Kamen Rider: Heisei Knights

Chapter 479: Believe in the heart

Sheng Dingli gently raised his right hand, a tiger claw gathered on his wrist.

With a light movement under his feet, he flashed to the front at an extremely fast speed, and slashed at Elsery with a tiger claw.

Altheri didn't dodge, smiled weirdly, and her figure became illusory.

"Take a rest and cast illusion!" Elsa immediately expanded the indigo flame in her hand and spread it to the entire second floor of Pandora Tower.

Sure enough, Elsery, who was under Sheng Dingli's attack, disappeared and appeared next to him instead.

Sheng Dingli's compound eyes flashed suddenly, and a large amount of soil appeared from under his feet, forming a wall in front of him.

Sheng Dingli used this wall as a force point to quickly change direction, and slashed at Al Serei with a claw.

The claws slammed into Al'seri, and a spark was immediately ignited.

Before she could stand still, Di Zou suddenly opened a magic circle under her feet and blasted her directly into the air.

Sheng Dingli took the opportunity and immediately grabbed the handle of the drive and turned a few times: "[Readygo! EvolticGroundClockFinish! Ciao!]"

Sheng Dingli jumped, and a large amount of soil flew out from under his feet, forming a line to tie Al Serei in the middle.

Then, he roared, kicked down the landslide made up of mud, kicked Altheri away with one kick, hit the wall fiercely, and then fell to the ground.

"Damn it! A trivial human dare to humiliate my old lady like this!" She turned over and yelled up to the sky.

A burst of black and purple energy gathered around her, and as her shouts spread out to the surroundings, where each light spot fell, a horrible mummy crawled out.

"Ah! What is this?" Yin Yueling was startled by the sight in front of her, and a chill burst out of her body, and in a moment she sealed all the corpses that had crawled out in the ice.

Elsa stretched out her hand and pressed her shoulder to comfort her: "Okay, Yueling, those are all hallucinations!"

Di Zou smiled proudly with his hips akimbo: "Haha! So, the so-called illusory demon can't do anything except illusion?"

"Really? A human magician?" Al Serei suddenly smiled evilly, and his hands quickly made an unintelligible seal.

The floor under Di Zou's feet suddenly turned red, but he did not dodge, standing still: "Illusion and..."

As soon as the voice fell, a scorching flame suddenly spurted out of his feet, rushing him directly out and hitting the ground.

"How come?" Although it is not a big deal to be sprayed by flames, the mental shock is still too great.

"It's a tangible illusion!" Elsa hurriedly stepped forward to help him up and looked at the enemy in front of him. "This illusion will directly affect the opponent's nervous system, allowing the senses such as vision and touch to believe the illusion together!"

Sheng Dingli gritted his teeth, pulled the hourglass out of the drive, turned to the red side up, and then pressed the start switch.


Then he backhanded the hourglass into the drive again, then grabbed the handle and turned it.

"[SolidFlameTime! Areyou ready?]"

A wind hourglass quickly shrouded him in, and the flames flowing from the upper part quickly surrounded him.

"[Red Lotus Flame! Yay!]"

Sha quickly withdrew, Sheng Dingli slammed his hand, throwing away the flames on his body, and his original brown body also turned red.

At the moment when he finished switching forms, a huge western dragon rushed towards him.

Sheng Dingli slammed forward, but smashed empty, there was nothing in front of him.

Then another huge wild leopard rushed over, and Sheng Dingli thought, "This is also an illusion!"

But the next moment, the wild leopard actually touched him and threw him to the ground.

Sheng Dingli was shocked, and quickly pulled the tiger paw on his right hand back, and a launch port bounced out from a distance.


Sheng Dingli pressed the launching port to the chest of the wild leopard, squeezed the trigger on the handle, and a flame bomb shot out from the launching port, blasting the wild leopard directly.

Seeing this scene in front of her, Elsa thought of the content of the book: "What is born out of nothing, seeing is a continuation, false and true, true and false. This is... a tangible illusion!"

Di Zou got up from the ground, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Where can Tong Sheng find the book for you?"

Elsa shrugged: "Then you have to ask the Earth Library."

Sheng Dingli felt a numb scalp, and didn't know what to do. He could only attack together regardless of whether it was hallucinations or not.

Al Serre just stood there, quietly watching the bewildered people in front of her.

The corners of her mouth cocked, and suddenly, the entire Pandora Tower was shaking, and a small explosion exploded behind them.

The strange thing is that after the explosion, a protective net was created, which wrapped the first and second floors of Pandora Tower from the inside to the outside, and it continued to expand upward.

"What is this?" Everyone looked up at the protective net that was gradually expanding around them, bewildered.

But the answer to them is more and more hallucinations of not knowing the truth or not.

Sheng Dingli gritted his teeth and squatted on the ground, his physical strength was already a little weak, but he didn't even touch Al Serei!

"Believe in your heart!" Irene who has been behind suddenly said, "Listen to your heart, everything will be fine!"

Hearing his wife's words, Sheng Dingli couldn't help but feel in his heart for a while. Yes, he has been doing something against his heart for revenge since his wife's death. It's also time to listen to the real voice in my heart.

He gave a wry smile, stood up, pulled out the hourglass, turned the purple face up, and then pressed the start switch: "[WindClock!]"

Then, he backhanded the hourglass into the drive, grabbed the drive's handle and turned it: "[SolidWindTime! Areyouready?]"

The shadow of the hourglass enveloped him again, and a purple storm quickly fell from the upper part, surrounding Sheng Dingli.

"[The gust of purple power! Yay!]"

The huge hourglass quickly withdrew, and as Sheng Dingli waved his hand, the hurricane on his body was thrown away, and everyone who was blowing could hardly open their eyes.

The original red body has also become purple, which represents the blast of purple electricity.

He gently stretched his hand forward, and an axe made up of purple and blue patterns was sent down the pipe to his hand.


"Listen to the inner voice..." He closed his eyes lightly, holding the father and son, and walked forward slowly.

A huge dragon rushed towards Sheng Dingli, but he did not respond. Sure enough, this was an illusion.

Another ten-meter-long wind python bit him, Sheng Dingli suddenly raised his hand and struck it with an axe.

Sure enough, the python was hit, and it turned into fragments in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of monsters rushed towards him, Sheng Dingli frowned, quickly pulled out the hourglass and inserted it into the slot of the axe.

"If there are true and false, then solve it all at once!"

"[Readygo! WindTimeBreak!]"

A layer of purple lightning was wrapped around the axe blade, and Sheng Dingli waved his axe and slashed towards the monsters in front of him.


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