Jun Ye Can’t Help But Tease His Wife

Chapter 511: Young Heroes: Shen Mulin (4)

At sunrise in the east, the sun fell in the yard of the Shen family.

The dew hangs on the tip of the grass, and when the sun shines down, it is like a glass sphere reflecting the beautiful light, shining brightly.

A small figure ran in the yard carefreely, but it was an inattentive left foot to trip over the right foot, and the center of gravity fell to the ground in an unstable manner, taking a sip of mud.

Shen Mujing lifted his head from the ground, and there was still some dirt on his forehead.

"A person can fall into this way is also a skill." A pair of little feet in ordinary white shoes stood in front of Shen Mujing.

Shen Mujing listened to this embarrassing voice, but she did not know her identity, but who else dare to insult such a so understanding self, besides her third brother, who has some abnormal development.

Alas, sure enough, Cangtian is jealous of talents.

Shen Mulin crouched down, holding her knees with both hands, staring like a torch, looking at the little fellow who seemed to be craving for the earth, smiling. All good genes, the two of you standing together are more like father and son. "

Shen Mujing turned over and faced the blue sky and white clouds. "Although I admit that I and Erbo have the same goal, you can rest assured that even if Erbo and I are carved out of a mold, I will not betray our biological father . "

"No, I think it's better for you to betray. While not many people now know that you are our father's son, otherwise you can live in Erbo's house. If you live together, your life will not be too boring. "Shen Mulin said.

Shen Mujing stood up and said righteously, "San brother, are you trying to test my sincere heart towards our old father? Don't say it again, even if the second uncle seduces me with everything I like, I must have refused to change my face. I was born to San Sanye ’s son, and to death was Shen Sanye ’s ghost. ”

Shen Mulin looked at him for a long time, with a little doubt in his eyebrows.

Shen Mujing stood up menacingly, ready to clarify his boldness with his most heated vows, but before he could say anything, he listened to the servants next to him.

"The second son is back? He also brought a lot of special things."

"Yeah, I just went on a business trip in the living room and smelled a scent of roast duck."

"More than one. Look at the capacity of that bag. There are four or five less."

Shen Mujing blinked and looked at the brother next to him in disbelief, "Er 2 is back?"

Shen Mulin nodded indifferently, "I also brought a lot of delicious food."

Shen Mujing wanted to run home.

Shen Mulin grabbed his hand and smiled. "Isn't my brother saying that no matter what the second uncle used to seduce, you have to stick to your original intention?"

"You can rest assured that the heroes will not be eaten. I will seriously refuse." Shen Mujing pushed away his brother's hand, and then stepped back two steps.

Shen Mulin didn't stop him. After watching him take two steps back, he took out his 100-meter sprint speed and ran into the house in a blink of an eye.

Then came a voice that was so excited that it couldn't be controlled. "Ah, ah, Erbo, it ’s still your old man who hurts me the most, Erbo, I am your own child, Erbo, we will go home together later Right. "

Shen Mulin put her hands diagonally in her clothes pockets, turned around and thought about going back to the house. Suddenly, a breezy wind blew on her face, the sun gradually faded, and everything seemed to be silent.

"Alas, alas." Three long and two short voices lingered in his ears, like a string of whispers, getting stronger and stronger.

"Woohoo." The breeze was gradually intensifying, and there was even a tendency for rain to wind up the building.

"Batts." There was a trumpet sound at the gate of the house.

As soon as the housekeeper ran out of the house, he was blinded by the wind. He was panicking and walked against the wind.

The gate of the house opened slowly, and Feng Cheng was blown out of the car and nearly fell to the ground without standing.

The lieutenant next to him grabbed his arm tightly. "Sir, it was just fine, why did you wink in a blink of an eye?"

Feng Cheng's mind was a little bit ups and downs, which was not a good omen.

"Do you still go in?" The lieutenant asked.

"It's all here, aren't you going home at this time?" Feng Cheng went up the stairs.

Shen Tian stared expressionlessly at another uninvited guy, raised Erlang's legs, and joked, "You are blown by the wind?"

