Journey To the West From The Qin Dynasty

Chapter 460: Dragon Palace fighting, quicksand magic

Wen Zhong and others, who were about to leave, suddenly changed their faces.

The Jinghe Dragon King also looked puzzled. He glanced at Li Jue in astonishment, and then swept over Wen Zhong and others.

Jinghe Dragon King said: "Li Tianwang, they are Leibu Tianshen, this is Lord Wen Zhong."

Li Jue said, "Dragon King is confused, you have been deceived, these are all monsters, if you don't believe me, I will prove it to you."

That is, he slapped Tianshi Wen Zhong with a palm.

Wen Zhong's face changed slightly in fright, he quickly backed away, and then shouted: "You little mortal, you can become a King of Heaven already snickering, and you dare to say nonsense and act in front of this seat, it is an unforgivable sin. "

"Now hurry down and admit your mistake. If you dare to say half a word, don't blame the divine thunder in the hands of this celestial master for not having long eyes."

Li Jue laughed loudly, "I didn't expect you, a monster, to dare to be so stubborn. You came down from Mount Emei and pretended to be an immortal. I must have told you the crime of King Huangmei."


Wen Zhongtianshi and Babu Thor both looked terrified.

They shivered, their eyes were terrifying, and they didn't seem to have thought that Li Jue could know their origins, and who was the king behind them!

So terrifying.

how can that be!

Just as the faces of several people were terrified and shocked, two silver lights burst out in Li Jue's eyes, which immediately shocked several monsters, shivered, and transformed into a prototype.

It turned out that these few mountain spirits, tree monsters, insect fish and bird monsters, and their auras are very powerful, and the weakest are in the upper realm of true immortals.

And the monster pretending to be Wen Zhong was an old weasel, and the aura emanating from his body turned out to be a powerful Taiyi Zhenxian.

Riyoushen and Duke Lishan shivered when they saw this. Even the Dragon King of Jinghe was shocked. At the same time, he felt regretful and terrified.

These immortals are monsters, so they falsely passed on the imperial edict and let him do harm to the world, so that the farmland in Xianyang has been dry and cracked for a year. Isn't it pushing him to the point of inhumanity and injustice?

Jinghe Dragon King felt annoyed and regretful in his heart, and at the same time shivered, not knowing what to do.

It's not that he was afraid of these monsters, and he was able to achieve the realm of Taiyi Zhenxian in his cultivation as the Great Dragon King. It was just that he regretted in his heart that he was deceived by these monsters and made a lot of mistakes.

The old weasel was furious, put his hand into his mouth, took out a long sword, and pointed at Li Jue, "You bird fairy, you dare to ruin the good deeds of the uncle, and wait for the uncle to cut you into 18 sections."

Li Jue said, "You are really obsessed and unrepentant. Don't you see where you are, this is the Jinghe Dragon Palace."

The old weasel laughed, "It's just a mere Dragon Palace, and the shrimp soldiers and crabs here are not enough for this uncle to eat.

The Jinghe Dragon King is just a wine bag and a rice bag, and he has already made a mistake. If he continues to serve the heavenly court, he will also lose his life in vain.

Therefore, Jinghe Dragon King, your only way out is to choose to cooperate with our Xiaoleiyin Temple. Otherwise, there is no way to go to the sky and no door to the ground, and you will die without a place to be buried. "

The Jinghe Dragon King was already very angry at this time, and the dragon sons and dragon girls in the Dragon Palace also looked at each other in dismay, not knowing what to do for a while.

"You monster has hurt me so badly. This king is conscientious and conscientious, praying for the people of the world, but you have falsely passed the imperial decree and turned this king into a disaster for the world for a year. It's really hateful."

Although he was extremely angry, he was hesitant at this time.

As the old weasel said, although it was not what he wanted, he had indeed done something wrong, which was not tolerated by God.

Therefore, if this matter is really known to Heavenly Court, it will definitely make the Jade Emperor settle accounts in the autumn, and he will definitely be pushed to the Xianxiantai and beheaded for public display.

So at this moment in his heart, there was a real flash of thought, the idea of ​​wanting to follow the old weasel to kill.

Taking a closer look at Li Jue, Youshen, and Duke Lishan who were laughing and silent beside him, the Jinghe Dragon King suddenly retreated and shivered.

Not to mention Li Jue's strength, it's a little confusing. After all, it is rumored that Li Jue can be compared to gods with his mortal body.

And Li Jue is said to have the strength of Taiyi Zhenxian a long time ago, which means that he is on par with him.

