Kamen Rider: Heisei Knights

Chapter 429: Lost time

The time train TimeLiner whizzes through the time canyon.

Yi Li lay on the window and stared out the window blankly, as if thinking about something.

"Hey Yili! What's the matter?" Taotarus asked, patting him on the shoulder.

Yi Li sighed long after hearing the words, "It's nothing...just thinking of the parents who died when they were five years old..."

"Parents who died..." The strange demons in the carriage were all taken aback when they heard this.

"It's very similar to Ryotaro!" Kintarus lowered his voice.

Taotarus smiled. He stretched out his hand and patted Yi Li's shoulder: "I miss my parents, right? Anyway, we don't have a car captain here. Why don't you just go back to when you were five and have a look?"

"No need..." Yi Li smiled and declined Taotarus' kindness.

At this moment, Long Talos suddenly screamed and pointed out the window and said: "Look at it! What is that?"

Taotarus got up impatiently and walked over, and pulled him away: "What's so beautiful? In the Time Gorge, there is sand except sand..."

However, the next moment he was speechless, because he saw that the time gorge was full of terrifying skeleton soldiers!

"Skull...skeleton soldier!!" Taotarus was taken aback and shouted hysterically.

Putarus couldn't help but smiled: "I said senior, are you afraid of skeletons?"

"No, no! There is a skeleton dog there!"

As soon as Taotarus's voice fell, the train shook suddenly, and everyone in the shocked car almost fell. Then, the train stopped strangely.

"What's going on?" Yi Yi was squeezed, and immediately bypassed the four alien gods and ran to the entrance of the train.

Open the car door, it doesn't matter if you don't look at it, he was frightened at a glance, the train wheels were actually hanged by skeletons!

Seeing this, Yi Li also got a general idea: "It seems that this is what Tong Sheng said!"

The train couldn't move anyway, so he simply jumped off the train and took out the pass from his pocket. However, the next moment, he found that he could not move.

"Ah...Zig!" Yi Li said helplessly.

Sure enough, Zieg jumped off the train and got into his body.

"That stinky bird!" Through the window of the car, Taotarus found that the situation was not good, and he didn't even want to hurriedly pushed Putarus away and jumped off the train.

Zieg yawned and waved his pass in front of him. A belt inlaid with golden bird patterns flew from a distance and wrapped it around his waist.

"This stinky bird! If you don't come out at the critical moment, you don't need you to run out to grab the position of Lao Tzu!" Taotarus became angry, and rushed to grab Zieg.

With a light effort, Zieg pushed Taotarus away in a cold voice: "Retainer, leave me, let the prince come here!"

"Who is your retainer!" This time, the four demon gods unexpectedly united, and they went back in unison.

Zieg didn't bother to care about them, grabbed the pass, and swept the pass in a burst of melodious music.


The white light instantly enveloped him, covering him with a layer of white body, and then, the bird-shaped accessories belonging to Zieg emerged from the side, and they were put together on him in turn.

With a light wave of his hand, Zige lifted his right finger to the sky among the feathers falling in the sky and said elegantly: "Come here, ready to go!"

"Everyone listen to me!" Yi Li's voice rang, "These skeleton soldiers may be the trouble Tong Sheng said!"

Taotarus got up from the ground when he heard the words, and drew out his own sword and shouted, "That's easy! Go! Go! Go! Go!"

"Rugged man!" Zieg snorted and took four pieces of accessories from his waist to form a hand axe and a dart.

Speaking slightly, he jumped forward and rushed into the skeleton soldier, with the other hand behind his back during the whole process.

"In the end...Who is the reckless man?" Putarus spread his hands helplessly, took out the weapons with the other two, and killed them together.

Zieg suddenly stood still in the center of the Skeleton Soldier and threw the dart in his left hand.

Then, he quickly took out his pass and swept it in front of his belt: "[FullCharge!]"

"Boom!" In the sound of an explosion, the skeleton soldier was cleared out.

Just as they breathed a sigh of relief, a clapping voice came from behind them: "As expected of the electric king and the strongest alien god!"

Everyone hurriedly followed the prestige, but it was a gray weird man wearing a cloak.

"What the **** are you?" Taotarus asked loudly, pointing at the opponent with a broad knife.

The man's originally grinning face suddenly changed, and he said, "My name erases the envoy, and specially came to this Time Canyon to take away the Time God Stone on my lord's order!"

"The God Stone of Time!" Yi Xia's head clenched, he had heard Tong Sheng talk about this before.

Yi Li lowered his voice and quietly spread science to everyone: "It probably means that the time **** stone is an artifact that controls the power of time, and half of it is in Tong Sheng..."

"So it seems that the other half is in the canyon at this time?" Putatarus was also startled when he heard the words.

"That's right!" Erase suddenly laughed, he clapped his hands and walked slowly to them, "Then I invite you to...disappear!"

As he said, a gray energy suddenly gathered on his hands, and as he clapped his hands lightly, it spread to Yili and them.

"What's this..." Taotarus just wanted to say something, but found that his body had turned into sand unknowingly.

"Senior...I..." Putarus also clutched his chest in pain.

Even Zige was forced to separate from Yi Li and fell to the ground.

"Hey! What's the matter with you?" Yi Li was taken aback and leaned down to check their situation.

However, when his hand touched the nearest Zieg, his body turned into a pile of sand and disappeared!

"Zig!!" Yi couldn't help but widened his eyes, only to find that Taotarus and the others quickly turned into sand and disappeared in front of him!

"This..." Yi Li couldn't believe it, rushing to grab the sand they turned into.

"Taotaros...Putaros...kintaros...Longtarus...Zig..." Holding the sand that had lost its vitality, Yi Li's tears couldn't help but fall.

Meeting with Taotarus and the others, fighting together, the scene of squatting on the train quickly slipped through his mind.

Eraser looked at Yi Li, and was stunned: "Is it special? It's interesting!"

There was a grinning smile on his face, and then a black light flare gathered in his hand and threw it towards Yi Li.

Just about to hit Yili, a miserable shape of a cow, a green and black train drove out from a distance, directly separating him from Yili.

A green knight jumped out of the car, picked up Yi Li, and got on the train.

"Companion?" Erase was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, "Forget it, what is the use of an incompetent guy?"

After he finished speaking, he stomped his feet vigorously, and there was a loud noise on the ground of Time Canyon under his feet, and then a huge hole was opened.

Under the crack, there was half a stone emitting orange light.


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