It’s Too Hard To Die

v4 Chapter 1291: Out of bounds

After the giants joined the Invincible Sect Federation, Xiao Bai returned to the town with his army.

Because new races have joined, the banquet is naturally indispensable.

That night, the Invincible Sect Federation was very lively, and even the sect disciples had many people to participate.

Xiao Bai and his party were in the Sect Master Hall.

"Just give them some time, we can build a well-equipped and powerful army." Ergou said.

"It's okay, isn't it just time, anyway, we can afford to wait." Xiao Bai smiled.


Then, in a flash, two years passed.

After these two years of development, the Invincible Zong Federation has developed rapidly.

The size of cities and towns has expanded more than a few times compared with the previous ones, not only that, but the prosperity has also multiplied.

Especially after opening up business with the Dayan Dynasty, the town is unprecedentedly lively, with all races.

Among them, some people came here to see the legendary Invincible Sect, because of Xiao Bai's name.

After these two years of development, the appearance of the town has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before.

The city walls are more stable and jailed. After the giants joined, the army's equipment became more sophisticated. Among the mundane forces, the equipment of the Invincible Federation army was at the top of the ranks.

There are other aspects.

For example, there are countless snack streets and commercial streets all over the town, especially tailor shops, butcher shops, and material shops, which are very popular.

Many disciples will go out to the city if they have nothing to do.

In which direction the focus of urban development is, one can tell by looking at the facilities in the city.

For example, the Invincible Sect Federation, at a glance, you know that you are running off the track.

Resources and thoughts are all biased towards entertainment and dry meals. . . .

The snack street occupies the vast majority, and the commercial street occupies a part. The rest are the martial arts field, lecture field, training field, weapon shop, exercise shop, and so on.

Sovereign Hall.

"What's the situation? Why did it go wrong? It's not right, how does development go wrong?" Xiao Bai dragged his chin with one hand, pondering until now, and asked inexplicably.

I don’t understand, I really don’t understand.

"You still have the face to ask, it's not because of you." Ergou rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"What does it have to do with me???"

Xiao Bai looked dazed, feeling very innocent.

"The town is transformed by the ruler's mind, in other words, what you want to do in your heart, the development direction of the town will change according to your mind." The system explained.

"In a word, host, what you are thinking in your heart is: except eating is playing."

Who is the ruler of the Invincible Sect Federation town? Who else but Xiao Bai?

Every time he visited the town, Xiao Bai would express his thoughts, praising where or what the town did well.

And Xiao Bai praised the snack street and commercial street every time. The Yunxi tribe, the Bunny tribe, and the Giant tribe were very happy to be praised. Excessive excitement is easy to get up. Once you get up, you don't care about other aspects. He concentrates on the development of eating and playing.

This is the influence brought by the ruler. Whatever the ruler likes, the subordinates will develop it.

From this point of view, the reasons for the deviation of urban development are obvious.

"I wonder if I am not alone in praising the snack street and the commercial street, have you all praised it?" Xiao Bai thought for a while, frowning and asked.

At that time, everyone was boasting, and they all boasted about eating and playing.

"We know." Ergou nodded.

He does not refute this point.

"That you...."

"Brother, we didn't say that it has nothing to do with us." Si Feihan spread his hands and said.

Xiao Bai:...

Put a bunch of people here to tease him?

"Let's not mention this, let's talk about business first and discuss the direction of the town." Xiao Bai said sternly.

In which direction the town should develop, and in which direction should it expand.

"How do you say?" Ergou and others asked.

"What do you think of the current atmosphere in the town?" Xiao Bai asked.

"very good."


"Although it's off the track, it's very good, and it won my heart."

"Very lively."

"very happy."

Ergou and others have expressed their opinions.

Xiao Bai:...

"Okay, the meeting is over, let's keep going."

Xiao Bai greeted and said.

Same as his opinion.

This is good, there is no need to change the atmosphere, happy, happy, happy and happy for a lifetime.


In two years, with the passage of time, more and more forces appeared, coupled with the intelligence of the Dayan Dynasty, Xiao Bai and others discovered more forces.

With the prestige of the Invincible Sect and the Invincible Sect Federation spreading, in two years, I don't know how far it has spread. Xiao Bai only knew that more and more forces came to visit and took the initiative to show their favor.

Moreover, in the past two years, there have been more and more members of the Yunxi, Bunny, and Giant tribes, and their tribes have grown stronger.

The reason is simple. Because Xiao Bai's reputation is too high and the influence of the Invincible Sect Federation is too high, more and more people from the Yunxi, Bunny, and Giant came to seek refuge.

Xiao Bai was also happy to accept these people who had come to defect. As long as they could pass the system screening, Xiao Bai would pass it.

System, always drop god!


Gradually reduced to a good person appraiser. . . .

His dignified and invincible system has only this effect? Is it only possible to contribute in this area?

Do you look down on him too much?

"Well, you will be responsible for managing the sect in the future and find something for you to do." Xiao Bai said.

It's hard to say if you want to work?

"Just kidding, kidding, host, I'm kidding, don't take it seriously." The system hurriedly refused.

Let him manage the sect? Did you let him sleep?

So, forget it, let's be the salted fish honestly.

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes, hum, salted fish system.


at the same time.

A large hall, magnificent and magnificent, looks very magnificent and luxurious.

Inside the, two teams of old men in white robes stand on both sides in a regular and orderly manner, with a very respectful look.

In the deepest part of the hall, there is a throne.

On the throne, sat a middle-aged man wearing a crown and imperial robes. His beard was dense and his eyes shone with dignity, looking very majestic.

"Oh? Invincible Sect Federation?" The middle-aged man looked at the letter in front of him lazily, and asked lazily.

"My Majesty, it is." An old man walked out of the class and replied.

"The greatest support behind him is the Invincible Sect?" the man asked again.

"Back to your Majesty, it is."

"How strong is it?"

"Back to your Majesty, I don't know yet."

"Then go check it out." The man said lightly, "Send some warriors and try it out.

If they are weak, they will be punished and warned that they have crossed the line. "