Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

Chapter 209

After hearing this, Yao Niang could not react for a while, and looked at Liu Liangyi in amazement.

The other person grinned with a beard and said, "It's only been more than a month, the pulse hasn't appeared, but it should be correct."

Yao Niang then remembered that she hadn't been there for a while, but just a while ago, she was busy neglecting the ceremony, and the last red silk also mentioned something to her, she turned around and forgot.

"Congratulations, congratulations."

Red silk and other people came forward to Daoxi, and Yao Niang was dizzy. Besides laughing, she could only laugh.

Laughing, naturally you have to appreciate it. The Kunning Palace has been rewarded with a month's worth of money, and those who serve in close proximity, such as Yu Chan and Red Silk, are rewarded for three months. Kunning Palace also sent someone to announce the good news to Emperor Jin'an, and there will be a wave of rewards.

The good news was only spread through the entire palace, and everyone in the Forbidden City knew that the queen's mother was pregnant. Everyone knows that they are envious of the queen's blessing, but it's not because she is pregnant.

Just look at this shortly after the seal, and you are pregnant.

Not blessing, what is it!

Especially recently, the Central Korean government was not considered peaceful. Seeing the position of the queen did not want it, another minister suggested that the Jin'an Emperor should have a wide harem.

It stands to reason that there are only two or three kittens in the harem that cannot be justified. There are many concubines in the harem, so that you can stretch your babies to protect the peace of the country.

Become an emperor, everything can be linked to the Jiangshan club.

Emperor Jin'an was discussing the matter with several old ministers, and several ministers spoke eloquently, but he kept silent. At this time, the good news sent by Kunning Palace was exactly what Jin Andi said. There are already two princes, and the queen is young and blessed. There is no need to make a wide harem.

The emperor of Jin'an heard the great joy and immediately threw down the ministers, and the ministers could only touch their noses to leave the palace.

This happy event was not over yet. The next day, Emperor Jin'an sent the imperial elder son Zhao Chen as the prince.

This incident naturally caused a storm in the chapel. The eldest son of the emperor was under five years old, and young children were prone to death. It was also five years old when the former Prince was closed.

However, the eldest son of the emperor was both a concubine and an eldest. Ministers could not hide the guise of too much opposition. They could only dissuade the eldest son from being too young. But before the storm had set off, it stopped abruptly.

The emperor of Qianqing Palace, the first imperial edict after the Zen position, crowned the eldest son of the emperor Zhao Chen as the prince, and there was a calm sea above the court.

The weight of the two imperial edicts is not doubled, but geometrical. With the imperial edict of the emperor, as long as the eldest son of the emperor does not commit death and rebellion, he can almost sit in the position of the prince with a few unforgivable sins, such as the king of a country nailed down in the future.

Even if Emperor Jin'an wanted to abolish the prince one day, he would have to go over the imperial edict of the emperor first. But at that time, the Supreme Emperor might have already done a great job. The living emperor wanted to turn over the will of the already great Emperor, or his dear, which is almost tantamount to taking the world by storm.

The Kunning Palace has once again become a place of much attention. The world praises everyone who can share the blessing of the queen's maiden with one star at a time, and there is no need to worry about it in this life.


A woman is just two decades away, and she is already the future queen-queen. This blessing is really an envy to all women in the world.

For a time, the Su family of Cheng'en Hou House became a hot figure in Beijing, and even the little-known small households like the Yao family also became guests in various Beijing central governments.

Without him, it is because the first line of the Nakamiya rarely shows up in front of people, and it takes a medium to walk through the Nakamiya.

These three imperial edicts have led many people to have to change their minds. If only the Queen Su is the only one, add a crown prince with a status as solid as gold. Sons are more expensive than mothers, and mothers are more expensive than mothers. These have always been complementary. The status of the prince is as solid as gold, and the status of Queen Su is naturally unbreakable.

In this case, instead of thinking of pulling the queen down and replacing them, it is better to be a vassal, and it is also a road to prosperity.

As for Kunning Palace, Yao Niang now had her heart and soul, and she knew nothing about the wind and rain outside.

The first day she sent away Qiao Shi, who entered the palace, and Xiao Jirou came the next day.

The two sat together and talked a lot. Unlike Qiao's, Xiao Jirou rarely appeared in front of people, and the palace can't come without it. Following her last entry to the palace, it was still the daughters of the maiden family who entered the palace as concubines.

"You said you moved back to the Xiao family?" Xiao Jirou didn't deliberately say, but Yao Niang still heard it between words, and couldn't help wondering.

Xiao Jirou smiled bitterly. In fact, she didn't want to hide Yaoniang. She wouldn't have concealed it. If he didn't hesitate, she wouldn't be tangled until today.

Seeing that the other party was silent, Yaoniang asked again, "Why? Are you still angry with the seventh brother?"

"I'm not angry with him. How long has it been, I have long forgotten it."


Why? She couldn't say.

