It’s Too Hard To Die

v4 Chapter 1372: Fight!

"First of all, let me state in advance that although I have cooperated with Dao Dao, the matter of Senior Brother has nothing to do with me."

The **** of good and evil spoke first before the gods.

"Anything else to say?"

The God of Slaughter shrugged and asked.


"Then start the fight and teach a lesson first."

The God of Slaughter shook his Divine Sword, his divine might bloomed, his face was cold, and he said lightly.

The Excalibur trembled, and the world trembled.

The most important thing right now is to confront Dao Dao. As for the other things, we will talk about it later.

Even if there are more problems and more things to hide, it can still be put aside.

The trust accumulated over countless countless kalpas.

"Heh, killing, how much do you hate me?"

Avenue smiled lightly.


The God of Slaughter suddenly burst out.

In an instant!

The blood was everywhere, and the killing intent was full.

I saw the riots of the elements of the universe, the stars and the stars moved, the sun and the moon passed quickly, the pouring rain was like lightning and thunder, and it rose in an instant, the mountains and rivers were broken, and the wind and rain were precarious.

Hongmeng purple qi protects the body of the **** of slaughter, and the will of slaughter in the world is freely mobilized.

The originally complete universe of the universe fell apart in an instant, like a broken mirror, space debris like catkins.


This moment!

Slaying the Divine Sword unsheathed!


The silver light blade slid across the sharpening stone, and the power skyrocketed again!

The whole body of the Zhan Shenjian was red, and several ancient runes appeared on the silver sword body, and the purple runes flickered.

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The sword light flashed, and the Divine Sword was transformed, and it suddenly soared countless times!

I don't know how big it is, but I only know how high the sky is and how high it is.

I don't know its width, I only know that it is boundless when I look at it at a glance.

I don't know its edge, I only know that all things will die if touched, and if touched, they will be injured. Wherever they are, all things in the world are not spared.

This is the method of mysterious change!



The speed of slashing with the Divine Sword is a moment's worth of thought.

This sword smashed through time, space, nothingness, and even the long river of time!

A sword fell, and the world was clean!

This sword clarifies his heart, and God purifies himself;

Naturally, the six desires do not arise, and the three poisons are eliminated.

Therefore, those who are unable to do so are because their hearts are not clear and their desires are not sent;

Those who can send them: look inside their mind, the mind does not have its heart; externally look at its shape, but the shape has no shape; look at the object from a distance, the object has no object; once the three are enlightened, they can only see in the emptiness. Viewing the emptiness is also emptiness, the emptiness is empty; the emptiness is nothing, there is nothing and nothing; there is nothing and nothing, and it is always silent. If there is no silence, how can desire arise; if desire does not arise, it is true tranquility.

Sword falls.

The God of Slaughter stands with a sword and walks in the sky.

He looked cold and silent.

Susu screamed at the sky, and fluttered to the front of the road.

Wreathed in blood, it was full of auspiciousness.

The purple smoke of the black cloth thatch body is rare.

Holding the Sword of Slaying God in his hand, the silk sash was wrapped around his waist.

The universe is in danger everywhere, and the earth's killing intent travels all over the place.

This is Daluo Heaven's Purple Cloud Immortal, who has opened a new chapter today.

Destiny to wash away the doubts and diseases, never to think about the mind.

"All things go for it."

Behind the God of Slaughter, the Goddess of Life waved her hand lightly, and a little green light shone in the sky.

In an instant, the dilapidated world of Qiankun was instantly repaired, and there was no trace of shattering.

"Hahahahahaha, slaughter, compared to the day you just obtained the Tao, your Taoism is indeed much stronger."

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