Even if he can display his strength in the water, he has no confidence that he can kill Li Jue without leaking the rumors.

What's more, he has to kill Lishan Gong and Riyoushen as well, which is really troublesome and causes too much trouble.

Jinghe Dragon King hesitated at this moment, and then shouted: "You monster has caused this king miserably, and you want this king to join hands with you to continue making mistakes again and again?"

The old weasel frowned and threatened: "Dragon King, you can think clearly, join hands with us to kill these immortals, you will still have a chance to survive. The biggest, why should you be restrained by the heavenly court?"

Jinghe Dragon King justly refused, "Don't say it again, you old freak, this king is determined not to make mistakes again and again, and I will share the same cause with you."

Li Jue said with a smile: "As expected of the Great Dragon King, in that case, please take down these monsters, and when the Heavenly King returns to the sky, he will also say a few good words for the Great Dragon King, so as not to implicate others in the Dragon Palace, etc. ."

Long Zi, Long Nv, Prime Minister Turtle and the rest of the group were overjoyed immediately, and then they were a little disappointed.

Because Li Jue said that he would not interfere with the Dragon Palace, the others did not say that they wanted to keep the Jinghe Dragon King.

However, this is already the greatest kindness and gift, because what the Jinghe Dragon King put down is enough to link the nine clans, and it is already a blessing to be able to just kill the Jinghe Dragon King.

Jinghe Dragon King also flashed a hint of joy in his eyes, and then he was a little disappointed.

But he didn't hesitate, even if there was no guarantee from Li Jue, he still wanted to take down the monster and try to get rid of the crime.

The Jinghe Dragon King immediately flew up to fight with the old weasel monster, and the shrimp soldiers and crab generals of the entire Dragon Palace and the dragon sons and dragon girls also joined the battle.

They joined forces to form a formation and surrounded the other 8 monsters. At the same time, they came to the outside of the Dragon Palace and surrounded the little monsters who were dressed as heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.

Li Jue nodded slightly when he saw that the Dragon Palace was working so hard.

Then he instructed the left and right, "Lord Lishan, Elder Wen, go and help the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, the dragon son and the dragon girl, but don't let them hurt any more."

Riyoushen and Lishan Public Security couldn't bear it any longer. Although they said that their strength was not as good as a few big monsters, or even the monster king weasel, they were still more than enough to deal with those little monsters.

With their participation, the morale of the Dragon Palace immediately increased.

However, when the Jinghe Dragon King faced the old weasel monster, he fell slightly behind. After all, the old weasel monster was not alone, and there were eight other big monsters assisting him.

The strength of the Jinghe Dragon King is similar to the old weasel monster. Although he is in the water, the Jinghe Dragon King has a slight advantage, but the addition of the other 8 true immortals and high-ranking monsters makes him somewhat incapable.

I had no choice but to ask Li Jue for help, "The King of the Kingdom, please help me in the Dragon Palace. If there is any guilt, please talk about it later."

Li Jue saw that the Jinghe Dragon King had already exerted his full strength, but he was also afraid that things would be leaked, so he stopped watching the show.

When he stepped forward, he reached out and grabbed the weasel.

When the Jinghe Dragon King saw Li Jue, he was so arrogant that he wanted to catch the powerful weasel monster with his bare hands, and he was shocked.

He hurriedly said, "Be careful, the Heavenly King, this monster is a bit savage, and the sword in his hand is extremely sharp, don't hurt yourself."

The old weasel laughed, "It's too late for you to tell him now, this mortal dares to look down on this uncle so much, watch my Qingganjian flatten his palm."

The green dry sword in the hands of the old weasel swung directly over, and he was about to split Li Jue's palm.

However, Li Jue stretched out a finger and flicked Suddenly, the sword in his hand, which was as sharp as iron, was sharp as a magic weapon, and it snapped.


The old weasel took a deep breath and looked at Duanjian with blindfolded eyes.

This was a big flaw, but the Dragon King of Jinghe was also stunned, and he forgot to attack for a while.

Li Jue continued to stretch out his hand as usual, and grabbed the head of the old weasel.

The old weasel went backwards one after another, but when he looked at Li Jue's outstretched hand, it was like a bone-encrusted cone, making him unable to escape.

He was afraid.


At this moment, the old weasel roared, and another magic weapon spewed out of his mouth, which turned out to be an endless desert.

The quicksand flew out, mixed with the river water, it was a swamp, and it was going to devour Li Jue.

The weasel laughed and said, "I didn't expect that, no matter how powerful you are and invulnerable to swords and guns, this uncle's quicksand magic can trap you and put you in a dilemma, in vain."