Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

Chapter 210

Emperor Jin An paced back and forth in the temple, and the eunuchs waiting for Yu Qian dropped their heads, anxious to pierce their heads into the crotch.

His Majesty's self-control, this is the first time that the following people saw him angry.

Of course, Jin Andi didn't get angry for this matter, and it has accumulated more recently. Sitting on this emperor's position, I only know how difficult it is to be an emperor. Family affairs, national affairs, and world affairs, everything must be sought from him, and that's it. There are a lot of uneasy courtiers below.

He remembered King An and Hehui, who were still alive, and they had more or less their shadows in these several things. They remembered the ministers who had always been to the Qianqing Palace recently, frowned, and suddenly raised their steps. Out of the main hall, several eunuchs accompanying him looked down and followed.

Emperor Jin'an returned to the dormitory. At this moment, Yao Niang had just heard about what happened in the past and knew that King Lu and Qing were fighting, and her Majesty was called into the palace for reprimand.

As soon as I heard this, I saw that he came in with a shameful face, and she greeted her.

He didn't dare to speak, and followed him. When he got up, she helped him take off his shoes, but he was pulled by her. Then she remembered that she was pregnant and embarrassed and smiled at him.

Xiao Shunzi came up to serve Jin Andi taking off his shoes. When Yao Niang saw that he didn't seem to be sitting comfortably, he took a soft pillow and put it behind his waist. Only let everyone back down.

Jin Andi drank a cup of tea, stretched out his hand to take out the soft pillow around his waist, and lay there halfway.

He frowned, and Yao Niang didn't dare to ask any more. He leaned over and reached out and pressed his forehead. Seeing that he did not refuse, he gently pressed on his head.

"Don't be angry, you can't get angry."

"Two indisputable!"

After hearing this, Yao Niang immediately came to the conclusion that he was not really angry with King Lu and Qing Wang, and she was relieved, presumably, there were no major incidents between the two.

Now she can also see that, to Jin Andi, King Qing and King Lu are like two brothers who are always mischievous. But this also proves that the two men have some status in his heart, such as those of King An and Wu, and did not see His Majesty move his eyebrows.

"It may be a short-lived dispute, but just for what purpose do they fight?"

"Lao Liu has always hated cats and dogs!"

It turned out that King Lu first picked.

"Seventh brother is not seriously injured, do you want to see the doctor?"

"Can't die! Don't talk about them, doze off for a while."

Emperor Jin'an closed his eyes, and after a while, his breathing became gentle.

Yao Niang's motion of massaging her head has not stopped, watching her awake and still frowning, she sighed.

Recently, Emperor Jin'an was really tired. He slept for two or three hours a day.

The man was found by Xiao Jirou, the second grandfather of the Xiao family.

Xiao Erye has always been an activist. When he saw his younger sister's return from Qing Palace, he began to plan for his younger sister.

The man was a co-worker with him, a widower, and his wife died for many years without a child. This time the Beijing Three Camps shuffled, the other party just raised the general manager, the official title is indeed not too high, but the other party has known Xiao Er Ye for many years, and the character and appearance are trustworthy.

This matter is limited to Xiao Erye and Xiao Jirou, and has not yet begun. If Xiao Jirou didn't agree with this side, and talked to the man's side, it would not play any role, and it would be bad for many years.

However, Er Ye Xiao played the tone of the other party, the other party didn't mind marrying a lonely woman.

Xiao Erye seemed to be very optimistic about this person called Jiang Chao. He said a lot of good things to Xiao Jirou's ears and wanted to talk about his sister and the other side, but Xiao Jirou never agreed.

On this day, Xiao Er was talking to his sister about this, and Qing Wang suddenly came to the door.

In fact, Qing Wang wanted to come, but his face couldn't see anyone, so it was delayed for a few days. However, these days, he is not idle, let his hand go down and check, found Jiang Chao's body.

