Journey To the West: Help Styx Strengthen the Abi Sword at the Start

Chapter 885

"It looks like a person, riding a sword!"

"Fart, that's the sword fairy!"


Within Yizhou, the Kyushu barrier was completely activated, and the huge void had disappeared, replaced by a barrier formed by dragon energy, blessed by humanity and energy, and could not be broken by anyone except the saints.

The complete activation of the barrier completely abolished the Buddhism in Yizhou.

There were crying and howling everywhere, temples collapsed, and buddhas torn apart.

Countless bald heads put on the shackles and were pulled into a basin outside Qingling City, waiting for their final destiny.

"Amitabha, Amitabha..."

Zen singing continues, but there is no Buddha to rescue them anymore.

Not only the gods of the heavens were swallowed by the corpse, but even the Buddhist saints were also swallowed a lot.

Coupled with the previous ban by Hongjun and Haotian's encirclement and suppression, Buddhism in Kyushu was almost in a disintegrated state.


The golden light flashed across Li Xin's body, and the huge sword at his feet galloped in the air, instantly passing over Yizhou.

"Haha, I didn't expect that the first Buddhism to break through Kyushu was the first existence in my Li Xin's new life to be used for surgery."

There was a flash of blood in his eyes, not because he was cruel and easy to kill, but if he didn't kill, it would be useless to keep it.

The creatures who have been baptized by Buddhism have their entire souls assimilated and lose their motivation to move forward, occupying a place all day long without being engaged in production, and wantonly squandering the resources of the dynasty.

With such an existence, how could the First Emperor stay?

"Don't blame me Li Xin, but you Buddhism is too greedy!"

He was floating on the mountain top thousands of miles away from Qingling City, looking at the long dragon formed by the sea of ​​people on the ground, his eyes gradually became cold.

"With so many bald heads, it's no wonder that this era will produce things that are easy to eat!"

When a sect can influence the decision-making of the dynasty, then it is absolutely not allowed to exist.

The Chixiao Sword in Li Xin's hand has already begun to spread red light. Although he doesn't need to do it, he has to give an order.


It disappeared where it was, and when it reappeared, it was already thousands of miles away.

"Meet the general!"

"Well, how many more?"

"There are already two million here, and one million will be transported."

The general replied cautiously.

"You seem to be afraid of me?"

"This, yes!" The general was a little young, in his early twenties, he hesitated and said:

"The final general has also entered a Buddhist temple six years ago, and found that the concept is contrary to my understanding, so he did not go deep, and I hope the general will forgive me!"

"Ha, you can reach your current official position. It has already explained a lot of problems, so there is no need to say more!"

Li Xin patted the general's armor and said, "Go hard, Your Majesty will not treat you badly!"

"Thank you General!" The general's eyes were moved, and he became firmer in an instant.

Besides, no one knows what he is thinking about now.

I can only see that his expression is unwavering, and Yuruoli's sword penetrates people's hearts.

Li Xin looked at the sun's rays and took out a token.

"Where is impermanence!"

The wind is everywhere.

In broad daylight, a black whirlwind appeared in the void, which stayed in the basin, spinning rapidly.

A faint portal gradually became clear in the whirlwind.


The door slowly opened, and then tens of thousands of people and horses dressed in black and white robes and armed with funeral wands walked out of it.

His feet didn't touch the ground, just like that in the cold breath.

"Meet General Li Xin."

Li Xin is now a golden immortal, and they should be present.

"Yeah!" He looked at the reflective spots everywhere, then looked at the black and white impermanence Yin army, and said: "Wait for you to understand?"

"Yes, the general rest assured that there will be no problems!"

The black and white impermanence is trembling in his heart, this is big business, and this is still a buddhist person, and has enmity with the underworld.

They will definitely be rewarded if they take it back.

For Li Xin, they are naturally grateful to Dade.

The three flowers on Li Xin's head shone, showing the sacredness, holding a huge sword, pointing towards the sky, and falling violently.




The endless sound of majesty seemed to be from the sky, echoing in this basin.


Suddenly, there was a sour sound in the entire basin, which was the sound of the collision of knives and bones.

In just a moment, the army of impermanence has begun to get busy.

There are dozens of people **** on each person's chain, and they return toward the gate of the underworld.