Feng Cheng drank a cup of tea and pressed his heart that was still pounding, he said, "It's windy."

Shen did not go out one day, and did not know whether it was windy or cooling outside the house, he said, "Can the wind blow you like this?"

Feng Cheng ignored this topic and opened his eyes to the mountain. "Have you considered what I asked you to consider?"

Shen picked up the tea cup one day without taking a sip, and asked knowingly, "What are you thinking about?"

"Brother Shen, don't joke with me when this matters." Feng Cheng anxiously.

Shen Tianyi stared grimly, "You tell me, am I kidding?"


"I refused so obviously, wouldn't Brother Feng understand?"

Feng Cheng withdrew his expectation. He frowned and said in an inaudible voice, "I'm not doing it for my own selfishness. Brother Shen, I think Xishan is really wrong."

"That's your business, isn't it? You can send someone in the military to do an inch-by-inch investigation instead of wasting time coming to me and talking to me." Shen Yitian stood up and turned his back to the other side. "Children The weather only recovered a little. He was still young and still in the developmental stage. He started to exhaust himself at such a young age. He would not grow taller and longer. Our Shen family only wanted to give the child a quiet childhood, and Not to impose these messes on his child. "

Feng Cheng wanted to stop talking, but he was really difficult for some strong men.

Shen Yitian raised his hand to reject the customer, "Brother Feng, if there is nothing else, please go back."

Feng Cheng stood up and couldn't help asking again and again, "Did he really stop thinking about it?"

"Brother Feng, brother Feng, I have torn my face and told you so clearly. Do you think there is still room for this matter to turn around?"

Feng Cheng Yusai, when it comes to this, there is really nothing worth talking about.

Outside the door, Shen Mujing muttered his mouth, and recounted the conversation he heard to his elder brother in fifteen and ten, and then stared at the roast duck leg in his hand. "I'm done, can my brother eat for me? ? "

Shen Mulin nodded, "Don't talk anymore?"

Shen Mujing listened carefully again, and solemnly assured, "No more talk."

Shen Mulin handed him the roast duck, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Shen listening to the knock on the door one day, blurted out, "Come in."

Shen Mulin pushed in the door.

Shen did not expect that a child would appear at this time. His brows frowned even tighter, and he busily said, "Please wait for three minutes to talk."

When Feng Cheng saw the child, the excitement on his face overflowed with words. He almost couldn't help but wanted to go there, but was forcibly stopped by one person.

Shen stood in front of him one day, "What else does Brother Feng want to say?"

"Grandpa." Shen Mulin called softly.

Shen Yitian smiled, "Three points obediently, grandpa and grandpa Feng have a business talk, you go out and play first."

Shen Mulin replied, "I know there is business between Grandpa and Grandpa Feng, but I still want to disturb your conversation."

"Don't your dad say take you back to the barracks today? Why hasn't this guy packed up yet?" Shen Yitian shifted the topic.

Shen Mulin stood still in the center of the room, he said, "Grandpa, I had a dream last night. There was a snake in the dream, and I knew it was not a good sign."

Shen Yitian looked for a moment, "Dreamed a snake?"

"Well, a snake that is very threatening to me. I want to see Xishan."

"Even if this is the case, I don't need you to come forward. I will send someone to check it."

"Grandpa, if Xishan is really wrong, do you think those people have a chance to come back?" Shen Mulin asked.

Shen day was silent.

"Grandpa, I'm not incapable. I just want to know an answer. It's my fault or the other's fault."

Shen Yitian sighed, both father and son are a temper.

In the end he couldn't hold the child.

Shen Shengfeng stood in the yard and looked at the far away car. He felt that he might be thrown to another dormitory by his wife-in-law for sleeping for at least one month.

Shen Mujing subconsciously looked at the old father next to him, he said, "Dad, you seem to be struggling inside?"

Shen Shengfeng raised his fist. "My hand is also struggling a bit. It feels uncomfortable to want to slap people and not know who to slap."

Shen Mujing closed his mouth properly.

"Is the roast duck that your second uncle brought back delicious?" Shen Shengfeng looked at the oil stain on his mouth.