This Jiang Chao, known to King Qing, is a master in his 3,000 camps. Working hard for people, dare to fight, dare to fight, to this position, all by myself. However, out of selfishness, he didn't look down on the other person, and even the identity of the other person's face and coward made him countless times in his heart.

The Xiao family did not allow Xiao Jirou to meet King Qing directly.

"I wonder why His Royal Highness Qing came here?"

Qing Wang was very embarrassed, but no matter how embarrassed, Xiao Jirou was so panicked that he wanted to remarry, and he didn't cover up: "Master Father, I came here to ask Jirou for forgiveness and want her to come back with me. "

Xiao Xiao said for a moment, and said, "His Royal Highness Qing, if the old man remembered correctly, the little girl has made peace with you?"

King Qing looked embarrassed. In fact, the injury on his face was not finished, and there were some bruises, but he could not wait to come to the Xiao family.

"Those things were confused before, and I really could n’t say what I asked for forgiveness, but I still hope that my father-in-law can look at her and his wife, and let her meet her. I want to break up with her, but I make a big mistake, lest I delay her future, I will helplessly write a divorce for her. "

Looking at such a King of Qing, Lord Xiao sighed: "Well, if you have something to talk about, the old man will not intervene."

The reaction of Lord Xiao made King Qing feel a joy, and then he was led to the courtyard where Xiao Jirou lived.

"What are you doing here?"

"Jirou, I ..." Qing Qing hesitated to look at Xiao Erye next to him. Xiao Erye didn't want to move his mind, so he looked at him.

Qing Qing gritted his teeth and was about to say something, Xiao Jirou suddenly spoke.

"Second brother, we just heard someone say mother seems to be looking for you."

When I heard this, I wanted to open Xiao Erye. Xiao Erye hated the younger sister and looked at the king with a stare. Then he left his sleeve.

"I'll go and see my mother, and I'll talk to you later."

After Xiao Erxiao left, Xiao Jirou looked at King Qing and said, "If you have anything, just say it."

Qing Wang's heart was sad and happy. She was so worried that she was afraid of losing face. Jirou had always been so considerate. She was sad that she had completely disheartened herself, if no more, there would be some Jiang Chao.

"I heard Brother Erji found you a man, you ..."

"What does this have to do with you!"

"You are my princess, I ..."

"We are already gone!"

"Jirou ..."

"I don't think I need to tell you too much, you should be able to understand. Since I have left, I have no plans to go back. You should go now and stop harassing me."

"Jirou ..."

"Come here, send His Royal Highness Qing away!"

Qing Wang is not always a bullying temper, especially in the Xiao family. When Xiao Jirou was so determined, he could only leave with his followers step by step.

Looking at him as she walked away, she squeezed her lips tightly.

Xiao Erye came out of nowhere: "You really took him away?"

Xiao Jirou took a bad look at his second brother and said, "It's not that you said you should let me look forward. Since you decide what to do, don't hesitate, but also urged me to meet people for three days and two, and I wish I would marry out!"

Grandpa Xiao touched his nose awkwardly: "I'm not worried about you."

Seeing Xiao Jirou didn't speak, and he said nothing: "Since you are so determined, then meet Jiang Chao. Anyway, you don't care about him anymore now. Since you hate him so much to entangle you, it's better to marry someone for a hundred. solve it completely."

After a pause, he added: "You don't have to worry about whether the other party will be affected by you, or you will offend a lord or something. Jiang Chao is a man from Ningguo Government. Besides, although I am a waiter for him, I presumably Nothing can be done about revenge. "

Xiao Jirou subconsciously wanted to refuse, but watching Xiao Erye staring at his eyes, he agreed with a bite of his teeth.

When King Qing left the gate of Xiao's house, he rode on a horse without a trace.

I do not know how long he had walked, he saw a restaurant on the side of the road, and immediately stepped inside.

I didn't want any room, so I sat in the lobby and drank.

