Journey To Longevity

Chapter 435: Jindan middle stage

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A big sun is born in the sky, and the sea is sparkling.

Zhang Shiping turned around, turned his back to the sunlight, and walked slowly. Every time he took a step, the aura on his body became stronger.

The accumulation of the past twenty years has finally paid off today, but this time Zhang Shiping did not have the joy of breaking through the situation in the past. He walked up to Su Shuang step by step, sat down, picked up the wine gourd poured on the stone steps, He raised his head and took a big gulp.

"You are a good-faced person. I haven't seen you come to my place for so many years. See, after you look like this, you won't even have the chance to come to my place as a guest. It's good, save me trouble..." Zhang Shiping suddenly hammered Stepping down the corner of the stone steps, the bluestone shattered in response.

On the edge of the cliff on the top of the mountain, the old pine and cangqiu stand in the wind.

After a dozen or so breaths, with a bang, the yellow-skinned gourd hit the tree trunk and fell down.

In the tumbling waves below the cliff, the yellow-skinned gourd fell with a plop. During the ups and downs of the waves, some of the light wine in the gourd flowed out, blending with the sea water, and the aura of water and fire radiated.

But in the midst of the waves, suddenly a half-grown child floated out, holding a black harpoon with a yellow-spotted fish sticking out of it.

This child is very good at water, even though the water waves are heavy one after another, he still floats steadily, but maybe because he has been diving in the sea for too long, his skin is a little wrinkled, his lips are a little white, and his hair is a little white. The upper body sticking to the surface of the water is oily, it should be smeared with some kind of grease, looking at him, he looks like a little yaksha.

He turned his head back and forth, his nose kept twitching and sniffing, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he swam like a fish to the left two feet away, grabbed the half-floating yellow leather gourd, Come on with a big smile.

As soon as he got the gourd, he noticed that the mouth of the small gourd bottle was continuously emitting aura, and there was a very strong aroma of wine in it, which made him a little dizzy.

He seemed to have thought of something, and quickly plugged the bottle tightly. He shook his head vigorously to wake himself up.

Then the next moment, for the convenience of swimming, he threw away the harpoon in his hand that he regarded as his life before without even thinking about it, and then he held on to the gourd and swam desperately towards the shore.

Although the water here is not deep, and it is close to the island, more powerful sea beasts and monsters will not live here, but if there is a spiritual attraction, that's another story.

The spiritual wine has been partly melted into the sea water just now, and it may attract the scattered low-level sea beasts and water monsters nearby. He knew that with his own cultivation, he could only deal with one or two newcomers at the same time, so before those beasts gathered, he had to leave this place quickly, otherwise his life would probably be lost.

His heart was filled with enthusiasm. This yellow gourd was either a middle-grade first-grade or a top-grade one. It was far better than his harpoon, not to mention the wine inside, so the value must be higher.

Thinking about it this way, his body seemed to have a little more strength out of thin air, and his swimming speed was also a little faster.

Zhang Shiping sat for a long time, staring blankly into the distance, as if he had become a stone sculpture. He didn't care to check the surroundings, so naturally he didn't know that he threw it casually, which made the child ecstatic.


The Qingshuang sword, whose body was mostly submerged under the earth and rocks, seemed to feel Zhang Shiping's grief, and it made a buzzing sound, crying like crying, which woke Zhang Shiping up suddenly.

He waved to several people who were twenty or thirty feet away, and Su Lie, who was waiting in the distance, and the other younger generations of the Su family immediately ran over.

Zhang Shiping stood up, and the Qingshuang sword turned into a stream of light and merged into his body. He glanced at Su Shuang who was sitting on the stone steps. Su Shuang's young appearance in the past and his old-fashioned appearance gradually merged together. Zhang Shiping turned his head to look at the members of the Su family, and said softly:

"His funeral is left to you youngsters to handle. The old man will not stay here. After July 7, if you want, you can choose a few children and send them to the Zhang family. As for what matters you can't solve Yes, just take this token and go to Chongling Mountain."

Zhang Shiping flipped his right hand, and a palm-sized emerald token floated in front of Su Lie.

Su Lie caught it with both hands, and the panic in the eyes of the people behind him dissipated, and they turned to stare at the token with burning eyes, without any trace of sadness from the beginning to the end.

Zhang Shiping had a panoramic view of the demeanor of these people, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his heart, but he didn't say much. He also understands that the younger generation of the Su family, each of whom is only in their twenties or thirties, is Su Shuang's great-grandson and great-great-great-grandson.

If he dies one day, those juniors in the family should be not much different from the Su family. They must first be surprised, and then panic. As for the emotion of sadness, there will not be much before the survival of the family and themselves.

Even though it makes sense, Zhang Shiping felt a little uncomfortable after all, he didn't say anything more, turned around and turned into a red startled rainbow, and disappeared.

The world is like a tide, and there is a time for gathering and parting!

Half a month later, in the vast South China Sea, a lone boat drifted with the waves. The sea is different from ordinary rivers, and the waves keep beating the boat one after another, and every blow seems to be able to overturn it.

But this lone boat can always stabilize when it shakes. The body of the boat is so small that it can only accommodate one person. There is a person lying in it, with his hands resting on the back of his head and his eyes closed, as if he has fallen asleep.

After Zhang Shiping left from Su's house, he didn't go back to Binhai City directly, but after flying randomly for a few days, he took out his lone boat and lay down, drifting aimlessly.

"Zhang Daoyou is so excited!" A very soft voice reached Zhang Shiping's ears.

Zhang Shiping sat up in shock when he heard the sound, the Qingshuang sword that was originally at hand moved at will, turning into a stream of light and wrapping around his body.

Because he was facing the scorching sun in the the light was very dazzling, Zhang Shiping squinted his eyes, and looked at a place about thirty feet away in front of him, two people were falling from mid-air, stepping on the waves , walked towards him gracefully.

Seeing that the two people happened to know each other, he put away the Qingshuang sword, stepped out of the boat, and stepped on the waves to meet them.

"I pay my respects to seniors, I have met fellow Taoist Miaojing, thank you seniors for donating scriptures and leading the practice. I have not been able to seriously thank you, and I hope seniors will forgive me." Zhang Shiping said to the monk walking in front of him.

This person is none other than his Ximo Yuanying monk who chased and killed the green lion across the state. He once gave Zhang Shiping a volume of scriptures written by himself to help him get on the right track with the "Five-Colored Glazed Golden Body Jue". Now decades have passed, the appearance of this person has not changed at all, he is still wearing the precious light cassock, with a look of compassion on his face.

"It's been a long time since the benefactor Zhang came. The first thing I saw when I came here was the benefactor. I don't want to see the benefactor before I left today. Everything is fate. Why thank you for a mere volume of scriptures!" The monk held his hands Heshi, the voice is as clear as a lotus flower, and he smiled.

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