Shen Mujing stepped back silently, "It's not delicious."

Shen Shengfeng said, "Not delicious?"

"Not particularly delicious." Shen Mujing replied carefully.

Shen Shengfeng thought about it, "Even if it's not good, I'll buy Xiaojing something else and go back."

The hotter the sun fell on the ground, the air gradually dried up.

Xishan has entered a state of alert completely, the entrance and exit are completely blocked, and no one is allowed to enter without permission.

The soldiers in charge wiped the sweat from his forehead, and some reporters were hidden nearby. Depending on the situation, these people also planned to sneak up.

Xishan covers a large area and has many natural vegetation. Although the soldiers guarded several entrances and exits, it is difficult to guarantee that someone will slip through the wall without fear of death, especially those journalists who follow for exclusive news.

Three people sneaked in through a small hole in Houshan.

The towering trees abandon the excess sunlight, and the whole forest looks quiet and deep, and there is an indescribable coldness.

Li Hong is holding his camera cautiously. He is the top reporter of M Entertainment, specializing in reporting on these strange things. The sales frenzy caused by it is almost fierce one after another.

Behind Li Hong are two intern reporters who led him. One man and one woman, the man is a newcomer Chen Yu who has just joined the industry for less than a year, and the woman is Lin Pei, who recently joined the company.

Both of them followed behind their own boss with some horror. Xishan was spread very badly in the past two days. Although these reporters are eating this kind of life-threatening meal, they can't help but feel uneasy.

"Squeak." Lim Pei accidentally stepped on a dead branch.

Chen Yu was scared and ran for seven or eight meters, and then reacted, gasping at the woman who made the sound.

Lin Pei Renjun couldn't help but said, "I didn't mean it."

"You two are more careful. There are soldiers patrolling nearby. If they are found, they will surely invite us out immediately." Li Hong swallowed his mouth, took out the compass to observe the position, and heard that the death news was heard. It's southeast.

The three moved to the southeast at the same time. For some reason, the deeper they got into the forest, the cooler the temperature became. It was obviously the summer of August, and the three of them froze wildly.

Lin Pei whispered, "Boss, why don't we still go in? I'm panicking."

Li Hong glanced at her, "Which previous news wasn't fighting for your life? Are you scared? If you are scared, don't be a reporter, go back and marry a good man, and enjoy the rest of your life. "

Lin Pei silently closed his mouth.

Chen Yu said, "The reason we are afraid is because preconceived thoughts control our brain nerves. As long as you forget those memories, you will be as if we were climbing a mountain today, and we will find this mountain and the one we have climbed before. Those mountains are no different. "

Lin Pei took a deep breath. "I try to calm myself."


"What voice?" Chen Yu heard the noise, startled, and looked surprised at the trembling dead leaves not far away.

Li Hong took out the camera and pointed at the pile of dead leaves, taking seven or eight photos continuously.

A section of snake tail emerged from the dead leaves and rushed into Lin Pei's eyes. She was taken aback by scaring, pointing to the front, "It's really a snake."

Li Hong continued to shoot with excitement. According to the snake tail they saw, the snake said that it was also a python about eight or nine meters long.

Facing the big snake, the three did not dare to get too close, and did not dare to generate too sharp sounds to stimulate each other. They had to keep quiet and shoot these precious pictures.

There were some emerald patterns at the tail of the snake, which seemed to be awakened. The tail of the snake fluttered, and the surrounding dead leaves were also opened a lot. The whole snake was completely exposed.

Lin Pei covered her mouth in panic, she retreated in fear, the snake's eyes stared straight at her, and the scarlet eyes seemed to ooze blood.

"Boss, it found us?" Seeing this scene, Chen Yu didn't dare to move.

Li Hong shook his head. "The snake's eyes are born on both sides of the head. Only by moving different eye muscles to move objects closer or closer to the retina to focus, so its vision is poor. It is difficult to find objects beyond one meter, especially It is even more invisible to stationary objects. At this time, we only have to remain inactive, and it will certainly not find us. "

Chen Yu panted hard, snakes moving, as if moving in their direction.

Li Hong was also unable to hold his calm, he hesitated whether to turn around and run at this time.

