Kamen Rider: Heisei Knights

Chapter 10: Abnormal changes in the college entrance

"Why is smash so weak this time?" Tong Sheng was puzzled.

Wan Zhi also nodded: "It seems that they are here to send you full bottles!"

But no matter what they thought, they couldn't come up with a clue, and the two had no choice but to lift their transformations and go to find their classmates.

In the basement, Stalk was furious with the phone: "Caesar, what are you doing? Why did you release smash to attack Wen Yue Middle School without authorization?"

The other end of the phone answered calmly: "Isn't it what you and Night Rogue hope to do to open the Pandora's Box as soon as possible?"

Stalk snorted coldly: "It's also fortunate that you still remember this, but it seems that your smash without a host is just a parallel import!"

Caesar over there replied not to be outdone: "Smash with the host in your place seems not to be much better!" After speaking, he hung up the phone.

In the next few days, smash did not appear again. Tong Sheng was okay, but Wan Zhi's flying dragon plug-in nestled on the beams of the base all day and ignored Wan Zhi.

"It seems that the Feilong plugin is still a militant!" Tong Sheng laughed.

Wan Zhi gave him a white look: "You didn't do it yet?"

"The college entrance examination will be tomorrow, what do you think?" Su Tao, who had disappeared for a long time, suddenly appeared in the base.

"Su Tao? Where have you been so many days?" Tong Sheng asked eagerly.

Su Tao shook her head and said, "It's nothing, it's just something at home..."

However, Wan Zhi took up a topic and said: "I just hope that the college entrance examination can be so calm, otherwise the future will be ruined by smash!"

"Let's talk, I'll go first..." Su Tao turned around and walked out of the base.

Tong Sheng was taken aback, and hurriedly followed to the door of the base, but the door closed untimely.

"What's wrong with her?" Tong Sheng scratched his head, unclearly.

Outside, Su Tao muttered as he walked: "Tong Sheng...maybe we won't see it anymore, right?"

Saying what I found out of my pocket: "But I hope that one day I can fight with you..."

Su Tao's hands are amazingly pink peach seeds!

The next day was the national college entrance examination, and the trio of Tong Sheng, Wan Zhi, and Su Tao were assigned to three different examination rooms. Tong Sheng is in Sufeng Middle School, Wan Zhi is in Yinghong Middle School, and Su Tao is taking exams in Wenyue Middle School of our school.

Early this morning, Tong Sheng arrived at the entrance of Sufeng Middle School.

"Huh? Tong Sheng, are we taking an exam at a school?" Suddenly a familiar voice came from behind.

Tong Sheng looked back and responded with a smile: "Who am I? It turns out to be a famous high school student detective... Guteng!"

Gu Teng looked helpless: "Do you have to contact me as Shinichi Kudo? I don't have Lan, and I haven't knocked APTX4869!"

"Well, let's enter the examination room!" Tong Sheng smiled and walked to the school gate first.

There was no metal response on the bracelet, so Tong Sheng smoothly took the driver in with the full bottle.

Walking on the campus, Gu Teng asked: "Did you find any clues at the research center that day?"

Tong Sheng nodded: "I found a lot of clues, but I didn't understand a word..."


"The data found contained hundreds of languages ​​including English, French, Japanese, Italian, and some of them couldn't even be translated by the translator..." Tong Sheng said helplessly.

"Now we will start distributing answer sheets..." The broadcast suddenly sounded.

Tong Sheng quickly said, "Goodbye after the exam!" He said goodbye to Gu Teng and walked into the exam room.

"I wish you success, build!" Gu Teng also quietly returned a salute to Tong Sheng's back.

The first game was Chinese, Tong Sheng took a pen and quickly answered the question. Gu Teng in the examination room next door relied on the artifact of cheating—to communicate with Fang Lu's spirit, using the other party's earth library to answer fluently.

As a talented liberal arts student, Su Tao can answer questions faster than Tong Sheng and Gu Teng, who is playing with his partner.

But Wan Zhi was forced to fill in the blanks in several original texts, and he almost scratched his scalp and couldn't remember it.

Then... the Feilong plug-in resolutely acted as this artifact, dangling a language document outside the window and copying it to him.

Gu Teng was too lazy to ask Fang Lu to help, and Wan Zhi was really on the hook.

To this Tong Sheng just said: "You can also copy liberal arts..."

The exam went on peacefully, everything was so calm...

Tong Sheng had already finished writing his composition and was drowsy in the examination room. He went from elementary school to high school about not checking the test papers after answering.

Finally, the broadcast that represented the end of the exam sounded: "The exam is over, please stop answering the paper!"

Some candidates who have not finished writing the composition feel like sitting on pins and needles when they hear this sentence, thinking that it's over!

The invigilator quickly collected the papers, and was about to let the candidates leave, but saw a student taking out a USB flash drive without knowing it, and it was blocked at the door.

"Why? Why can you go to college if you get a high score? Why do you have to be better when you go to college? Why don't you get rejected if you don't go to college? Why?!"

The examinee yelled like crazy, and everyone who provoked him gave him a caring look.

Tong Sheng looked at the USB flash drive in his hand and was shocked: "Gaia memory!"

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, the examinee inserted Gaia memory into his body and instantly turned into a mask, a monster whose whole body was made of magma.

"Dopant! Did they both come up with Dopant in Night Rogue?" Tong Sheng was surprised.

The other students and the invigilator were not so calm, and were frightened by the monster in front of them and fled. For a while, screams filled the entire campus.

Tong Sheng took out the drive and was about to transform, but saw at the door, Night Rogue was walking in with an examinee in one hand and the same unpurified full bottle in the other.

"I'll add flavored vegetables to you!" He opened the lid and poured the ingredients into the student. The student's body was constantly twisted and deformed, and finally turned into a lion smash.

"So, seeyou!" Night Rogue waved to Tong Sheng, disappearing in a puff of black smoke.

Tong Sheng looked at the two weird people in front of him and laughed: "Lion and magma? Today's food is really hot!"

After speaking, he took a look downstairs and took out the full bottle after making sure that most of the students had left, thinking: "You can't let them destroy the teaching building!"

So he replaced the rabbit and the tank with the Flying Eagle Gatling: "Then, let's start the experiment!"

"[Flying Eagle! Gatling! BestMatch! Areyou ready?] Transform! [Thug in the sky! HawkGatling! Yeah!]"



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