.

The person without the red pillar breathed a sigh of relief;

The person with the red pillar was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground, opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

What's more, he fainted directly and passed out.

As for the others who hadn't fainted, they were frantic kowtows with nasal tears and tears.

"Fairy, please spare my life, fairy!"


"Fairy, you are so compassionate, give me a chance to be a human again!"

"I have already given it, killed you, and you reincarnate. Isn't it a chance to be a new person?"

The scene was full of crying, letting go, full of wailing and crying.

Ling Yao didn't move at all.

These people are not worthy of mercy.

"Fairy, please, please..."

Some ministers crawled forward, wanting to ask for mercy, but their palms just stretched out, the next second!


The sword that cuts iron like mud and shines with cold light is close at hand, if one step further, the sword will directly poke the face.

This scene scared the ministers very much and called out the danger.

If they were a little bit closer, they would die.


"Keep your distance, understand?"

"Ling Yao-sama, is it possible for you thieves to arrive?"

"Dare to step forward again, we will directly behead you to show the public!"

The four rabbit human female guards scolded coldly.

The four of them were guards personally selected by Ling Yao.

On the side, the people and the creatures of other races were crying out for fantasy.

The lower races reprimand the higher races, this is a rare thing in the world, at least in the Great Yan Dynasty, this kind of phenomenon has never happened.

"Well, don't waste time, the Sect Master should be coming soon. Before the Sect Master arrives, let's do these must-do things first." Ling Yao said softly.


All the soldiers of the Invincible Sect Federation respectfully agreed.

Hearing that Xiao Bai was about to come later, the soldiers of the Invincible Sect Federation couldn't hide their excitement.

Xiao Bai, the **** they believe in.

Not to mention other people and creatures, everyone has infinite curiosity about this invincible sect master and leader of the invincible sect federation.

The great elder, the hall master, and the elders have all been forced into this, the sect master. . . . Isn't it strong and outrageous?

At this time, Ling Yao also gave orders again.

"Make a decision without mistake."



The soldiers of the Invincible Sect Federation respectfully took their orders, and then directly drew their knives and weapons without any hesitation or feelings.

Then, groups of three or five came forward and executed the order.

"no, do not want!"

"Spare me, spare me!"

"Let me go!"

"I was wronged, I was wronged! Sir, please, give me a chance to explain!"

"No, don't kill me!"

"I'm still young, I don't want to die yet!"

At the moment of death, all beings are equal.

When death was approaching, all the ministers were so desperate that they finally abandoned all their pride.

Also marked by the red column are not only corrupt officials, but also gangsters and local snake gangs who do a lot of evil and bully men and women, as well as black-hearted merchants and human teeth.

These people cannot escape death today.


Hands up and down The whole army took the initiative, and soon the suppression was over.

The end of the Qing suppression means the end of the campaign, the last big city of the Great Yan Dynasty fell into Xiao Bai's bag, the Great Yan Dynasty was completely destroyed, and the imperial power changed.

At this time, it was also Xiao Bai's turn to show his saints.

"I will ask the Sect Master to come forward and give the final decision." Ling Yao said.

Xiao Bai had the final say on what to do with the people of the Dayan Dynasty, other officials, major races, fiefs, wealth, etc.

At this moment, Xiao Bai's voice suddenly sounded.

"Sister Ling Yao, don't look for me anymore, we have already arrived."

Hearing this voice, all the soldiers of the Invincible Sect Federation hurriedly knelt on one knee and saluted.

"I will see you at the end!"

"See your lord for humble duty!"