In the end, Chen Yu still didn't hold himself back, and then backed up, then spread his feet and ran back.

"Wait for me, Chen Yu, wait for me." Lin Pei was also unable to stabilize, and ran along.

Li Hong continued to remain motionless. He felt as if the snake had left in the direction of the two of them. He took a breath, but his breath was not completely out of the air, and the crisis was close at hand.

The serpent's tail rolled in a roll, directly enclosing his thin body in his own snake body.

"Ah." Li Hong hissed in pain.

The big snake opened its big mouth, sharp teeth bit on Li Hong's neck, and the blood spewed out instantly.

"Ah." Li Hong's eyes widened, and the color in his eyes gradually became dark. As if he hadn't responded yet, his body was gradually cold.

The serpent loosened its restraint and wandered slowly towards the other two in the direction of escape.

"What's wrong with the boss?" Lin Pei heard the screams coming from behind, but didn't even dare to return.

Chen Yu's mind was very embarrassed. He didn't know where to run, as if the empty forest was like hell, and the breath of death was everywhere.

"Hisse." The weird voice sounded again.

Chen Yu turned back subconsciously, a green shadow flashed on the ground in a blink, and he didn't even see clearly, the shadow disappeared.

Lin Pei held his arm and was at a loss, "I'm afraid, what is it, what is it?"

Chen Yu could not help but step back, leaning against a tree, but he felt his neck was a little cold.

His eyes moved slowly, and at last he saw a long snake snake entering his eyes.

"Ah." Chen Yu was terrified and fell to the ground.

The big snake coiled on the tree, and the pupil narrowed, seemingly enjoying the painful desperate sound of the last struggling prey.

Lin Pei covered his eyes. "Don't come over, don't don't."

The serpent raised his snake head high, overlooking the tiny two creatures on the ground, and finally lost his patience and opened his mouth.

"Well." A gunshot came from nearby.

The snake's movement paused, and the bullet landed only three inches away from its snake head. The threat was probably detected. The snake plunged into the dead leaves and slipped away.

After the disaster, the two men turned their heads mechanically, only to find that the figures of Mi Mi Zaza not far away were approaching them.

The soldier looked around with the weapon in his hand. "Run away."

An officer in military uniform approached the two and asked, "How did you slip in?"

Chen Yu was frightened, "We, our team leader took us, brought us in."

"Team leader?" The officer frowned. "Anyone else besides you?"

"Sir, there is a person here, dead."

The words didn't end, a soldier shouted not far away.

Chen Yu's heart was tight, and she almost ran up and down to Li Hong. He couldn't believe his mouth, and feared that his fear and helplessness would be exposed as soon as he got out.

Lin Pei also stood in front of the dead Li Hong, saw the miserable boss, didn't hold his breath, ran to the tree and vomited.

Li Hong died very badly, his entire neck seemed to have been bitten, and blood sprayed him all over, and he could hardly see his features.

Chen Yu looked away. "He, he is our team leader, Li Hong."

The officer squatted down to examine Li Hong's wound, which was also a penetrating wound, and also contained a lot of toxins. It should have been fatal all of a sudden, without giving the other party a chance to resist.


Xishan once again entered a state of full alert.

A leading car was parked at the entrance, and Comrade Lieutenant opened the rear seat door.

Feng Cheng looked at the crowd crowded for a few times, and said, "What happened?"

An officer hurriedly came over, saluting, "The sergeant has just had a murder case."

"Dead again?" Feng Cheng pinched the bridge of his nose. "Isn't he already on alert? Why would anyone slip in?"

"We have sent people to strictly control the entire mountain to ensure that no one will take the opportunity to slip in." The officer's words promised sternly.

Feng Cheng waved his hand, "Don't say those words, I don't listen to these reasons, as long as I get results, the result is that your security equipment is not comprehensive enough, otherwise how could someone let them slip in?"

The officer snored, afraid to refute.

Feng Cheng sighed, "Three points, do you go in alone?"

Shen Mulin nodded, wearing ordinary home clothes, "I'll go and see."

