Kamen Rider: Heisei Knights

Chapter 244: go home

"I know you guys want to relive the past!" Tong Kong and Tong Sheng struggled to hold the flame beholder and said in unison, "Can you stop it first?"

Zhang Muzhi yelled badly when he heard the words, and hurriedly broke free from Wan Zhi's tender embrace, raised his left hand wearing an eye bracelet and shouted, "You stop it! Don't fight!"

Sure enough, after receiving her instructions, the action of the Flame Eye Magic Envoy stopped and changed back to the appearance of non-combat.

Tong Sheng looked down at the smoking player's drive, and felt a little bit dumbfounded. After such a noise, another drive he could use was broken.

"It's a young birthday, and Wan Zhi yelled every day to enter the world of beholders to save you? You came back by yourself!" Tong Kong took off the Eyesoul driver and lifted his transformation, and sat down on the ground with a helpless smile.

Tong Sheng wanted to say something, but he looked at the smoking player drive in his hand and swallowed it back: "Let’s talk to you later... I almost have no drive available!"

Zhang Muzhi wanted to say something, but at a glance she saw that the beholder who had not accepted her order had disappeared by herself!

"What's going on?" Everyone present was taken aback.

At this moment, a short text message was sent from the eye-strengthening bracelet: "Amur has closed the channel for the beholder to enter the earth. Please do not call the beholder during this time, remember!"

"The result was still discovered..." Zhang Muzhi sighed helplessly, and Markto tried his best to seal off her spirit and send her back to the earth. As a result, there was still no way to borrow the power of the beholder on the earth.

Soon, she will briefly explain the things in the beholder world.

"So..." Tong Kong grabbed his hair in disbelief, "Your sisters are my... cousins?"

Wan Zhi even shouted out directly: "I... I actually drank the niece of the Demon King?"

Then he felt Zhang Muzhi's serious murderous aura, so he immediately added: "Why can't I be able to chase the half-alien Tong Sheng Su Tao?"

"Who is chasing whom?"


Enough jokes, Zhang Muzhi remembered an important thing: "Where is my change of clothes?"

Wan Zhi was taken aback when he heard the words and scratched his head in embarrassment: "A fire broke out accidentally because of a strange man attacking the house two days ago. The clothes in the closet were all burned..."


Seeing Zhang Muzhi getting angry, Su Tao strode over and grabbed her arm and laughed: "It's just a few clothes, I'll take you to buy it! Can I buy more high-end ones?"



At this moment, on a planet in another universe...

A sound of weapon collision broke the quiet hill, and a few white rabbits quickly skipped the grass, seeming to be avoiding something.

In the clearing on the top of the mountain, a golden-haired goddess was standing there, watching the two people calling in front of her.

If you look closely, you will find that this goddess is the first female Gao Siwu who had previously given Su Tao Mitao Sheng to coax the seed.

The two fighting were Su Chengfeng in orange armor and Hongtai Ge, the starting male in the form of the general.

Su Chengfeng turned sideways to avoid the opponent's stabbing, and then used the big orange pill to cut his arm.

Hong Tai followed his movements and pressed his arm downwards, avoiding Su Chengfeng's attack, and then swept Su Chengfeng away with a sweep of the Wushuang Saber.

"You can't return to the earth at this level!" Taking advantage of Su Chengfeng's failure to stand firm, Hong Tai speeded up his pace and flashed over, using the big orange pill to slash towards Su Chengfeng.

Su Chengfeng gritted his teeth and immediately waved the big orange pill to resist. The big orange pill of both sides collided with each other and flew out at the same time.

Hong Tai originally wanted to summon Dachengmaru back, but he suddenly remembered that he had said that he would not fight with Su Chengfeng with divine power. Wouldn't it be a face slap when he summoned him?

So the two glared at each other altogether, and at the same time ran to their own big orange pill.