Yao Niang has always been a personal personality, seeing Xiao Jirou reluctant to say anything, she did not ask any more. The two sat down and said something else, after which Xiao Jirou went out of the palace.

Qing Wang also entered the palace today.

Unlike King An and others, King Qing is a hero this time.

Although King Qing made a big mistake, he has made great achievements in the peace and chaos. Under the balance of the achievements, Emperor Jin An personally ordered him to stay in Beijing and gave him the supervision of the Third Camp of Beijing.

Today King Qing is leading the title of Governor, and he is clearly the confidant of the new emperor. Now he is also one of the most sought-after figures in the North.

Xiao Jirou just got into the carriage and was thinking about Yao Niang asking her, and suddenly the car window was knocked.

She lifted the car curtain and looked out, facing the face of Shang Qing Wang Qingyu.

King Qing is much thinner and more determined than before.

It is possible that the state of mind can affect people's appearance. The former King Qing was handsome and hearty, but his face was immature. Now it has sharpened all the roundness on the face, but has sharpened the lines.

No one knows how much Qing King suffered at Yanshan Emperor's Mausoleum. Emperor Jin'an was never a softhearted person. He hardened and sharpened Qing King, and he would not be soft.

So when he first went to Yanshan, Qing Wang really wanted to stay in this wild mountain for the rest of his life, and could never go back.

Between the eyes, there were stones in the mountains and the desert, no one spoke to him. And at night, the outside is even crying, only a solitary lamp can torture people crazy.

Fortunately, King Qing was immersed in infinite remorse at that time, but there was no extra feeling to pay attention to these.

Later, he finally had a good time. When he remembered what King Jin said to himself, he began to observe the guard house in the emperor's tomb.

Unlike other health guards, the Yanshan Lingwei is stationed in the mountains because it is stationed in the mountains. It is deserted everywhere. The soldiers and soldiers in the Lingwei seem to be contaminated by the atmosphere, like a stone man.

No one looked at King Qing here, not even Dao's despised eyes. If it were ordinary people, they would certainly not be able to bear this neglect or even disregard, which is exactly what King Qing needs.

With the advance arrangement of King Jin, King Qing disguised himself as an ordinary soldier and entered the Lingwei. When he was truly integrated into the Lingwei, he realized that there was no place here.

Because there are no people here, except the mountains and forests are stones, the soldiers of the Lingwei have no other things to adjust their lives, except daily training is training. They have to practice for five hours a day, from various mountain wars, plain battles, siege battles, and even street fights, to various individual soldier battles. They even have an army comparison every month, and if they win, they are promoted and lost. Then relegated, everything speaks according to strength.

When Qing Wang Fang went, he claimed that he had a martial arts, and had led soldiers to fight, and did not look at these people. It wasn't until he was in the big game that a soldier who was shorter than him was pressed to the ground and slammed **** the ground, and he didn't understand what someone was outside.

Since then he changed his attitude, from losing to winning, slowly raising the flag, the total flag, and the hundred households, to winning his opponents one after another with his men, until he rose to the deputy commander of Lingwei. s position.

Further up is the commander, that is the soul of the entire Yanshan Lingwei, an old man who lost a leg. The old man is very old, and the reason why Yanshan Lingwei will be different from other health centers is because of this old man.

Until this time, King Qing did not know that this old man was the King of Jin. At that time, King Jin had also been to Yanshan, but was brought by Ning Guogong. King Jin stayed here for half a year, and then changed greatly.

That year King Jin was fifteen.

King Qing recalled, what was he doing at that time?

It seems that after the fifth brother is out of the palace, what should King Yong and Lu do if they find themselves in trouble? Sorrow and regret in adulthood, humble and pathetic.

It was only then that he understood that he always felt that Wu Brother had been inferior to him since he was born, because he had a mother-in-law, a high-weight grandparent, and a puppet who could be a general.

The prince with high maternal weight is always much superior.

Only then did he understand how ridiculous, no one is born with everything, and what God gave you, you have to be able to catch it.


"Something?" Xiao Jirou asked across the window.

"I'll send you back."

The tall King Qing, wearing a prince suit, His Majesty is a royal blessing. What awe-inspiring and marvelous the martial arts is, at this time, he is half-bent and bowed in a dignified manner, next to the carriage of the Xiao family that is obviously incomparable to the Wangfu frame, which looks particularly awkward and sighing.

Xiao Jirou is not ignorant of how hot Qing King is in Beijing today. Several men in the Xiao family are officials in the dynasty, as well as civil servants and military commanders. Naturally, I heard a lot.

Although the man in the family didn't say anything, the two sisters-in-law would inevitably say something in her ears, saying that she was stupid, and it was obvious that she would be rich and rich all her life.

Is she more real?

Xiao Jirou didn't know, she didn't even understand what she was thinking.

"Still, Grand Prince Qing is busy, and the little woman is going home."

"Jirou ..."

"Back home."

Hearing the urging, the groom of the Xiao family did not dare to stay any more, and drove away in a carriage.