At noon, there were no guests in the restaurant. The restaurant buddies saw that this man was not dressed normally, and he was not expected to be a simple character. Don't dare to ask too much. If you ask for wine, you will give it, and if you get it, people will hide.

King Qing drank from afternoon until dark, and the people in the restaurant gradually increased. At this time he was already drunk, but he still drank in his mouth.

Suddenly, a wine calf smashed into the air, hit King Qing's body, and fell down and rolled on the table, but King Qing didn't even look at it.

"See what kind of virtue you have, let you ask your brother that you don't want to, not a cat like a grandson borrowing alcohol here to alleviate sorrow."

"You walk away, don't bother me."

"When you are willing to control you, you can run into it with a drink. What kind of enemies is narrow!" Lu Wang shouted.

"Go, you go ..."

"Okay, then I'm really gone, that day you asked me not to ask, this is the last chance, miss this village without this shop, you can think about it."

"You, can you help me?"

In fact, Xiao Jirou regretted that day, but Er Xiao did not give her a chance to regret it.

When I did n’t promise before, I could see Xiao Erye every day. After I promised, she wanted to say a few times, but she could n’t find the shadow of the other person.

When things come to an end, naturally they can no longer be refused, and they can only deal with this beforehand.

Even if the woman was away, she didn't see the outsider casually, so Xiao Erye arranged to let the two sides look at each other by taking advantage of the convenience of incense. See if you can close your eyes first, and then talk about other things.

On this day, he deliberately took a leave of absence and personally escorted his sister to fragrance.

Puyuan Temple is located in the suburbs of Beijing. The incense has always been prosperous, and it is also a place where Xiao family daughters often go for incense. Xiao Erye was riding a horse, and Xiao Jirou was sitting in a carriage. The two took only a few men to go outside the city.

When they arrived at Puyuan Temple, they went to the main hall to add sesame oil, and burned a few joss sticks. The two of them let the monks in the temple lead them to the room to rest. This Puyuan Temple often receives the official and family houses that come to Shangxiang. The temple rooms are clean and secluded.

When Xiao Jirou was placed in the cabin, Xiao Erye went outside and said he wanted to see if the other party was here.

Xiao Jirou sat down and found that the monks in the temple were unprepared when he wanted to drink tea, so he asked Qionger to look for tea outside.

She was left alone in the compartment, and was suddenly opened from the outside next to a side window, turning in an unexpected person.

Xiao Jirou stood up in amazement: "What are you doing here! How did you find it!"

The other party didn't talk to her, just wanted to pull her out. Xiao Jirou did not follow him, struggling hard, the other side was anxious, picked her up and carried it on his shoulders, and went out of the window again.

The opponent's footsteps were very fast, Xiao Jirou only felt upside down for a while, and then came out of the temple. The stone road turned into mud grass, and then the more and more dead branches on the ground, she was tumbling up and down in her stomach, and waited for a while after being put down.

Xiao Jirou has not been so embarrassed yet, glaring at the other side and annoyed: "Zhao Youji, what do you want to do!"

King Qing's eyes sunk, with an unusually dark black on it, lining the quiet and unpopular back mountain, adding a gloomy atmosphere.

"I also want to ask you, what do you want to do !?"

"I didn't do anything, but suddenly you carried me out and sent me back. If my second brother will go back to see me away, I will definitely die. And Joan, I will definitely cry."

"You came out for the incense, not for a tryst with a wild man?"

Xiao Jirou did not know why he felt guilty, and said, "What are you talking about, please send me back!"

She looked guilty at first glance, and King Qing was jealous. "You did come out and meet the wild man ..."

"What a wild man is not a wild man, we have gone away!"

Qing Qing was most afraid of this sentence, so every time Xiao Jirou said it, he was miserable and speechless. It was him who was wrong, it was him who hurt her too, and he had no face to argue. But at the same time, he remembered what someone had said to him--

"You and your six siblings have been married for many years. If you really want to leave, she left when you were punished to guard the tomb. Why wait for you for so long? Willing to accept you. Even if she makes her the one who is not willing to be you, she will always be two children. This is the case with women. She has a small heart and a jealous attitude. You wo n’t coax a woman and want to enjoy the happiness of others. Wait for a mess in the backyard ...