Simply because of the terrain problem, Su Chengfeng's Dacheng Maru was not far away, he picked it up and put it behind the Wushuang Sabre with his backhand, and then inserted the orange lock seed into the slot of the Wushuang Sabre.

"[Lockon! One. Ten. Hundred. Thousands. Ten thousand! OrangeCharge!]"

Su Chengfeng burst out and waved forward, using the orange energy to restrain Hong Tai in the middle.

But Hong Tai was a **** in the end, he waved his knife to destroy the orange energy and rushed towards Su Chengfeng.

Hong Tai stabs Su Chengfeng straight with his Wushuang saber. Su Chengfeng gritted his teeth and quickly fell back to avoid the stabbing, and then slid down the hillside.

Hong Tai laughed loudly, jumped onto the place where Su Chengfeng slid, and shouted at the bottom: "Is this not enough?"

However, just as he looked down, he saw that Su Chengfeng had turned into an orange formation and feathered form and aimed at him with a sonic crossbow.

"When will it be replaced?" Hong Tai was shocked, even though he was not so fast when he was on Earth or as a human!

The corner of Su Cheng's mouth rose slightly, and he buckled the energy lemon onto the sonic crossbow: "I must go back this time!"

"[LockOn! LemonEnergy!]"

A row of sliced ​​energy lemon slices along the shooting port locked Hong Tai's position.

Su Chengfeng released the bowstring, and an energy arrow shot out from the launch port, passing through the energy lemon slice and hitting Hong Tai.

A puff of smoke dissipated, Hong Tai still stood there intact, obviously Su Chengfeng's attack could not hurt him at all.

"That's all right?" Wu walked over from behind and pulled La Hongtai's arm.

Hong Tai put away the drive and lifted his transformation, revealing his original appearance. He stretched out his hand, controlled the plants on the ground to send Su Chengfeng up, and patted his shoulder: "It's beautiful! If it weren't for the suppression of equipment and power, you would have defeated me just now!"

"Hong Tai..." Seeing that Su Chengfeng's expression was a little bad, Wu raised his head and glared at Hong Tai.

However, Hong Tai didn't see it. He recruited a vine with the fruits of Heim's underworld: "Take the orange lock seed in your hand, and then take it off!"

Su Chengfeng heard the words, took off the lock seed and lifted the transformation, then walked to the front and stretched out his hand to pick the fruit.

Under the induction of the orange lock seed, the fruit quickly turned into an orange victory lock seed in an orange light.

"Shenghong Lock Seed... is very similar to that of Su Tao!" Su Chengfeng took Lock Seed in front of her eyes and looked at it carefully, with an unconcealable surprise in her eyes.

Hong Tai smiled awkwardly: "Your sister is a copy of this, okay?"

He said that he clenched his fist, and soon something appeared in his hand accompanied by a cloud of golden light.

Hong Tai opened his palm. It turned out to be the ultimate form of the key shape, the key!

Hong Tai took a few steps forward and put the pole key into Su Chengfeng's hand: "This is what you deserve!"

"This... won't it become overload if you use it too much?" Although Su Chengfeng received the key, he was still a little worried.

Hong Tai smiled slightly and patted his hand: "No, it will never happen to become a monster before you eat the golden fruit!"

As he spoke and waved his hand, a zipper tore the space apart, revealing the shadow of the earth coming from Su Chengfeng.

"Go, I can see that you would not choose to eat what golden fruit to become a god..." Hong Tai shook his head helplessly, "But no matter what, don't let Baron in your world get the golden fruit, otherwise it will be me. I can't help you either!"

Su Chengfeng installed the lock seed and laughed: "The Baron in my world is simply a villain for the purpose of unscrupulous means? I really hope that there will be a Baron like a pattern-fighting ring..."

"So this is what you have to do!" Hong Tai patted his shoulder and confessed, "After the last person is born, the golden fruit will automatically come to your world, so we can't help you."

Su Chengfeng nodded, and walked quickly to the crack, but still stopped and looked back at them: "I can see you in the future?"


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