Kamen Rider: Heisei Knights

Chapter 221: The experiment failed again

In the final fire of construction, they just tried it and failed inexplicably.

"It seems that using this ability really requires a little foundation of a warlock..." Tong Sheng took a pen to record in the notebook.

After seeing Cao Qi's magic, he has begun to believe that since there is magic in this world, there must be illusion.

"The problem is where to find illusion?" Su Tao casually said the most serious problem.

Tong Sheng smiled: "Are you afraid that you have forgotten the Earth Library?"


After a few days, this place is still...

It was not only Tong Sheng and Su Tao who lived at home, but Yuan Hai and San Yu came here.

Seeing Yuan Hai's eyes looking at Su Tao's **** Mimi, Tong Sheng couldn't help but stepped forward and slapped him: "Don't look! Be careful, I dug out your eyes!"

Then he found that Sanyu and their boss were exactly the same...

"Should I become a dangerous rabbit and kill one first?" Tong Sheng thought viciously.

In the original book, Dangerous Tutan killed Qing Yu in his first appearance, but now our Qing Yu Yuan Qing is still alive and well.

Perceiving Tong Sheng's dissatisfaction, Su Tao smiled while covering her mouth, not knowing where she took out a hat with a veil on her head.

Then she winked at Tong Sheng, which meant: Now they can't see their faces, don't you worry?

Wan Zhi impatiently pushed Yuan Hai and San Yu behind him, staring at Tong Sheng and said, "What the **** are you going to do? I'm going to train when I'm done quickly!"

"Don't worry..." Tong Sheng smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and put a box on the small stone pillar that had hit the ground last night.

Open the box, inside is a mechanical beetle and a mechanical praying mantis.

"You have time to do this, why don't you make a booster to suppress the dangerous trigger runaway?" Yuan Hai finally moved his gaze away from Su Tao to complain about Tong Sheng.

Tong Sheng did not answer his question, but looked at the contents of the box with a smile. Two mechanical insects suddenly flew up, flying around the crowd.

"Know about Zecter, the transformation tool in Kabuto, right?" Tong Sheng hugged the next door and smiled triumphantly.

"This is Zecter?" Everyone was surprised.

Tong Sheng nodded and pointed to the two Zecters who were still hovering and flying: "They are now choosing their masters independently. No matter who they choose in the end, it will be a great help to us in this world without worms!"

After Tong Sheng finished speaking, everyone stared at Zecter in the air with expectant eyes. Especially Sanyu, among a bunch of knights, the three of them are weird. Of course, more than anyone hopes that Zecter can choose himself and enter the ranks of knights.

But it turns out that everyone thinks too much. The mantisZecter in the shape of a mantis fell into Tong Sheng's hands, and the beetle-shaped beetleZecter fell into the hands of Su Tao.

"As expected to be the goddess Su Tao!" Yuan Hai looked at Su Tao in admiration, "Even Zecter is attracted by your beauty!"

On one side, Wan Zhi made trouble with Tong Sheng: "What on earth did you set for Zecter to select candidates?"

"Who knows!" Tong Sheng shook his head and said that he didn't know anything.

Suddenly, the light above Zecter's head flashed in their hands, and a line of words projected in Tong Sheng's hands: "Justice, genius!"

And the projected word in Su Tao's hand is: "Rich and kind people!"

"I agree with the kindness in the back, but what the **** is the wealth in the front?" Su Tao stuck out his tongue and spit out.

"Maybe...just means having money..." Tong Sheng guessed that Su Tao had spent most of his research funds out of pocket money and then asked Su's mother to provide it.

"Sure enough, it's a krypton gold player..." The people thought from the bottom of their hearts, and at the same time they remembered the astronomical number of Sutaokhali's pocket money: three hundred and four hundred thousand...

At this moment, Tong Kong came over from a distance, still holding Kabuto's eyes in his hand.

"Hi! What are you talking about?" Tong Kong walked up and said hello.

"That's right!" Tong Sheng took out two kabuto-like belts from a box, handed one to Su Tao, and wrapped the other around his waist, explaining the matter by the way.

Tong Kong nodded suddenly: "So that's it! But I have this kabuto soul and don't need that anymore!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!" Tong Sheng motioned to the others to step back, and he and Tong Kong walked to the center of the field, "You will become a kabuto soul and fight with me in a moment. I want to see if I can use it..."

Tong Kong nodded, turned around and walked a few steps, then turned around, pressed the eye spirit, then put the eye spirit in, closed the lid and pushed the handle: "[Open your eyes! Kabuto! Speed ​​up now! CastOff!]"

Soon Tong Kong became a form similar to Markto, except that the horns on his head changed into one.

The Zecter in Tong Sheng's hand quickly switched to the transformation mode, and the two sickle hands were stretched out in front.

Tong Sheng slid Zecter on his belt and inserted it firmly: "Transform!"

Following Tong Sheng's command, Zecter also sent a response sound: "[Hensin!]"

Zecter flashed a burst of light, and the white-green armor quickly extended from the belt, gradually covering Tong Sheng's body like a nano reorganization.

The fact is that Tong Sheng's application is not nanotechnology, but molecular recombination, which is how his mobile phone becomes a locomotive.

The armor quickly covered his whole body. The sturdy armor looked heavy, and there were two cannons on his shoulders that resembled the mask of Kamen Rider Gatack.

The compound eyes are black, but there are various colors in the black.

"Kamen Rider Mantis!" Tong Sheng looked at his hand and silently reported the name of the knight.

Everyone held their foreheads helplessly when they heard this, but Su Tao smiled: "Mantis? It really is your style! I must be called Kamen Rider Beetle!"

Tong Sheng smiled and waved to Tong Kong: "Come and try to attack me!"

Hearing the words, Tong Kong summoned his eyes, spears, and swords, and walked to the front and severely slashed Tong Sheng's shoulder armor. Sure enough, the eye gun sword just wiped the flames on the shoulder armor, and did not cause much impact.

"The effect is good!" Tong Sheng nodded in satisfaction, and signaled Tong Kong to stay away, "Next, try the knight form!"

With that, Tong Sheng reached out and grabbed Zecter, and pulled the two praying mantis arms to the sides: "CastOff!"

When he pressed the mantis arm to the bottom, the armor on his body began to separate slowly. After Zecter responded: "[CastOff!]", the armor on his body finally exploded and bounced.

On his head are two small tentacles, and there are more mantis sickles on his arms.

"Very successful!" Tong Sheng nodded, indicating that Tong Kong could start.

Tong Kong accelerated under his feet, entered the clockup state and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Tong Sheng reached out and patted the button on the left side of the belt: "clockup!"


As Zecter sounded the response sound effect, Tong Sheng accelerated under his feet and entered the clockup state.

"Really fast..." Everyone was speechless.

However, Tong Sheng and Tong Kong who both entered the clockup wanted to fight, but Zecter issued a warning sound, and then the sound effect of ending the clockup came out: "[clockover!]"

"Huh?" Tong Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then the electricity that passed through him forced Zecter to activate the protection program and flew away to release the transformation.

"What's the matter?" Tong Sheng hurriedly lowered his head to look at the belt around his waist, but found that billowing smoke appeared on the button to start the clockup on the left. It was obviously that the clockup of that second caused it to overload.


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