Feng Cheng worried, "Grandpa Feng will arrange a few soldiers to accompany you?"

"Grandpa Feng, there are so many eyes, I don't want to be too obvious." Shen Mulin refused.

Feng Cheng knew what he meant, and he squatted down, with a solemn tone. "Your grandfather gave me a military order. If you can't solve it, don't try it, understand?"

"Grandpa Feng rest assured that I know how to do what I can." Shen Mulin went up the mountain alone.

A crowd of reporters watching not far away boiled.

"So why did anyone go up?"

"A little kid?"

"Why did this child go up the mountain?"

Shen Mulin stepped up the steps step by step, hundreds of stone steps straight up to the mid-mountain position.

The trees were blocking the excess sunlight, and the whole mountain was really overcast.

Shen Mulin looked around. He didn't seem to know where he should go. If he went on his own footsteps, he couldn't turn around in a day.

"Cuckoo." The little bird landed on a large tree, and a dead leaf accidentally landed on top of his head.

Shen Mulin looked into the sky, and a ray of sunlight fell through the seam of the tree and fell on the trunk not far away.

The trunk of the tree has some emerald green markings, like moss, but after a closer look, the markings are still rolling.

The serpent also seems to have found someone peeping at it, opened its mouth wide and exposed its sharp teeth, and prepared to bite it when it was unprepared.

"Alas." The snake's head hit a layer of aperture and did not bite at the prey it was waiting for.

Shen Mulin raised her hand, her fingers gradually bent.

The serpent, who was about to escape, struggling a bit, but was fixed on the ground motionlessly.

Shen Mulin approached, and deliberately walked around the snake. He discerned the snake carefully. The snake's body was all green, especially delicate, and it was very eye-catching.

The snake shrieked in pain, as if calling for a companion.

Shen Mulin noticed that a sound was ringing behind him, and he stood up.

"Hissing." The dead leaves kept rolling, and the last snake, two snakes, three snakes, countless large snakes opened their blood and rushed at the same time.

Shen Mulin frowned. He obviously didn't expect that there would be so many snakes on the whole mountain, and each one was seven or eight meters long. It seems that there are less three or four years of age. How did they live on this mountain? ?

"Bang, bang." Big snakes hit the aperture, and finally lay on the ground with electrical spasms.

He observed carefully that none of the snakes were close to the snake in his dream.

"Shoot." A strange man's voice rang from behind Shen Mulin.

He hadn't responded yet, and a group of figures gathered around him instantly, the voice fell, and the sound of bullets rang out.

Shen Mulin was pulled tough by one person to the final position, and the soldier said, "How did you come up, kid? It's dangerous here. Go down the mountain."

"Bang, bang." The bullet landed on all the big snakes.

"Hisse." The snake shook his head in pain.

Everyone thought that their group of cold-blooded creatures was dead, but instead of not dying, the snakes struggled more fiercely. Then the tail of the snake swept up and successfully overturned a soldier to the ground.

The soldiers had no time to escape, and the thigh position was immediately bitten, and one leg was broken in one bite.

"What are these?" The soldiers retreated in panic, "Can't beat, sir, can't kill."

Snakes covered the body of soldiers that suddenly appeared. The place where the snake crawled was covered with blood.

The soldiers gathered in a circle, staring at the big guy who threatened their lives at this moment.

"Team leader, what do you do?" A soldier asked Comrade Lieutenant next to him.

The lieutenant's hand holding the gun was shaking. "Notify the team and support immediately."

Another soldier was about to pull out the communicator, but just after the move, the snake tail swept over again.

The soldier looked for a moment, before he could react, a powerful force dragged him over.

The snake's tail wrapped around his leg, and the man was rolled over with almost no hesitation.

"Alas." The soldier's body stunned, a current of electricity came from the snake, his eyes rolled, and he was directly stunned.

The same is true of the big snake. Under strong voltage, the blood of the wound sped up, but in a blink of an eye, the snake completely drained all the blood in the body and fell on the dead leaves.

The sudden scene scared everyone even more afraid to move.

"Uncle, look at the sky, it seems like thunder." Shen Mulin pointed innocently at the blue sky above his head.