The car had gone a long way, and Xiao Jirou's personal girl Qionger suddenly said, "Prince, Wang Ye is still behind the car."

"Don't call me princess several times."


"I'm not the princess anymore, long ago. He's back, I'm not."

Qing Wang followed the carriage of Xiao family all the way to the side door of Xiao House. When Xiao Jirou got out of the car, he didn't look at himself before turning the horse's head.

He's okay, he just walked slowly on the horse.

He is okay, but others are okay, and walking in the street in such a body is not challenging the hearts of ordinary people.

Qing Wang's mind was blank, as if he had thought a lot, and seemed to have thought nothing. Several guards of the King's Mansion fell on horses not far behind him.

A voice suddenly sounded from the side: "Lao Qi, what's the matter with you? Dejected, Bao Fentou was caught by his younger brother?"

King Qing looked up and it was King Lu.

The other side also rode a horse, followed by several guards, smiling gloatfully, not concealing his own malice.

King Qing didn't want to ignore him, and Tunma continued to move forward, but was stopped by King Lu before he left.

"What's wrong with you? Speaking of which we are also brothers, what's the problem with your brother? Maybe he can give you an idea."

"Step aside!"

King Lu thick eyebrows raised his eyebrows and stabbed him with his eyes: "Wow, you Lao Qi, relying on yourself as the emperor of the new emperor, do you look down on my sixth brother? I tell you, even if you go to heaven, brother Still your brother. "


King Qing was full of irritability at this moment, and when he saw King Lu entangled again and again, he could not help violently got on his head, raised the whip in his hand, and struck King Lu.

King Lu did not expect that the King Qing who had always been defeated by him, was so fat that he dared to challenge himself, and walked up without a word.

The two fought in a team, from the horse to the horse immediately, the fight was completely forgetful, punch to meat.

The two grandfathers fought, and the guards of the two royal palaces did not dare to pretend to die, and they scattered the civilians on both sides of the road. At the same time, my heart was secretly anxious, and the two princes fought on the street. What should I do if it reaches my ears?

Korah didn't dare to go forward and pulled around.

I was really afraid of what came and what happened, but when the two finally got tired, they were paralyzed on the ground like a pool of dead meat. A group of people hurried to arrive on a fast horse, and the head was a housekeeper.

"Your Majesty sulked, King Xuanlu and King Qing went to the palace and faced holy."

In the Hall of Cultivation of Hearts, Emperor Jin'an sat on the dragon seat with a shame on his face.

Standing below are King Qing and King Lu, both of whom have blue noses and swollen faces. King Qing was dark with a rim of his eyes, and his mouth was bleeding. King Lu was even worse than him. He had two rims of black eyes, and his face was swollen like a pig's head.

"You've grown up, haven't you? The dignified prince has been fighting in the city, and his face is gone, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Wang Lu was extremely wronged.

He used to be King of Qing, but now he can still beat him, but he can't prevail. Not only that, but also the other party's fight like this, King Lu knows what he is getting into trouble without looking in the mirror.

"Five brother, it's not my first move, it's Lao Qi! Look at what he has done to me. I just didn't like to see him, I kindly asked him a few words and he turned his face with me , Without the consciousness of being a brother at all. "

When it comes to talking, King Qing does not have King Lu slipped, nor does he have King Lu's shamelessness, and can turn black and white with his eyes open.

"It's rash, and your Majesty asks for punishment!"

"You know you're reckless? A dog that doesn't bark will bite. Why didn't I know you were so good at hitting your sixth brother like a thief? I'll tell you that I can't finish with you."

"I don't want to accompany Liu Brother." Qing Wang gasped.

"Don't you just be with me? I'll tell you ..."

"Okay, you are not a good thing. When I do n’t know your dog's temper, you have to pick something out!" With the cold rebuke of Emperor Jin An, Volley flew to a platform and passed between the two. Smashed to the ground and broken into pieces.

"It's been half a year. Get out!"

The two were fined and thanked, and then out of the Yangxin Temple.

Walking on the palace road, King Lu regained his spirits and asked Qing Wang what was wrong.

How could Qing King tell him, mute and silent.

King Lu saw that Wang Qing, a pair of people all over the world, had lost my appearance, and squinted his eyes and sneered at him: "I'll keep your face, really when I don't know that you ate at Xiao's house. That's it Yes, the six brothers and sisters are right for you. Maybe someone else will remarry, when the time comes ... "

Before the words were finished, a fist slammed in, and the two broke into a ball again. Now it was the palace people's turn to frighten their hearts.

Until Fucheng rushed over to hear the news, "Our family is begging two His Highness. If our Majesty becomes angry again, there is no way to end it."

The two stopped suddenly.

Fearing that the two grandfathers would fight again in the palace, Fucheng ordered a little **** to send them out of the palace.

Out of Xihuamen, King Lu glanced at King Qing: "Hey, don't you really ask me to help you? But I heard that the Xiao family found a man for the six siblings, and that man also liked the six siblings. By that time, Don't regret it. "

King Qing passed immediately.