"A man can only coax a woman with a few thick skins, a black mouth, and a sweet mouth. What she likes to hear is what you say. Of course, this is not the experience of your brother. You do n’t have the ability of your brother. As soon as the elder brother turned black, they were so scared that they depended on the elder brother ... But the thing must be reversed, and scary is not enough, you still need to understand their hearts ... "

"I don't confess it, I regret it." I regretted it long ago.

The last thing he regretted at Yanshan Lingwei was the book of divorce. But he also knew in his heart that if he was not in Beijing, she could not bear to go.

Look, he is so despicable. On the surface, he pretended to be generous and gave her a divorce book to let her leave, and set her free. In fact, she could not walk. So when Xiao Jirou was about to leave, Qing Wang was really panicked. He wished to leave everything and return to the deserted Yanshan, as long as she could stay in Qing Wang's house and be his Qing Princess.

Xiao Jirou looked at King Qing with disbelief, and was so angry that he couldn't help it.

"In the end, you don't want to lose your face anymore, you can't say that."

"I regret it! I want to regret it!"

King Qing said, while pulling Xiao Jirou into his arms, he held tightly. His voice was painful and struggling, his breathing was short, and his voice was full of begging: "I regret it! I regret it! I regret it already! Jirou, I will not let you go, I am wrong, I know I am wrong! I am faceless I confess to you, I know that the damage caused can't make up for anything, but I'm really wrong, don't go okay ...

"You see we have my brother and Zhuzhu. What would you do with the two children if you were gone, would you be willing to let them have no mother? You are not in the house these days, my brother and Zhuzhu ask me every time Where do you go, I do n’t know how to answer. They grow up, they are also sensible, they will not ask again after asking twice, but I know they are thinking about you every day ... ”

Xiao Ji was so angry that his lips were snoring, and he pushed him away, tears rolled down: "Zhao Youji, you are shameless, how dare you take a child ..."

At the sight of Xiao Jirou crying, Qing Qing panicked, and was busy wiping her tears: "I have no other meaning, besides, you are willing to bear brother and Zhuzhu?"

She is reluctant, because she is reluctant to be confused and confused.

King Qing carefully looked at her face, "Jirou, you give me a chance to repent. I will definitely treat you well and treat two children."

Xiao Jirou took a deep breath, wiped away his tears, and didn't look at him: "You send me back first, I have to go back."

King Qing's face suddenly became painful. "You still don't want to forgive me? I won't let you go, don't even think about it, I won't go with you and leave. I went to the clan palace to check, you Feng Heli has n’t been delivered yet, and you have n’t been removed from Jade, you are still my princess, and I wo n’t let you go ... ”

"Zhao Youji, what are you doing ... 唔 ..."

King Qing arrived at Xiao Jirou on the trunk and kissed almost greedily. He missed this breath for a long time. When he was in Yanshan, he always wanted to have a pain in his body. He could only rinse it with cold water, and then he could press this thought for the time being.

"Jirou, I miss you so much, do you miss me ..."

"Zhao, You ... Following ..."

"I know you miss me, and I miss you too ..."

Xiao Jirou managed to catch his breath and blushed, "You don't have to face, you mean, you're shameless ... um ..."

"I am despicable, I am shameless, I am indecent, I am only indecent to you ..."

Suddenly, there were shouts in the distance, exactly the voice of Er Ye Xiao.

Xiao Jirou woke up with a spirit, pushed Qing Wang away, and ran away without looking back.

King Qing said something behind her, but she didn't hear it at all.

"Where did you go? Joan said that you were not in the box room and scared us to look for you everywhere." As soon as the younger sister walked far away, Grandpa Xiao came to the younger sister a few strides.

