Journey To the West From The Qin Dynasty

Chapter 91: Ying Zheng Wang Ling

Gan Luo, son's surname, a native of Cai in the state of Chu, the grandson of Gan Mao, a famous minister of the state of Qin during the Warring States Period, and the minister of the state of Qin.

He was very smart since he was a child, and served as a young concubine under the Prime Minister Lu Buwei. At the age of 12, he was sent to the State of Zhao, and he used strategies to help the State of Qin gain many cities. , Fang Zhai, and since then he often advises the King of Qin and becomes a veritable advisor in the Qin Dynasty.

However, Gan Luo became famous at a young age, but he was arrogant and often defiant. The second is that he left Chu since he was a child, and he has no feelings for the people in his homeland. Often, people from the native land of Chu came to him for help, but he refused directly, so he was resented by the people of Chu.

Gan Luo didn't take it seriously, so he planted the root of his troubles. At the age of 14, he became ill and nearly died. He sent someone to ask the famous doctor of Chu State, Pi Chen, to help him treat the disease, but he was refused. Fortunately, he met Xu Fu, a wandering pharmacist, and received treatment.

After that, Gan Luo intensified and became even more indifferent to the people of Chu. He even presided over several actions against Chu Di. And he also gathered a lot of diners, most of whom were Confucian.

Because Gan Luo came into contact with Confucianism and found that many ideas of Confucianism coincided with him, and then he began to study Confucianism. Therefore, he has always regarded himself as a Confucian. Ever since Ying Zheng re-used Li Si, he felt that his status had been affected. He often contradicted Li Si and Ying Zheng in the main hall, and even avenged private revenge several times, so he was sentenced to prison every day.


His reputation is too loud, and he also plays a big role in Ying Zheng, so he can turn bad luck into good luck every time. During these years, when Ying Zheng was not at war, he deliberately avoided him. During this period, Meng Tian invented the writing brush, and he used this time to study calligraphy. On the seal script, write flowers.

But recently, he made a mistake. He even dared to stand up and blame Ying Zheng for his mistake when Ying Zheng was searching for Confucian disciples. He still did this in public, but Ying Zheng didn't take him down directly.

Instead, he invited him to the backyard to chat, intending to warn him not to get involved in the matter. This is for Gan Luo's sake, but Gan Luo thinks that Ying Zheng has softened, and even persuaded in private, so he intensified.

On the surface, Ying Zheng agreed, and then Ying Zheng was very happy. In order to show how much he valued Gan Luo, he also specially called his concubine to accompany him, and asked Gan Luo to write songs. Concubine Ai poured them wine, but that concubine was just blind. To please Ying Zheng, ignore Gan Luo, and let him drink to himself.

During the period, the brush accidentally fell to the ground. When Gan Luo went to pick it up from the bottom of the table, he saw the feet of the concubine and thought that the concubine dared to despise him. Ying Zheng asked him to pour the wine, but she refused to do it, which made him very embarrassed, so he pinched the concubine's foot to show his anger.

The concubine felt pain, and immediately told Ying Zheng. Ying Zheng was naturally angry. Since ancient times, no one can see women's feet, not to mention Gan Luo pinched them. Naturally, in a fit of anger, he wanted to ask him to blame.

But before that, he also specifically asked Gan Luo if he came across it by accident. This was intended to give Gan Luo a chance, but Gan Luo said that it was intentional. When Ying Zheng was angry, he was directly arrested and imprisoned.

I met Li Jue in prison, and under the stimulation of Li Jue, I actually researched cursive script, but it was immature and could only be regarded as a beginner, not even a small Chengdu.

After reviewing Gan Luo's life, Li Jue could only say that this young prodigy who became famous is really an expert at killing him.

He is indeed very smart, but he has no emotional intelligence, and he is arrogant and has no gratitude. Not to mention that he has no feelings for the people in his native land, even if he was a diner under Lu Buwei's family earlier, after he developed, he would not look down on Lu Buwei.

When Lu Buwei compiled the Spring and Autumn Period, he also asked him for help, but he studied calligraphy under the pretext of doing so and ignored it at all, making Lu Buwei hate him to the core.

That's why he recently pleaded for the Confucianists on the main hall, but Lu Buwei didn't remind him to let him continue to die.

However, the most deadly thing was that Gan Luo dared to attack Ying Zheng's concubine, and he was justifiable. He was courting death.

After killing Gan Luo, a golden brush flew out of the yin and yang scroll of life and death, and when Li Jue touched it, it disappeared.

Li Juefu has a deep understanding of calligraphy, such as cursive script, official script, seal script and running script, and has already mastered them all.

Originally, he had beheaded a sword and pen officer before, and he also had a certain ability to write, but he could not reach the level of calligraphy.

It's just that he intentionally wrote on regular script, and now he has directly acquired calligraphy skills such as cursive script.

Li Jue was overjoyed. In this way, he was a real scholar.

In the future, if I can’t get along anymore, I can still write letters to people on the street, so I won’t starve to death.

After beheading Gan Luo, Li Jue packed up and was about to go back.


Soon, a messenger arrived.

The messenger shouted to keep people under the sword, and everyone got out of the way.

In the end, when he entered the execution ground, the messenger was dumbfounded when he saw Gan Luo whose head was on the ground.

He was holding a bamboo slip in his hand, which seemed to be Wang Ling.

Ting Weicheng immediately brought someone to greet him and waited for the messenger to read it.


The messenger turned around and left without saying a word.

Seeing this, Li Jue smiled slightly and left immediately.

Niu San and the others immediately chased after them, "Seventh brother, why did the messenger come and go?"

Li Jue said: "I guess he wants to pardon Gan Luo, but when he sees someone dead, that's all."

Niu San didn't believe said: "Impossible, I used to send people here very early, this time I deliberately passed three quarters of noon, but I was cut off for a while before coming, this is obviously to save human."

Li Jue smiled and said, "Then it's time to see Gan Luo off."

at this time.

Ting Weicheng also rushed over. He patted Li Jue on the shoulder and said, "Long Li Ting, you just killed Gan Luo, are you afraid?"

Li Jue said, "What's there to be afraid of when sharing your worries for you?"

Ting Weicheng smiled mysteriously and said, "Then you know, what did the messenger do here?"

Niu San grabbed and said: "Seventh brother said that he is here to release people, but I don't believe it, how could it be possible to release people even if they died?"


However, Ting Weicheng was shocked and a little stunned, "Long Ting, you really have a good eye, that messenger is indeed here to release people, but it's okay to see people dead."


Niu San was dumbfounded, and there was no difference between what Li Jue said.

Li Jue smiled and waved, noncommittal.

Tingwei Cheng said, "Then do you know why Gan Luo was imprisoned this time?"

He intends to subdue Li Jue, naturally, to give Li Jue a feeling that the Meng family is very powerful and has a lot of information.

In the end, Li Jue was very smart and guessed the origin of the messenger correctly.

He had to hit Li Jue's arrogance, and then pull it again, so that he could pull people to the Meng family's camp.

Niu San said again: "I know, in fact, I heard that it may be that Gan Xiang contradicted His Majesty in the main hall again, and also stood up for the Confucian people."

Ting Weicheng smiled, everyone thought so, but their Meng family heard different rumors.

Li Jue glanced at him and said with a smile, "Because, pinching your feet?"
