It’s Too Hard To Die

v4 Chapter 1357: Angry

in a blink.

The practitioners disappeared, turned into a cloud of smoke, and disappeared between the world forever.

Following the death of the practitioner, Xiao Bai once again showed his power.

Grasping people in the air is like trying to get something from a bag.

Through the space, Xiao Bai grabbed it casually, and in the next instant, the palm of his hand was instantly full.

I saw Xiao Bai pinching a young man's neck at this moment and lifting him up high.

The young man flushed, struggling with his teeth and claws in the air.

If this continues, sooner or later he will be strangled to death by Xiao Bai.

"Let go of me! Bastard! Do you know who I am, Xiaoye? How dare you do this to me."

Although the young man was in danger, he still refused to accept it, and kept talking cruelly.

I want to break Xiao Bai's big hand, but it doesn't help to use both hands together;

He wanted to fist against Xiao Bai, but couldn't beat him.

"I am really curious about your background, a mere mortal, dare to be so violent."

Xiao Bai's hands were slightly loose, and he asked with a smile of interest.

If he didn't relax his strength, the young man would suffocate to death.

Seeing his blushing face and thick neck, he must have been unable to hold on for long.

"My background? Speaking of it scares you to death! Hahahahahahaha, isn't it a cultivator? I've seen too many masters, and I can't count the number of people willing to be a cow and horse for the little master."

Mentioned this matter, the young man was indescribably arrogant.

Arrogance from the heart.

Hearing this, Xiao Bai didn't respond immediately, but slightly raised his arm, and then flicked hard, and directly flew the man out.

The young man didn't fly far, because Xiao Bai was throwing it downward.

Therefore, the young man not only did not fly out, but hit the ground heavily.


A muffled sound.

Because young men are mortals, Xiao Bai didn't exert much effort.

The strength is well controlled, except that a few ribs were broken and the bridge of the nose was sunken.

People are not dead, Xiao Bai thinks he is still very caring, a warm man.


Old and sweet. . . .

"That guy passed out in pain."

Ergou reminded him from the side.

"Really? So unbeaten? Isn't it just a sunken bridge of the nose and a few broken ribs?"

Xiao Bai asked in surprise.

These words made the mortals creepy and chilled behind them.

is not it? ? ?

Isn't it just a sunken nose and a few broken ribs? ? ?

This is an ordinary person who can't hold it, right?

This fairy is really terrifying.

And courageous!

"How to deal with it?"

Ergou Ruoyouruowu quickly glanced around and asked with a smile.

Generally speaking, wake up first, and then continue to interrogate.

But who is Xiao Bai?

A model of not playing cards according to routines.

How would he follow the normal process?

Totally impossible.

Therefore, Xiao Bai decided.

"Forget it, don't bother to ask, just kill it."

Xiao Bai waved his hand and said lazily.

Immediately, a yellow light beam shot out from the fingertips, directly shooting through the forehead of the young man who had passed out.

Between thoughts, the young man separated yin and yang, and there was no rest.

at the same time.




"Friends, stop!"

"Friends, this person can't be killed!"

Dozens of discouraging voices sounded at the same time.

However, after all, it was a step too late.

"Oh, when you save people, people will return to the underworld to rebuild."

Xiao Bai sneered.

"Finally can you give it up? You have plenty of patience. It's not that you don't show up at the moment of death, but the orders from your superiors and masters?"

Ergou also mocked.

Who can conceal this point of cultivation?

"Young Master Yu!"

"Young Master Yu is dead?!"

"This person dared to kill the son!"

"What a courage!"

The death of the young man caused a great shock to the local area.

Whether it is a mortal or a practitioner.

"How dare you! How dare you!"

"How dare you kill Young Master Yu?!"

"This fellow Taoist, you are so unreasonable!"

"Young Master Yu is just overspeaking and offensive to you a little bit, but you want to kill you?!"

"Extremely cruel!"

"Could it be that the evil devil said crookedly?!"

Those voices sounded again, and their true bodies were revealed one after another.

There are men and women, and there are old and young. From the aspect of dressing, they don't look like people of the same power.

They really didn't expect that Xiao Bai didn't play the cards according to the routine, and directly killed Young Master Yu, making even them unable to react.

Originally, they wanted to delay it again, after all, for the sake of showing favor, the longer the delay, the greater the favor.

It's not good this time, not only did the favors fail to sell, but it's hard to explain even when they go back to explain.

How can this keep them from being angry.

As a murderer, Xiao Bai was naturally their target of fire.

But is Xiao Bai a vegetarian?

"This evil barrier is your father? Young Master Yu yelled one by one. You are so anxious when he is dead? Why don't you just cry?"

"I'm cruel? How about you when he is cruel? How about you when he wants to cut someone's tongue and ears? Why didn't you see a single figure? The righteous warrior is not on the stage?"

"I'm an evil devil? If I'm really an evil devil, do you really think you can still stand here alive and label others?"

Xiao Bai strode forward and took a few steps forward, turning his lips back to sneer, and asked coldly.

"Friends of Daoist are also strange, when is Young Master Yu cruel? Excuse me for an example."

A short, fat and old woman stepped forward and asked.

"When will Young Master Yu cut someone's ears and tongues?"

"Your cheeks are so thick, the parties are still on the scene."

Xiao Bai sneered.

"The troublesome fellow daoist asked him to come out, let's face it."

The old woman smiled and said with a fearless tone.

"Here, the parties involved are them, you can ask directly."

Xiao Bai pointed at the vendors who had already knelt on the ground and dared not raise their heads, and said.

"Thank you fellow daoist."

The old woman first thanked him, then looked straight at the vendors who were kneeling on the ground.

"Master Yu once threatened to cut your tongue and ears?"

Suddenly, the vendors trembled with fear and trembling.

"You can speak freely, and this seat will protect you."

Xiao Bai said with relief.

Hearing this, the vendors mustered up their courage and took a cautious look at Xiao Bai, then at the old woman and others, and then hurriedly bowed their heads.

"Why don't you speak? But don't you believe this fellow Taoist?"

The old woman asked again with a smile.


The vendors swallowed, intermittently, vomiting, and cowardly replied: "Return to the immortal long, never..."


Hearing this, Xiao Bai's eyebrows were erected, and his heart burst into flames.

"what are you saying?!"

"Why lie?!"

Xiao Bai flashed in front of the vendors in an instant, tugging at the vendors by the collars, his eyes wanted to kill.

Lie? !

Is he still lying? !

Why? !

" the adults, the little one didn't lie..."

The vendors dodged their eyes, not daring to look at Xiao Bai.

The old woman and others are smiling and happy.

"Friends, you can hear it, not yet."

"This is what they said, Fellow Daoist, can you believe it now?"

Xiao Bai:...

Gradually silent.

"Friends, not only them, but all the people at the scene can testify."

An old man said with a smile.

"The people are also witnesses."

"Everyone, you said, have the vendors ever lied?"

The old woman asked with a chuckle.

" the old god, never..."

The common people bow their heads and answer Is Yu Gongzi cruel? "

"Return...return to the immortal long, not cruel... Young Master Yu is sympathetic to the people... Treats us well..."

"Young Master Yu is a good person?"

"Back to..."

The old women and the people answered each question.

"Friends, can you believe it now?"

At this time, Ergou was shocked.

"not good!"

Xiao Bai's voice finally sounded again.

"I'm really angry."