Everybody's body instinctively looked to the sky, and "Bang Dang" sounded, and it flashed a flash of lightning.

"Well." Lightning fell from the sky, flashing overhead from the crowd.

Comrade Lieutenant touched his head. Why did he feel a little cold on top of his head? After a while, he found that his hair was gone, and the center of his head seemed to be bald.

"Lieutenant your hair?" The soldier shouted in surprise, then raised his hand and touched his head, also cold.

"Where's the snake?" One didn't want to care if he was bald. He stared at the position in front of him, just a bunch of snakes splattering with blood.

The lieutenant heard the sound and looked at it. The endless pile of dead leaves in front of him. If it was not for the blood stained on the leaves, the snakes would not have appeared from beginning to end.

"Team leader, how do I think it's evil here?" A soldier muttered.

"Okay, take Xiaoba for treatment first." The lieutenant pointed at the unconscious man on the ground.

The two soldiers carried the unconscious man, "What about this little boy?"

"Well, what about a child?" Everyone was anxious to find a place next to them, and just now they saw a little guy, who?

"Woohoo." The breezy wind was blowing by, and everyone shouted a cold slap involuntarily.

They all seem to ignore one thing. How could such a child appear for nothing on this mountain?

Everyone looked at each other, and the thunder was strange just now. Did they see the ghost during the day?

Shen Mulin probed the probe from the back of the tree ten meters behind, and watched a group of soldiers leaving from the gods, panting without any trace.

He looked at the snake that died of blood in the ground. Why couldn't these things die?

Involuntarily, he suddenly developed an ominous premonition that the bugs had not completely died, and it was likely that they were scattered throughout the country.

Shen Mulin was frightened by this idea. If this is the case, how to solve this crisis?

As night fell, the whole western mountain was gradually shrouded in darkness.

Shen Mulin was sitting on the ground, holding cookies, carefully watching the surroundings. He didn't like the darkness, took out the flashlight, and deliberately enlarged the brightness of the flashlight.

"How can there be light over there?" The patrol soldier noticed something strange and rushed over immediately.

Shen Mulin had no choice but to turn off the lights and climbed up the tree along the branches.

The soldier stood under the tree and looked around. He saw nothing suspicious. He took out the communicator and replied, "It's safe here."

Sitting on the tree, Shen Mulin hung his legs. He looked at the patrol soldiers who had left nearby and turned on the flashlight again.

At the foot of Xishan Mountain, at night, a car still did not leave.

The lieutenant got into the car with a box of lunch. "Sir, this is the only simple meal here. Would you like--"

"I'll wait for the news." Feng Cheng took the box lunch and ate it unconsciously, "Hasn't three-pointers returned yet?"

The deputy shook his head. "Nothing has come back yet. I only heard that a bunch of patrol soldiers found a bunch of snakes, but the snakes disappeared in a blink of an eye."

"Are I a little reluctant?" Feng Cheng said to himself, "Three points are so small, how could he have a way to help me solve this kind of trouble?"

"I can see that the three-pointer is very smart. He has a more mature mind than his peers. He should be able to think of a solution."

Feng Cheng laughed bitterly at himself, "After all, I didn't think about it properly."

"We didn't expect that kind of accident."

Feng Chengchang sighed, but also unknowingly, he put down the box lunch.

The deputy replied, "Sir, have you ever thought about this Xishan thing because of our experiments?"

Feng Cheng frowned. "I haven't thought about it, but don't forget that there were more than one experimental items that ran that day."

The deputy was silent. If the matter leaked, let alone the chief executive would be punished. Even those who took all of them involved would not be able to get rid of the relationship. It would not be as simple as dismissal and suspension, and he would likely face life imprisonment.

Life imprisonment!

Comrade Lieutenants dare not imagine the consequences, so they have spared no effort to suppress the news.

Feng Cheng turned his head and looked out the window. "When the dust settles, some people have to deal with it."

The lieutenant knew, "Yes, sir."

The moon was thin, and the sky was completely dark.

The door suddenly swayed.

Feng Cheng was drowsy, and when he heard the sound, a spirit was awake.

