It’s Too Hard To Die

v4 Chapter 1368: 2 dogs and avenues

The roar of the cloud is mighty, and the energy of the heavens is madly swaying.

The hurricane mixed with heavy calamity roiled the world, and Xiao Bai and the others' clothes rumbled.

Staring at the sky that was different from the past, Xiao Bai's eyes became profound and unexplorable at some point.

"Two dogs."

"What's wrong?"

The two dogs responded.

"You said just now that Dao Dao violated his promise back then?"

Xiao Bai did not turn his attention to Ergou, but stagnated in the sky.

After Ergou heard the words, he stared at Xiao Bai for a while, and watched for a long time.

In the end, he finally sighed.


"What was the oath back then?"

Xiao Bai asked again.

"What else could it be, I won't end up in person anymore."

Ergou sighed and answered helplessly.

"Then why did you make this oath?"

"Because it was his promise."

Ergou's expression instantly became extremely serious.

"Why did you make such a promise?"

Dao Dao will never have nothing to do and make such a promise that does nothing to himself, right?

"There is no special reason, just because this is an agreement between the two of us." Ergou paused, then said solemnly: "Otherwise, how could I be sealed by others at will?"

If he hadn't been sealed voluntarily, who could seal him?

Avenue? Not even the avenue!

"Sure enough!"

Xiao Bai's face sank.

He sure didn't guess wrong!

The person who sealed Ergou was not someone else, but the Dao!

The avenue that derives from all the supreme gods and innate treasures!

Xiao Bai had always suspected Dao before, but now he has finally confirmed it.

"Humph! It turns out to be a great road!"

Si Feihan and the others snorted coldly.

Xiao Bai was not the only one who doubted Dao Dao, but almost all the top officials of the Invincible Sect.

After all, Ergou is the supreme god, and there are only a few people who can sit on an equal footing with Ergou, and all of them are supreme gods.

Ergou is also the one with the best celestial secrets and formations among all the supreme gods. Therefore, even the supreme gods want to seal Ergou.

In addition to the few people who have already appeared, whether it is the God of Slaughter, the God of Order, the Goddess of Life, the Goddess of Reincarnation or the God of Good and Evil, Ergou has never expressed hatred or malice, only the joy, miss and cherish the long-lost reunion. .

Even in the face of the **** of good and evil, who is on the opposite side, the same is true.

Ergou once said: "Killing and good and evil are two boys, but they choose different paths. They like bickering and quarrelling. They can't hurt harmony."

This shows that these supreme gods are not the murderers who sealed Ergou.

So, apart from the supreme gods, there is only the Dao Dao, the biggest suspect.

As for the fortune-telling jade silk and sword grinding stone, they have long known about it, but they just don't know where and where the two dogs were sealed by the Great Dao.

"Brother Gou, why did the Dao seal you?"

Si Feihan asked with a puzzled expression.

Between the Great Way and the Most High God. . . . There doesn't seem to be any grudges. . . .

"At first I didn't know what the purpose of the Great Dao was, but I suddenly realized something thousands of years ago."

Ergou's eyebrows were tightly locked, and he said in a condensed voice.


the people asked.

"Da Dao is laying out and planning a big situation, but I just don't know what his purpose is."

Ergou fell into thought and replied in a deep voice.

Thousands of years ago, due to some special factors, he suddenly realized this.

"Then the question is, how did you know?"

Xiao Bai crossed his arms, looked at Ergou, and asked.

Suddenly awakened after being sealed for thousands of years?

"Because of some special factors, I have some doubts."

Ergou replied.

"First of all, although I have been sealed, my cultivation has not been sealed, so even if I stay in the sealed world, I can still monitor the world, gain insight into all things, and deduce the secrets of heaven.

1. Several immeasurable tribulations ago, the timeline was before I was sealed by the Great Dao.

Killing and good and evil quarreled again, I was used to it and didn't pay attention.

2. Several immeasurable tribulations ago, the timeline was before I was sealed by the Great Dao.

Junior Sister Samsara disappeared for a while and went to earth to play. At that time, we all pretended not to know.

3. Tens of thousands of years ago, before the time line was sealed by the Great Dao.

Killing arranged the reincarnation of the younger generation. At that time, I didn't know the purpose of the killing, and I never cared about such matters, so I didn't ask clearly.

4. Tens of thousands of years ago, before the time line was sealed by the avenue.

Good and evil arrange for disciples to go down to earth to find things. I don't even pay attention to such trivial matters.

5. Thousands of years ago, the timeline was after I was sealed by the Great Dao.

I was sealed. At that time, I found another unlucky guy who was also sealed. That's right, Finn.

I found the aura of the younger generation of the killing arrangement.

I found the aura of killing disciples.

I found traces of the disciples arranged by good and evil.

6. Thousands of years ago, after the timeline was sealed by the Great Dao.

Xiao Shi is here.

7. Thousands of years ago, the timeline was after I was sealed by the Great Dao.

Feeling the breath of chaotic creatures, another chaotic creature was born, that is, the four dislikes were born.

At that time, I was at a loss, why? Why do chaotic creatures come into the world?

Didn't Dao Dao say it? There will be no more chaotic creatures.

For what reason?

Did the road go back on its word?

Moreover, why did you choose to come into the world in Dongli Continent? Why not the realm of the gods?

Why am I being sealed in Dongli Continent?

Why is the younger generation of the killing arrangement also leaving the mainland?

Why are the disciples of Slaughter also in the East Li Continent?

Why do disciples of good and evil also have traces in Dongli Continent?

Why did Koishi end up in person? !

Coincidence? what is this else?

That's it, there are more and more acquaintances and more and more coincidences, which makes me wonder: what's going on? Why did they all come to the east and leave the mainland?

It was fine at first, but after Xiao Shi came, I was completely skeptical.

What happened? Why even Xiao Shi came? !

The Innate Treasure will end in person, UU reading www. is nothing less than the Manifestation of the Most High.

Coupled with the fact that the Dao went back on its word and once again spawned chaotic creatures, this made me gradually turn from doubt to doubt.

Is the avenue that goes back on its promises really trustworthy? Will Daoda really live up to its promise?

I am right on the road. . . . No trust. . . .

Then I thought about breaking the seal, to find out, and then. . . . I met Xiao Bai. . . .

Xiao Bai saved me, and the fateful encounter started from there. "

After Ergou's voice fell, everyone fell into contemplation, as if they were thinking about what Ergou said.

"What is the promise of the avenue?"

Xiao Bai asked suddenly.

"His promise is that I will be sealed in exchange for a permanent erasure of countless calamities."

Ergou replied.

"Then this time..."

"This time doesn't count, because this time's Infinite Tribulation has already begun to run."

"Being sealed... Is it worth it?"

"It's worth it, it can be regarded as the realization of the wish for the good and evil brothers and sisters. Because the good and evil teachers always hope that the world will be peaceful, life will be healthy, all blessings will be perfected, and catastrophe will disappear.

As for me, it's the same wherever I sleep, but it's just a different place. "