Kamen Rider: Heisei Knights

Chapter 219: Elsa's ability is...

In midair, Cao Qi couldn't help rubbing his fists: "Master! Mr. Sheng! Let's go and help!"

Di Zou just wanted to talk, but was interrupted by Sheng Dingli: "That Amuer just owes it to you, let's go!"

He took the lead and jumped out of the magic circle, and at the same time inserted the cobra bottle into the smoke gun and directly completed the transformation during the fall.

"Can't stand you!" Di Zou gave a wry smile, summoned the driver with a ring, and then put on the transformation ring and swept in front of the driver.

"[Change! Now!]" A golden magic circle passed through his body and attached the white magician's battle clothes to him.

Cao Qi also summoned the driver to swipe the driver directly with the ring of the flame dragon: "[FlameDragon! Bou-BouBou-Bou-Bou!]"

After the transformation, he turned around and hugged Yin Yueling up, and jumped out of the magic circle with Di Zou.

Just as the five were preparing to start with Amur, the three figures of Sheng Dingli fell from the sky and forced Amur back abruptly.

"Don't come here unharmed, Amur?" Although Sheng Dingli's tone seemed to say hello, Amur seemed to see his smiling face through the Stalk mask.

"You have always been watching theaters in the sky?" Tong Sheng shook his head helplessly, and looked at the four people in front of him with faint eyes.

Cao Qi put Yin Yueling down and spread his hands: "If you want to blame, blame your adoptive father. You have to say something to see your potential..."

Di Zuo raised his hand and shook the magic ring on his finger, threatening: "Amur, let me give you a chance to leave the human world immediately!"

As soon as Di Zou's voice fell, Yin Yueling squeezed his fist very cooperatively, and a burst of cold and icy air instantly spread on the ground.

But Amur did not leave, but pointed at the people in front of him with an eye gun: "Come on! This king is not afraid of you anymore!"

"Really?" Sheng Dingli dragged his chin and turned around, then suddenly turned around, shooting a red light from his hand towards Amuer.

Amur quickly waved the eye gunner to resist, and successfully blocked the attack, but countless cracks appeared on the eye gun hand.

"Oh?" Sheng Dingli looked at Amur with interest, "It is indeed very powerful to prevent my attack, but are you really afraid of being gang-beaten?"

Talking and pointing behind them, everyone turned their heads and saw Ran Yuan in the form of magnetic force, Bai Jin and Shi Gang who were driving in the wild mode Setram, Jing Yuan and poppy of LV99, and San Yu. Yuan Hai who came here.

The justice who is still in Wuhe City is the Kamen Rider, and is now coming here.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Amur simply retracted the eye gunner and opened the eyeball coat of arms: "Anyway, the person you are looking for has been found, and there is still a chance to kill you!"

As he said, he got into the eyeball and the coat of arms disappeared. Wan Zhi yelled anxiously: "Hey! Return Mu Zhi back!"

"I'm sorry...it seems to be late..." Tong Kong patted Wanzhi on the shoulder.

Tong Sheng squeezed his fist and became firm: "You must save her back anyway!"

Coincidentally, just when Wan Zhi wanted to say something, Elsa's light suddenly disappeared, and she fell unconscious.


The next morning, everyone who came to help the fight was basically thrown away, and Tong Sheng quietly pulled the quilt on his mother.

"She will be fine!" Sheng Dingli comforted.

Tong Sheng laughed when he heard the words: "You... really are not the enemy..."

Sheng Dingli smiled, but he didn't know what other things he was thinking.

Tong Sheng took him to the living room and sat down, confirming that no one else was awake, and asked directly: "What is the ability of my mother?"

Sheng Dingli smiled slightly: "I knew you would ask like that!"

Speaking of taking a sip of water from the cup on the coffee table, she said: "Elsa's ability is basically the same as you: through the eyes, you can perform predictive actions, perspective, data analysis, reading and transmission. In addition, she has You can teleport like a princess.

And the ability she used yesterday came from her mother, your grandmother...

"My grandmother?" Tong Sheng was a little dazed, feeling that his family is not a normal person!

Sheng Dingli nodded and continued: "Originally, she could only inherit the abilities of one of her parents, but the desire to protect her only relative triggered a powerful force that has been hidden deep in her bloodline!"

As he said, he took out his portable tablet, and the first screen he opened was the danger level of Tong Sheng, Wan Zhi, Yuan Hai and others. The others have basically remained the same, and Tong Sheng's danger level has quietly risen to 4.5!

Seeing that Tong Sheng hadn't seen the above content, Sheng Dingli silently exited the program, and passed it to Tong Sheng in an introduction document that he didn't know when it was ready.

In this document, in addition to part of the text, it is more of a picture.

Sheng Dingli pointed to the tablet and continued: "The ability your grandmother inherited from your mother is the control of the four elements of wind, fire, water and earth!

The earth element is just like what you saw last night, it can completely petrify everything you touch, and it can also manipulate the earth. For example, the water changes the terrain, and the earth walls are used for defense.

You should be able to imagine the ability of the water element to use the impact of water to attack. It's a featureless ability.

The wind attribute is to accelerate and create storms, and it also has an attack method similar to the wind blade cut of the four-square sword.

As for the fire element..."

Speaking of this, Sheng Dingli stretched his hand and scratched the screen of the tablet. On it were seven flames of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple. The green flame is shaped like a lightning bolt.

Sheng Dingli couldn't help but smile: "You should have seen these. It is very similar to the flames of death in the Japanese anime "The Family Teacher", right?"

"It's very similar..." Tong Sheng didn't know what to say, so he nodded in agreement.

Sheng Dingli continued: "It may be a coincidence. As far as I know, the effect of your grandmother's use of the fire element is indeed very similar to that of the animation.

Yes, the orange flame is the fire of harmony, the red flame is the fire of decomposition, the yellow flame is the fire of activation, the green flame is the fire of hardening, the blue flame is the fire of calm, the indigo is the fire of construction, and the purple is the fire of value fire. "

As he said, he suddenly stood up and looked out the window: "If she can use this power well, she will be a very powerful help in battle in the future!"

"Yeah!" Tong Sheng looked at the information, "These abilities that Mom has mastered can be attached to others or items, which means that you can strengthen your combat power in battle!"

The information also clearly states that the fire element’s ability has very strong mobility, which means that if Elsa masters all the fire element’s power, he can use propulsion to fly!

"It's just that the consumption is too much for the current Elsa!" Sheng Dingli shook his head helplessly.

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