Shen Mulin sat beside him, "Grandpa Feng."

Feng Cheng shook his sleepy head. He didn't expect that the child would come down so soon. He hurriedly said, "What's the matter?"

Shen Mulin took off his dirty coat and replied, "It seems to be gone."

Feng Cheng didn't know, "What's gone?"

"These snakes are gone."


Shen Mulin folded her clothes, thought for a while, and replied, "Maybe she ran away."

"You didn't kill them all?" Feng Cheng anxiously.

Shen Mulin shook her head. "I only found a few snakes. Maybe there are only a few snakes on the whole mountain, or maybe the other snakes ran away when they found danger."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm not sure." Shen Mulin stretched his waist. "But I want to sleep. Mom said that sleep is important for children who are growing up. I have to ensure that I have eight hours of adequate sleep each day."


Shen Mulin leaned on the seat. "Grandfather Feng, I am very upset, please try not to wake me up."

After all, the child has closed his eyes.

Feng Cheng thought to speak, but was forced to say nothing by his words.

The driver asked embarrassedly, "Sir, can you drive?"

Feng Cheng nodded. "Drive, and send the child back to Shen's house first."

The car staggered onto the parking road.

The next day, the sky remained clear.

The person sleeping in the bed felt something was making his own hair.

Shen Mulin opened his eyes expressionlessly, and Shen Mujing's features were magnified in his pupils, with a grinning smile on his face.

Shen Mujing saw his brother woke up and got closer, he laughed, "Brother, let's play together."

Shen Mulin raised her hand and poked at her brother's forehead.

Shen Mujing hadn't recovered yet, a current spread from the hair to the soles of the feet again, and his entire body seemed to fly off the ground.

Shen Mulin contentedly retracted her hand, turned over, and continued to sleep.

Shen Mujing fell on the carpet, and there was still electricity scattered all over her.

The room was quiet.

Shen Mulin opened his eyes again, something was picking the soles of his feet.

Shen Mujing smugly smiled, "Brother, don't think I don't know what you are afraid of, you are afraid of itching."

Shen Mulin laughed without clinging.

Shen Mujing scratched even harder, "Electricity me, have the ability to call me, let you call me if you are OK, do you know if you regret it? If you regret, please ask me, if I ask, I will consider whether to scratch it . "

Shen Mulin sat up suddenly, staring at the guy who tried to tickle him without changing his face.

Shen Mujing froze, his third brother stared at his white and tender face for a moment, looking at the appearance, and seemed to want to kick himself.

Shen Mulin did kick him and kicked Comrade Shen Sifen directly under the bed.

Shen Mujing lay on the ground and blinked. No, he was obviously itchy.

Shen Mulin stood on the bed, staring at his younger brother who was dead on the ground.

Shen Mujing raised his head, squeezed out a gentle and beautiful smile as much as possible, and said with a sloppy voice, "Brother, brother, don't don't do it, people just made a little joke with you, a little joke . "

Shen Mulin jumped off the bed, grabbed each other's legs, and took off his shoes. It seemed to be smiling, but not like a laugh.

Shen Mujing shuddered, "Brother, what do you want to do to me?"

"It makes you hurt and happy."

In other words, Shen Mulin grabbed his feet. Although the taste was a little big, he didn't dislike it, and kept scratching.

"Ah, ah, ah." A terrible voice called from Shen Mujing's mouth. He twisted his body and turned around in the palm of his own brother's palm. Not scratched. "

Shen Mulin poked at her brother's feet, "Want to try how wonderful it is to have your soul fly out of your body?"

The smile on Shen Mujing's face came to an abrupt end. He regretted it a bit. Why did he come to my brother early in the morning to brush his presence? Why wake up this guy who gets up so scary that he can electrocute himself?

Shen Mulin chuckled her lips and discharged with two fingers.

"I, I am a ghost and a ghost, I will not let go or let you go." Shen Mujing trembled up and down, as if he really flew, his soul fluttered, flew.

Shen Mulin dragged him to the window, and then threw it directly out of the window.

"Slap." Shen Mujing was dumped into the trash bin.