Journey To the West: Help Styx Strengthen the Abi Sword at the Start

Chapter 1036



Most of his imaginary power was drawn in an instant, and then combined with the blue light beam to form a diamond-shaped sign.

He picked up the sign and examined it carefully. It was silver, and he also had a serial number.


"What does it mean?"

But no one answered him, he raised his head in doubt, and saw Murphy staring at the sign in his hand dumbfounded.

"Silver? It turned out to be silver? How could it be silver!" Her red lips opened, and her purple pupils zoomed back and forth, looking shocked.

"is there any problem?"

Murphy suddenly felt that her own behavior was a little gaffe, and said:

"Even for your Pangu tribe, this silver identity card is very difficult to form, but I didn't expect a silver identity card to appear in my hand!"

As she talked, her face became very serious. Looking at Ye Fan with a dumb face, she explained:

"Silver means that your strength and potential have huge room for improvement. In Taixu, almost all silver brand holders have become powerful lords!"

Chapter 748 Quiz

"Oh, what does this eighteen mean?"

Seeing Ye Fan's carelessness, Murphy suddenly became anxious.

"Why don't you know the importance of this silver brand? If someone knows that the silver brand is produced in Youluo Continent, then the powerhouses of the entire Daoyan realm will come to grab people!"

She felt that her words did not attract Ye Fan's attention, and then added: "Hold it!"


"Eighteen..." Ye Fan still asked.

"The eighteen represents your source. You are from the eighteenth Chaos Era. Of course you are the eighteen. It's a pity that the great priest Lu Ya died suddenly, otherwise you would be taken away directly by him!"

Murphy looked at Ye Fan with a pity, and said:

"But don't be discouraged. I heard that in the endlessly distant center, the Pangu Great God of the Pangu tribe has established a special organization for cultivating the silver Pangu tribe in the Shenyan Great Territory. You can go there to sign up!"

Ye Fan didn't speak.

Where is he frustrated, he can't care about frustration now, okay?

This stubborn woman actually said that the Great God Pangu is in the realm of God's evolution?

How can this be?

At this moment, he has countless thoughts rushing through his mind.

If there is Pangu here, what is the Pangu in his chaos?


Or is it to say that a certain method was used to open up a prehistoric chaos, and then to swallow that chaos?

At this moment, his heart felt like a mess, and he couldn't figure out the connection between Pangu and Taixu at all.

Ye Fan was stunned for a moment, then put the sign away and said, "Now I can go, right?"

"Go? What to go! Let me see the Lord of the Continent, You Luo Demon God!"

Murphy looked at the whimsical Ye Fan, and said directly: "But before that, I have to record your strength. By the way, what demon are you?"

What demon? Ye Fan was helpless, where did he know what devil he was.

It's worth picking up a name casually.


"Buried? It sounds like death!"

Then, Ye Fan felt that after he finished saying the name, the silver identity card had changed again.

The words burial and burial appeared directly on the identity card.

Murphy seemed very happy, she looked at Ye Fan and said, "How strong are you?"

"High-level!" He didn't say the prefix either.

Murphy naturally pushed his strength into the high-level Taixu Demon God.

"Yes, it seems that your strength in your chaos should also be able to shoot, but I don't know how it compares with the chaos ancestor dragon!"

Ye Fan looked startled, Chaos Ancestral Dragon?

He understood today, it turned out that he didn't understand the demon **** in the chaos at all.

"Are you talking about the chaos where I am? Is there a chaos ancestor dragon?"

"You don't know?" Murphy looked at him carefully, and Ye Fan's heart was straight when he looked strangely.

"The Chaos Ancestral Dragon is very powerful as Pangu's mount, and no one knows it in Taixu!"

Ye Fan: "..."

It was the first time he knew about the existence of Ancestral Dragon, and there was no legend about Ancestral Dragon in the chaos. Even Bai Feng and Yang Mei did not mention this existence, which made Ye Fan have to doubt. It's not that there has been a chronology in the chaos.

Or to say, the chaos in her mouth and the chaos in which Ye Fan is located are not a chaos at all.

It's the creature in the previous chaos!

"Well, now should you wait for me to meet You Luo Demon God!"

Murphy was reminded by Ye Fan, suddenly remembering that there was still something to be done, and said: "Let's go!"

After the two came out, the Wind Spirit Demon God had already disappeared.

"This guy is really a great mallet, just leave you alone and don't change it!"

Murphy looked a little annoyed.

"Does he do this often?"