Xiao Jirou lowered his eyes half-heartedly, "I want to go to Gongfang. I didn't go the wrong way. I didn't find it until I heard you calling me."

Xiao Erye stared at her suspiciously: "Really?"

"Of course it's true. I don't know the road, how dare I run randomly." Xiao Jirou casually found an excuse to interrupt, and asked, "Yes, brother, you are not going out to do things, How is it going? "

When mentioning this, Ye Er's face was overcast.

"Don't say, it's unlucky. Jiang Chao accidentally hit someone on horseback when he went out. The other side dragged him without losing. He kept entangled. He just wanted to accompany him to the doctor's office to see the doctor, so that the followers could not do it. Only then The Jiang family said, I'm afraid he can't come today. "

Xiao Jirou jumped in his heart, but he didn't dare to tell his suspicion to the second brother. He could only say, "Since we can't come, we can't come. Let's take this trip as a fragrance."

"we can only do this."

After that, the two left Puyuan Temple without using Zhaifan in the temple.

Throughout the afternoon, Xiao Jirou was very worried.

After taking a break at night, he couldn't sleep, and by the dim light, he opened his eyes and looked at the account on the bed.

She thought a lot, and she seemed to think nothing. Quietly all around, from time to time came the whistle of the vigil girl sleeping.

Xiao Jirou turned over and turned over again.

The window suddenly rang, especially clear in the quiet late night. Because the bed cannot see the south window, Xiao Jirou didn't think about it, it was just the sound of the wind.

It wasn't until there was a man obviously visible outside the tent that she felt that the thief had come in.

She was so frightened that she wanted to be called subconsciously, and the gauze was suddenly opened from the outside, so she could see who was coming.

It is King Qing.

Qing Wang, dressed in black, actually learned the hair thief who stole incense and jade, and broke into his daughter's house in the middle of the night.

Xiao Jirou was frightened directly, and when she reacted to want to slap someone, Qing Wang had already come to the bed.

"How did you get in, what did you do in the middle of the night!"

"I miss you. I can't sleep anymore, so I want to see you."

"Now you see it, let's go now." She was inexplicably afraid and retorted.

Qing Wang Gu said about him: "I didn't finish what I wanted to say in the afternoon. If you can't sleep, let's talk."

"Whoever speaks to you in the middle of the night, you go quickly, I can be called if you don't leave," she threatened.

"Call me, call your brother and father and beat me again. I know you won't feel bad, this is what I deserve."

Xiao Jirou said anxiously, "Why are you doing this now? How so rogue!"

Of course someone taught it, but King Qing would not say.

Qing Wang Yang begged: "Jirou, don't worry, let's talk and talk."

"What do you want to say?"

"Whatever you say, since you entered Beijing, you have been less willing to talk to me. Unlike before, you always have a lot to say to me."

Xiao Jirou's throat was blocked and he said, "Why don't I talk to you, don't you know?"

"It's my ghost who's obsessed with my mind and has done a lot of things that make you unhappy. Every time I want to justify, but you always avoid it, I can't find it." He glanced at her with a grin, and rubbed it hard Face again: "I know you may not believe it, I have never liked her, and I have only mercy on her ..."

Xiao Jirou sneered, "It's pity."

"Did you listen to me? Just this time, I will never mention her again."

Xiao Jirou pursed his lips without speaking.

King Qing continued: "The first time I said I was drunk, you haven't believed it, and until the last time I met, I knew she had medicated that day ..."

King Qing said a lot, this is also the first time he confessed everything to Xiao Jirou, including light and darkness. This was not even known to Xiao Jirou. Perhaps she had guessed vaguely, but it was not as shocking as Qing Wang's frank confession.

"Sometimes, I really feel like a mouse that can't see the light, with a dark and wet smell ... You are so good, every time I see you, I always have a sense of self-concealment, always unconsciously Pretending to be indifferent, pretending to be frank ...

"... I'm afraid you didn't believe me, she and I haven't actually done it a few times, otherwise she wouldn't have brought a child from the outside ... She's right, it's never her who is between us, but my heart ... "


King Qing did not know when he left, but Xiao Jirou was lying on the couch and couldn't sleep at night.

For a whole day, Xiao Jirou was absent-minded.

Seeing Mrs. Xiao, no one could bear it. She pulled her daughter into her room and sighed: "Since you came back, your mother has never asked you what you think, do you know why?"

Xiao Jirou couldn't help looking at her.

"Because the mother knows that you can't go. Don't ask why the mother knows that she is also a woman and mother who will live a lifetime. When you were young, the mother told your father, afraid that you will suffer in the future. Why? Because Your father has never been young, so your two elder brothers don't have the idea of ​​accepting anything. This is in our house, let's do it ourselves. But it's not the same outside, you're not the same, you have to marry.

"My mother is afraid, I ’m afraid you will endure hardships, but no matter how scared it is, it ’s useless to go out step by step. My mother thought, whatever you want, I ’ll take care of you. Seeing you frown these days, I can't help but persuade you.

"You haven't lived in a real mansion door. Naturally, I don't know how many women's minds are. If you told the mother earlier about this matter, instead of holding on to it yourself, let the mother solve it. Send the woman away. Presumably at that time, even if King Qing had a slight word, he would not refuse. After all, he valued you. It was worse than any poison sore. Pride is not virtuous, but stupid! "

"Mother, I ..."

Mrs. Xiao patted her hand: "Well, knowing you don't like to listen, mother won't say anything."

"Mother, I'm not ..."

"My mother and I didn't say anything else, let's talk about my brother and Zhuzhu. You have also been married to the royal family for many years and know the royal way of doing things. You can think what you want now, because he guilts you I care about you, relying on Your Majesty's mercy towards you, and the Queen's friendship with you. But you must know that everything will be consumed, and you must know that for Her Majesty and Queen, you will only have King Qing. Without King Qing, where would you be?

"You do n’t want to return home, except for Qing King, no one will interfere in it. But have you ever thought that Qing Wang cannot never marry a wife, do not marry for one year or two, but the days are long even if he I do n’t want to marry, and I wo n’t sit idly by. The wife will naturally have a new wife, and the new wife will have a pregnancy and have her own child, and the brother-in-law and Zhuzhu are the sister-in-law left by the front. How do I get along?

"Mother knows that there is a breath in a woman's heart, and it is difficult to come out with a sigh. But how to get out of breath is about the way. You probably do n’t know. Your father used to have a Lausch cousin, almost ... but you did n’t learn your mother ’s temperament, The mother was noisy, but she was not idle. She jammed her out three or two times, and sent her far away, so that she would never see your father forever! "

Mrs. Xiao said, Xingyan glanced inward, but Xiao Jirou didn't see it, immersed in the chaotic mood.

"Go back and think about it yourself, mother will not say much."

Xiao Jirou nodded and stood up: "Mother, then I'll return to the room."

After she left, she came out from the inside with an elegant man.

"Ma'am, why are you talking about the old thing again, and in the premise of our daughter, how can you be with me as a dad?"

"You know how to be ashamed, just be ashamed!"

"I didn't have ..."

Mrs. Xiao stared at her: "What else do you want? This is not my cousin who hates anything. There is no man in the world, and I know that he will harm the cousin. I will tell you that we can't let that cousin in the future haunt."

"Okay, you're right about everything."

After a pause, Master Xiao sighed and said, "I don't know if Rouer can figure it out."

"My daughter is with me. It has never been a stupid person. Just like Iron Cow said, look for another one, and find another one who can not marry a wife and not accept it. It's not trouble. I might as well hold this in my hand, just Based on the previous events, he is guaranteed to serve his whole life. "

Mr. Xiao took his eyes to see her: "So why did you hold me like this forever?"

"Don't you like to slap me?"

"Why wouldn't I be happy, I'd be more than happy to stab you ..."

"You're always endless!"